The Arcadia System

Chapter 191 - The Mountain Peak(1)

Chapter 191 – The Mountain Peak(1)

Reve's destructive potential was something he could not attempt to estimate. He agreed he was not that powerful in the world of Arcadia. Yet, when it came to a battle between him and weaker beings, there were no questions…he would absolutely decimate them. 

Facing the assembly of front guards, Reve used the trees in the environment to attack them. 

It rose in the air, gaining the momentum it needed to transform into a powerful attack. 

Still maintaining a certain altitude in the air, Reve pointed his fingers downwards, 'What a sad life?!'

The trees and tiny wooden shards blitzed towards the front guards. Each item was just like a shooting star. It was sudden, but while it still lived, it was absolutely dazzling!

Some of the guards used their brains to deduce that an attack made with natural tree shards wouldn't affect warriors like them, but when their bodies contacted the shards, they were beyond livid!

"Heavenblight!, what is this?!"


The power of the shards had escaped the confines of logic. Immediately they hit their bodies, they would disintegrate, but not before dealing sufficient damage.

It all took them by surprise, giving them no time to erect their defense techniques. They were caught off guard, and that was the end!

After the rain of attack was done, no single guard was left standing. They were all buried in the earth, albeit still breathing, just like Reve calculated. 

Feeling his muscles being strained, Reve panted, "The after-effects of the battle with the knight still lingers. To think I can only do this much without succumbing to weariness."

This made him wonder whether it was a wise choice to seek Black Market at this time. 

On second thought, it was probably better this way. There was no time like the present. If he simply waited till he fully recuperated, he would have lost the ideal time to strike a deal with the leaders of Black Market. 

Reve glanced at the defeated guards, "I need to move on. They won't stay down for long."

He ignored his body state and focused on the task at hand. Wanting to converse his energy, Reve deactivated [Morai] and [Enchant Body: Demon].

He walked past the trees, increasing his pace as he went so as to optimize his energy. 

Soon, Reve reached the gigantic mountain which Dorian suspected to be the base of Black Market. He was just about to begin his upward journey to the mountain's peak when he heard something. 

"Cease!! Who are you?!"

He looked at the trees on the mountain. On some of them were guards with identical clothes to the other guards he met at the mouth of the mountain region. Instantly, he understood that these were higher-level guards that were positioned here to protect this particular mountain if the other guards failed…which in this case, they did. 

Reve sighed and introduced himself, "I'm Kim–"

"We do not care who you are. Go back to where you came from or we shall see this as a provoked attack!"

A group of the guards wore light outfit sets that were popularized by the elves. This outfit, combined with their bows, created one of the most destructive classes of fighters in all of Arcadia. 

Reve noticed that their arrows glowed with a wide spectrum of lights. They were arrows imbued with the power of mana or ki, something that the other guards weren't capable of pulling off. 

Reve had only seen one person achieve this feat, and it did not end ugly. 

He wryly smiled, "Can I ask that you do not point that at me?"

The main speaker of the guards laughed, "He asks us to point down our weapons?! Surely, he jests!! Archers, let's kill this fucker. We shall send him back to his mother, in pieces."

A sigh once again escaped Reve's lips. Dark bags of circles were evident under his eyes. Nevertheless, he still quipped, "That hurts, really. I never had a mother."

As he spoke, a blue streak brightened in his eyes and he rose up from his ground. Ignored the surprise of the guards since they have never seen a man fly before, Reve danced in the air before rushing at the group. Like always, his figure could not be seen







At the peak of the giant mountain, a few guards stood on standby beside the large mansion that housed their leaders. 

"Do you hear that?" asked one of the guards 

He walked to the edge of the mountain peak and lent his ear to the wind. He couldn't hear anything anymore. 

'It must have been nothing,' thought the guard. 

He turned back to his colleagues, "Its'—-"

All of a sudden, a bright light exploded in the hazy sky. The guards' faces tightened and they forced their sight on the flashes of light flickering above. 

They couldn't discern the state of the light. 

The flickering light settled after it crashed into the earth. In its place were two figures, one on top the other. 

The one beneath resembled the guard leader of the second vanguard while the one on top was someone the guards could not recognize. 

He kept punching the guard leader with a powerful force that bore similarity to that wielded by the mystical giants.

All the while, he muttered, "First, you interrupt my greetings. Then, you insult my non-existent mother. There's no way in hell you are leaving my grasp."

The guard leader laughed while he threw in a few good punches that remained futile in the end, "You fucker! Heh, so that's what this is all about."

"Of course," huffed Reve. 

He sent a final punch that knocked out the guard leader. 

With rigid movements, he stood up and turned to the other guards he had noticed a while ago, "Greetings, I'm—"

Suddenly, he fell to his knees and held his head wildly. He could feel a thousand pins creating tiny holes in his brain and it turned him insane. He wanted to scream yet his body failed to recognize that normal reaction. 

This was the repercussion of overusing the skills from the [Path of Secrets]. Its been a while since he felt this bad. 

Of all places this could happen at, why was it here, in a place that he had already sowed bad karma?

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