The Arcadia System

Chapter 195 - Sisterhood Of Naamah

Chapter 195 – Sisterhood Of Naamah

The nights of Starhold were always so brilliant. 

All sorts of men and women came out of their recluse to take part in the depravity that could only exist under the blankets of the stars. 

They reveled in the sensation that the moonlights gave them. The perfect balance of coldness that it produces upon hitting their tender skins. And the way it beckoned at them to show their true self. 

Reve quite liked this spectacle. 

It had been a while since he had been walking around, but he wasn't tired yet. In a way, the wildness of the night was comfortable to him. 

It reminded him of his wildlife as a white arcadian cat, where death was present in every corner and the sheer randomness of it was ludicrous if one thought deeply into it.

However, Reve was not simply here to admire the beauty of the night. If he wanted to, he could have chosen a top spot where his inhuman eyes could spot every side of Starhold. 

Reve was here on a self-assigned mission. 

Having just finished securing a deal with Black Market, he had to do a bit of promotion on his side. He waited till night came before he took to action. 

Reve finally stopped walking. His eyes looked forward at a large mansion that existed at the end of a particular street. The stalls of the streets were empty, and the mansion proved to be the only thing that the street possessed.

An enormous crowd gathered around this mansion. Lines of humans flowed into the open gates and entered the mysterious front door of the mansion. 

Each time the door opened, Reve would see flashes of dazzling lights escape the mansion and protrude the dark spaces of air. 

Each time it opened, he would see a particular female shaking her hips as she welcomed the guests.

The main issue here was that this seductive lady couldn't exactly be tagged as well-dressed.

Heck, she wasn't even dressed. The only part of her body that Reve could see, her upper body, was bare, and her abundant milky breast became emphasized by the escaping lights each time the door opened. 

Yet, Reve showed no signs of surprise. 

That was to be expected from a brothel, was it not?

Moreover, this wasn't just any brothel. This was the prime brothel in all of Starhold, as could be discerned from the sizeable crowd it gathered. 

This was the Sisterhood of Naamah!

'Truly tempting. However, I am here on official business,' Reve convinced himself. 

In truth, he could pick anywhere else, but the Sisterhood of Naamah had a large congregation of guests of all types. If he wanted to do what he planned, this would be the best spot.

As for what he planned, it was nothing else than to lay the groundwork for Dragontail to succeed at Black Market's auction.

'I have to be unnoticeable.'

Reve hid in a corner and muttered, "[Zero Form]!"

His body began the transformation process and, in less than five minutes, he had changed into his original form, his cat form. 

After hiding his pair of antlers, Reve joined the crowd. 

Now, cats are good at mixing with crowds. They could practically become unnoticeable in large congregations like this. That was why he chose this form. 

As he went through the gaping holes between the humans' legs, he finally found what he was looking for. Just at another corner of the street laid a drama spectacle that was just begging for viewership!









Alan Danet was your regular unfortunate human.

Being the son of a lowly baron that ruled over a normal village town situated in the suburban parts of Starhold, he was easily looked down on by his peers.

It didn't help matters that he received private education but did not bother to learn the mystical paths. Alan had actively chosen his fate as a mortal, wanting to dwell in all the fine delicacies the mortal world had to offer. 

His gang of nobles saw this as a sign of cowardice and looked down at him. Of course, they weren't any better, were they?

Despite boasting of being mages and warriors, their highest feats were getting admitted to NIRA Academy, an institution that would always accept nobles. 

What about after that?

How fine of a mage and warrior were they?

The way Alan saw it, they were worse than him. They forced themselves on another world and remain at the bottom tier, while he was contented being a mortal with a finite lifespan.

However, he dared not say that or they would gang up on him once more, like they always do. They would rob him of his cash and leave him in tatters and he would go home to his father, hiding the fact that he was being bullied by his peers. 

This routine had been paused when his peers left to complete their second academic semester.

He was beyond happy at his new lease on life. Alan could now pace around Starhold without fearing for his life. 

He celebrated this freedom a lot by going to his favorite brothel, the Sisterhood of Naamah. Yet…..

Yet….he had forgotten that his peers would be back on holiday.


A punch landed on his chest, "Give me your coins, Alan. Don't be foolish. You know the routine!"

The person that punched him was one of his peers, Mathias Hardwood. He was a sweet boy in his younger years. Yet, just like most bottom-ranked nobles, he grew up to become such a terrifying monster.

Using his knight training, Alan blocked the next punch but, out of nowhere, someone kicked his legs and he fell face-flat. 

The owner of those wicked legs picked him up with one hand and drove a punch in his guts. 

Alan winced, "Ahhhh."

Seeing as his training still proved futile, he confessed, "I don't have any money, I swear. I used it all."

The person, whom Alan recognized to be Derrick, sneered, "No, correction. You don't have any money with you right now. You are a young Lord. You know better than to present yourself as a walking cash cow"

The third in the group smacked his lips, "We don't have time to waste on this useless fool. Make quick do of him and let's leave"

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