The Arcadia System

Chapter 208 - The Circle Of The Willow

Chapter 208 – The Circle Of The Willow

The whistling silence echoed all around him. 

As soon as he took his first step into the room, he got sucked by a mysterious force. Reve found himself in a dark space where he could not see anything or feel anything. 

He didn't know whether to panic or not, as it was almost impossible for his senses to be impaired.

'Well, this certainly doesn't look good.'

The hair on his skin has been raised to the maximum as he continued walking aimlessly in the dark space. Looking down, he saw nothing, not even the ground he was walking on. 

It made it look as if he was walking on air, but Reve knew that was not the case. His feet touched solid ground.

…..or was he hallucinating?

"Child, What is your name?"

A voice whispered into his ears. 

Reve reacted in shock, turning sideways to meet whoever it was, but saw nobody.

He cursed inwardly, 'Damn, why does this situation always happen to me?'

"Damn, why does this situation always happen to me?"

Reve was shocked, "…"

Were his ears malfunctioning or did he just hear his thoughts echoing in the dark space?

Reve thought again, to confirm, 'Hmmm…..'


It was certain now. His thoughts weren't private anymore. At least, his surface thoughts were clear as crystal in this dark space. 

Sighing, Reve ignored this discovery and focused on the voice that whispered to him, "I am Bartho–"

Immediately he said that, an immaterial claw descended from above and slashed at him. He brought his arms together to block it, but the claw could not be stopped. It went through his body and came out, not long after. 

Reve wondered if it was just a scare tactic. 

Yet, before he could think further, sharp lines opened on his skin. Blood seeped out like the water gushing from a fountain. The lines formed the imprint of a claw on Reve's body, bringing him tremendous pain that was both physical and mental. 

He fell to the ground and screamed. The pain was unbearable . He could feel his heart tearing out. His inner anatomy followed suit as they crumbled to make way for the claw wound.

Blood gushed out of his eyes, leading him to panic. So he shouted out loud, "My name is Reve Amethyst. Reve Amethyst."

Those few words made whoever had a grip on him cease the attack. The claw wound on his body closed tightly, disappearing with no evidence that it was ever there.

The unknown figure whispered again, "Reve Amethyst….a magical name. Do not lie to me again."

"Yes," panted Reve. 

He thought as much. This unknown figure could easily detect his lies.

"Tell me, Reve Amethyst, is this your true form?"


Being wise, Reve removed all his transformations. The sensation of nakedness was all he felt after he was done. A red hue creased to his face. He had never felt more embarrassed. 

What made him embarrassed was that the voice told him to strip. It commanded him in such a condescending tone. 

After his transformation, Reve waited for the voice to speak up again. 

As if carried by the ghostly winds, the voice whispered, "Reve Amethyst. Such a peculiar name. Such an outstanding form. You make such a peculiar sight. There is something about you that you are hiding from the world, isn't there?"

Reve gritted his teeth, "Yes."

"You are free to keep your secret. However, for what purpose did you come here?!"

The soothing voice aged a bit as it rained in the form of thunder roars on Reve. His mind shook as he bore the brunt of this vengeful voice.

"I want a passage to the Circle of the Willows."

"Oh, you do, now? How did you know to seek this place?"

Reve patiently answered, "Gawyne Drateel gifted me the encrypted direction. It wasn't so hard to decode it. A bunch of arcanites characters isn't tough for an arcanist." 

"Oh, your mouth is loose, I see? Young Gawyne gave you the coordinates. He must have been so desperate to offer you our secret. Tell me, what did you do to him?"

The voice raged again, and the dark space shook in response. Fear filled Reve's eyes as he fell to the immaterial ground, feeling the black aura coalesce violently around his body. 

For one second, he went through a series of mental hallucinations. He saw himself die in a thousand ways he never thought he could.

In the following second, his mind jolted from the mental influence, and he regained his true self.

Reve smiled all the way, "It was a mutual deal. I help him alleviate his children's curse, and he gives me Vaddon Drateel's journal, which seems to lie in your hands. Fear not, I would not dare harm a family associated with your coven."

"The Curse of Nimiel….?! What lies did you fill in his head? The curse has no cure. It has taken the lives of countless mages," accused the voice. 

"I know of a way to cure it. I succeeded where you failed," boasted Reve. 

Knowing he had to prove his arrogant claims, Reve told the voice about how exactly he planned on curing the twins. He went into deep details and enriched its knowledge. 

The silence that ensued told him enough of the voice's state. It was utterly surprised. 

"Such a method is plausible. Hmmmm…I understand. There is always a loophole when it comes to magic. To think a mere magical beast would have found it. How wonderful the wheel of fate is?"

The voice looked down on Reve and the latter could feel this condescending attitude so well. It was absolutely ludicrous!

Reve was not someone to look down on.

He was Reve Amethyst, the heir of a true god, the student of an immortal, a young titan!

No one had the rights to look down on a talented being like him!

Nevertheless, he hid the detest he harbored for the voice, "So, can I ask for passage into the coven or will you give me what I want, right here?"

"No! Your deal with Gawyne does not concern us. You can take your leave now!"

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