The Arcadia System

Chapter 219 - Marya And The Portraits

Chapter 219 – Marya And The Portraits

"How can someone steal our prized possession under our nose?" frowned Ianthe. 

She faced the willow, "Your majesty, do you know who did this?"

Amaya commented, " Relax, Ianthe. The pocket space is the most safeguarded place in the coven. For someone to steal from underneath it would mean that her majesty didn't think it was just a big deal."

Reve saw something in the chest, "There's a letter."

Hearing his words, Ianthe dipped her hand into the chest and brought out the thin slip of paper






[ Dear Elders,

 I am familiar with the stories of Vaddon Drateel. I have been told that he was such a fine man to the end. So, I wonder, why leave the fruits of his hard work in a chest that wouldn't be opened for another millennial?

 Is this your way of paying respect to his legacy? Do you plan on burying his greatest proof of existence?

 Knowing that you would be stubborn to the end if I questioned you, I decided to take matters into my own hands. 

 I shall hereby remain anonymous as I announce that I have taken Vaddon's journal to put it into good use. Do not worry, I would not put his legacy to shame.







Reading this letter, Ianthe scoffed, "Anonymous? She thinks she can remain anonymous. Hehehehehehe."

Accompanying her derisive laughter was a vengeful shout that scared almost all lifeforms away, "Marya!!!!"

"Oh goodness, that girl never ceases to amaze me," chided Amaya.

"Marya strikes again. This remains her best act."

"I never would have thought she would target our esteemed treasury. Surely, she is out of her mind."

They left Reve in his stupor, "Might I ask who is this Marya?"

"Marya is….hehehehe, well, you will find out yourself," laughed Nesryn. 

Something about the matter was funny as all the elders revealed amusing expressions. Yet, Reve was not following. 

He was merely here to grab his reward. How did a notorious witch manage to muddle his plans?

'Hmm….' smiled Reve. 

He was barely able to keep himself together. The only thing that kept him from exploding was the group of elders in front of him. It wouldn't do good to show his enraged self. 

Reve's mouth twitched, "So, I can assume that you know this anonymous witch? Marya is her name, isn't it?"

"Yes, do not worry about it. I know just where to find her," sighed Amaya. 

"…..and where is that?" asked Reve. 

Amaya simply smiled, "Ianthe, I will take it from here." she nudged at Reve, "Follow me."

Reve did as she asked. He quickly realized that the mouth of the willow was on ground level and not underground like he had expected. 

Just how had he managed to walk to the surface? 

Nevertheless, he noted that the willow tree was the huge tree he saw a while ago when he had just arrived at the coven!






A few minutes later, Amaya and Reve arrived at a long but slim tower that Reve estimated to be three stories at least.

"Is this the home of this Marya?" whispered Reve. 

Surely, anyone that lived in a structure like this was a cause of concern. He was starting to get worried here. 

'Damn, why am I always stuck in this type of situation?' panicked Reve. 

Amaya knocked on the door subtly, "Reve, any last words?"

"What do you mean?" replied Reve, who had already jumped backward.

"I'm just joking. Relax, Marya is a lovely lady. She won't kill you. Well, she would try to, but I don't think that she can–"


"Pfft! You should have seen your reaction. I will be honest. All you need to do is walk in there and request for Vaddon's journal."

"…and what happens after that?"

"Well, see for yourself….."

The door opened but no one was behind it, leaving Reve to possess second thoughts about venturing into the tower.

Trying to help him, Amaya pushed him into the tower as her voice flowed into his ears, "Contrary to what the others believe, Marya is not crazy. All her actions carry meaning. So, I believe that she stole Vaddon's journal for a reason. Most likely, it is tied to—"

The door closed and Amaya's voice was extinguished.

Afterward, Reve saw a clear path that led to a staircase. It seemed that was his destination. As he walked on the staircase, he discovered something puzzling.

'Oh damnation, what is this now?!' stressed Reve.

On the walls were portraits of various figures. It was clear that they were painted by hand, but something about that discovery made the painting more attractive. 

When Reve stared further, he realized that the figures were abstract. There was no way he could make out what their original form was. 

Hence, he kept on moving.

He soon got to the upper floor and entered the tall door that presented itself in his view.

Entering it, the first thing that caught his sight were the continuation of portraits that hung on the wall. He understood that they were drawn by the same artist based on the similar style between all the portraits, both the one on the stairs and the one here. 

He cursed as, this time, he could see the portraits clearly, "Oh, fuckery!"

The identity of the figures were….well, they were him!

More specifically, the figures were his various forms. 

Reve as a white arcadian cat, Reve in his [Prime Mode], Reve as Nexus cat. Reve of Azea. Reve in his [Tres Mode]. Lastly, there was even two of Kimon; Kimon without mask and Kimon with mask.

"What sort of pervert is this?" 

That was not even his major concern. His real concern was the fact that all these portraits were arranged together.

For instance, if another person saw this gallery, they would wonder what was the link between the 'Reve of Azea' painting, the Kimon painting, and the 'Reve in his [Tres Mode]' painting?

However, Reve knew the answer. 

They were all him. They were his faces!

Most of them were not public knowledge, especially his Kimon persona. Reve had gone extra lengths to make sure nobody would be able to link two and two together, and figure out the truth behind the personas. 


"You are here!" a melodious voice beamed, cutting Reve's thought train short. 

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