The Arcadia System

Chapter 222 - Lineages

Chapter 222 – Lineages

Sipping on the hot tea in his cup, Reve released a heated wisp of breath.

Amaya did the same while looking at him.

As soon as she was done, she placed her cup on the side table and spoke, "Before you leave, there is something you need to know."

"I figured that out since you brought me here. What is it?" sighed Reve.

Amaya started with a direct question, "What do you know about morrites?"


"I assume you are a master of knowledge. Seeker of History," chided Amaya. 

Reve smiled with gleaming eyes, "That which I am."

"So, tell me, what do you know about the history of morrites?"

Reve dug into his memory as he tried to produce something substantial, "It all started in the era of sins. The Morgana Throne had achieved a breakthrough in the magical experimentation of the fallens, physical remains of beings that could never be explained by any man. Up till that time period, not a single force could utilize the wonders of fallens."

"The Morgana Throne led by the auspicious feys had created a subspecies of faes. One that merged with the fallens. They were called Darklings, the ancestors of present-day dark elves. Now, the Morgana Throne reigned supreme, no kingdom could force them to reveal the secret of their success."

Having been tutored by an immortal witch, it would be strange if he didn't know the history of morrites.

In fact, he might even know more than the coven, but that was not ascertained yet. 

Reve went on with a brief summary, "This discovery shook the factions of Arcadia. It sparked a new flame in their heart, one that vowed to attain success in their respective fallen experimentation. And so, from this zeal came the morrites…or as they were known back then, the cursed ones!"

Amaya sipped her cup as she smiled, "As expected of a disciple, you know our history. Please go on."

"The peak forces came together under the moon's blessing. They discussed how to succeed in their experiments. From the brains of the smartest mortals alive, a theory rose up. It spoke about a mystical power dwelling in the fallens called Kyos. To access this power and achieve perfect 'fallen merging', a potion dubbed the Golden Potion was needed. They soon realized that the success of their diverse experiments boiled down on the profession called Alchemy."

"And so…..the period of blackness began."

"Many years later, the denizens of Arcadia heard of the first successful experiment. The man responsible was a human alchemist by the name Mikkel Mor. It was said that he created the best golden potion using the blood of a primo, a chunk of the philosopher's heart, the heart of a titan, and many more mystical objects. His black heart forced him to drown this potion in the bellies of his pregnant concubines and, as a result, his unborn children became the first morrites. A later term for the race in honor of his name."

Amaya nodded, "Mikkel Mor. He started the lineage of morrites known as the Arch Line."

Reve continued, "The second alchemist to succeed was Alchemist Tal. She used the blood of Terrans, the eye of a dragon, the pineal gland of a Fae, and the root of the world tree to manifest her very own brand of the golden potion."

Amaya included, "Hmmm….Her lineage of morrites was called the Tal Line"

"Archmage Karina was the prime third addition to the exalted group of alchemists. Her golden potion was made with natural heavenly oddities, most of which were said to have been founded in the Garden of Eden. Among the oddities are the golden-red apples, hallow aether crystals, water from the Fountain of Life, and divine morning dew."

"Her lineage is called the Kar Line," commented Amaya.

She took over the speech, "There were other alchemists but these three created the best golden potions and it didn't help that coincidentally they lived in the same location and time period."

Reve raised his brows, "…..That is the history of morrites."

"Yes, but there is one crucial detail that you missed. These three lineages have unique traits. The morrites that spawn out of this tend to be vastly different from the morrites in other lineages."

"Oh…." worded Reve.

"You had no idea about that, huh. It is not something every morrite talk about. I shall tell you then," replied Amaya. 

She took another sip of her tea before continuing, "Let's start with one of the aspects of Morrites; their Kyos. Kyos is the unknown power brimming in the fallens. To morrites, this power manifests into an innate ability that grants them powers still incomprehensible to the mages of Arcadia. Sometimes, it might be normal abilities. Sometimes, the Kyos borders on the line of insanity."

She went on, "The Tal line is one such lineage. Those from this lineage are prone to intense outbursts of emotions which temporarily augments the status of their kyos."

"The morrites of the Arch Line possess the best kyos. They are known for their general excellence, strong willpower, and immense magical prowess. To date, the number of morrites belonging to this lineage is minuscule. They are the least popular lineage among the prime three, this title could even be extended to among the other lineages."

"While the Arch Line remains the rarest lineage, the Kar Line assumes the role of the most problematic. Perhaps due to the immoderate pureness of the golden potion, most of its morrites, while remaining free from the influence of kyos, manifest personality disorders. They are crazy and their thought process could not be easily understood."

Reve ruminated on this new piece of information.

Circe had not told him this. He had always wondered what the different variations of golden potion meant to the race of morrites.

Now, he knew his answer.

It meant a diversity in lineage

"I'm guessing you are telling me this because of Marya, right?"


Reve sighed. He could predict what Amaya was about to say, especially when she had laid the foundation for her next words.

He spoke before she could open her mouth, "She is from the Kar Line, isn't she?"

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