The Arcadia System

Chapter 234 - Academy Begins

Chapter 234 – Academy Begins

'It has been a short yet exciting journey.'

Tomorrow was the beginning of the academy's second term. 

The person of Kimon would slumber while Reve of Azea takes the spotlight. 

Many things have happened over the past few weeks. 

For starters, the period of unrest in the Underworld had been concluded, in a dramatic fashion at that. 

Supposedly, a dark horse in the upper echelon rose up and took control of the situation. The figure started his reign over the prime organization by exterminating the other pest organizations vying for his seat.

This brought stability back to the Underworld, but the deed had already been done. Not many organizations could brag that they came out unscathed. Even the big ones took a few casualties. 

For instance, the Black Market was attacked multiple times and Kimon was called to assist them. Many of their executives died, especially during the last attack when a group of Lv.90 and above assassins came to claim Daniel's life. 

Together, he and Daniel thwarted their plans but not without sustaining heavy injuries. Reve remembered that he was in bed for a week, but that was still manageable. 

His relationship with Daniel had grown even stronger and the Black Market was indebted to him.

On the other hand, Black Hand has been washed away from the soils of Narva. 

Black Hand, being the sole culprit of many organizations' disappearance, was caught by the Defense Force, who had finally decided to intervene. 

This was only possible with one important betrayal; the betrayal of Venom Order. 

Up till now, the reason for such traitorous behavior was unknown. Black Hand became a pitiful victim in a span of just one night. 

It didn't help that their rumored parent organization was too busy with the chaos elsewhere that they failed to react in time. 

The ambush that caused the fall of Black Hand was said to have one tiny mistake; Morcan!

Morcan had escaped.

Reve did not know if this was true but there had to be a certain truth in this rumor. 

Morcan was, after all, a sneaky bastard. Possessing a few life-saving means was not beyond him. 

Anyway, Black Hand was no more, giving the Tribe of Somnia just the momentum they need to rise up. Although, Reve reckoned it wouldn't be long before another assassin organization try to fill the void Black Hand left. 

'Oh, yeah. I also got attacked a few times.'

As Kimon, Reve's life wasn't easy going. 

There were many events where his tenacity would be put into question. 

Sometimes, he was the one that initiated the attack, while most times, he was clearly the wronged one. 

The last time, he got so angry that he went on a killing spree, something unlike him. He destroyed many organizations, but ultimately, raised the white flag when the Defense Force stepped in. 

Those busybodies were a pest!

Somehow, they had made it their life mission to be present everywhere he was. 

'I have no idea whether to applaud their strong desire for order or to mock it.'

'Oh, that reminds me. I still have to take care of Demis' situation.'

Demis had come to one day, agreeing to join his cause like a tsundere. It was just as he expected. 

The King of Misery was immensely bored and would do anything to brighten his life. The same went for his friends who he represented. 

To be able to use Demis' and his companions' power effectively seemed to be a tough task. 

Elementals and Spiritons could not showcase their power in the physical plane.

Reve had an idea in mind of how to use them, but it would need further preparation. 

On the matter of preparation, the issue with the Drateel twins has not still been resolved. 

Nevertheless, they were in good health, thanks to the reagent he constantly provided them. Reve spent his time studying the curse. 

For him to curb it, he had to understand its traits perfectly. When he feels like he knows enough, he would start the actual recuperation process. 

'I even consulted Alchemist about the curse. Of course, I didn't reveal the full situation to him.'

While Alchemist remained a figure he was scared of, Reve found him to be knowledgeable. The experience he brought with him wasn't something to scoff at. 

On that topic, it seems like Alchemist would be following in his footsteps very soon. Daniel told him that Alchemist plans of forming his own organization. 

He even got his very first assistant/student. 

Whatever the case was, Alchemist got a lot of work cut out for him. Reve wouldn't be seeing him anytime soon 

As Reve self-reviewed, he looked at the clear moon and clenched his fist. 

'A step closer,' he thought. 

He had gotten yet another step closer to his goal. 

No, it could be said that everything was already set. The bait was hooked, all that was left was for the fish to appear. 

The Tribe of Somnia was a big organization in Starhold. He was just about two levels beneath the top organizations of Narva. Time to bring him higher. 

His relationship with the nobles was fine at least. 

Reve made sure he presented himself properly. He might not be friends of any son of duke, princes, princesses, but he would get there sooner or later, once the name of Reve of Azea became common in the mouths of the denizens. 

So, yeah, he was in the waiting period now. All he had to do was close his eyes and wait patiently for his efforts to become fruitful.

Reve repeated in his mind, 'A step closer!'

He took his sleep and prepared for the next day. 






The following day. 

Arcane Class.

"Welcome back, students. I hope you enjoyed your break because this term might just be the most terrific for you right now," Grand Mage Helias said. 

"We have wondered too much on the system of basic magic spells. Now, it is time to study the intricacies behind advanced magic spells and beyond. By the end of this term, I expect you to have evolved an intermediate magic spell."

The students moaned in displeasure. 

An intermediate magic spell was hard to master, not to talk of evolving. 

Reve was relatively safe as he had mastered magic spells of higher ranks. 

His [Frozen Gate] and [Yggdrasil] were intermediate rank so he was eager to know how to evolve them. 

Better yet, it seemed this term might touch upon the ability to break down magic circles.

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