The Arcadia System

Chapter 237 - The Fated World

Chapter 237 – The Fated World


Elderpass was the territory very close to the Hollow Woods. Occasionally, magical creatures would invade the region and the kingdom's knights would push them back, but it was always too late. 

The casualties were high. 

That was why Elderpass remained a region without no noble leading it. It was divided into rural villages. Those that lived there endured the poorest living conditions in Narva. 

In essence, it was basically an inhabitable region.

So, Reve could see how a mysterious man managed to amass a cult in this region. The people there were desperate and wanted the power he offered. 

Also, they might have been brainwashed, thinking they should forget about themselves and focus on something higher. 

All this was just speculation, but Reve felt he was probably right. 

After a while, he spoke to Bathos, "You may leave."

Bathos left the scene. 

Reve turned to Marya, "What do you think?"

As a seer, Marya had an excellent brain that he could not comprehend. If not for her obsession with him, he would have been cautious with her, putting her on his red list. 

Marya's intelligence was usually masked by her weirdness. 

If one thought deeply enough, they would find it disturbing that just one lady could study the profession of weapon-making, alchemy, and rune enchantment while still being in her 20s. This was absolutely preposterous. 

"Same thing as you. The Prophet is probably who you have been looking for. Based on the information provided, he is mentally influenced by something. He also has a goal, but it is unknown whether he needs a large mass of followers to achieve it. He also possesses a spatial item that can store living beings. The item you are looking for is spatial-aligned." 

"Yes, he might be the one I'm looking for. I will need to confirm that before I report to the Gehenna Order," thought Reve. 

His day had just taken a sudden turn and he was unsure whether it was for the worse or better.




A day later. 

The rumor quickly spread across Starhold and everyone seemed to be talking about it. They all had different opinions and conspiracies around it. 

Meanwhile, Reve couldn't wait any longer, "Marya, can you divine this person?"

Marya pouted, "Divination magic is dangerous. Especially future-scry. It comes with a lot of rules. One of them is the usage of life-force. The more one divined, the more one aged."

"So, you can't predict his movement?"

"Not really. While I can't divine his movements, I can employ tracking methods. It is also technical, but the cost is not too drastic."

"Tracking method?"

"Yeah. That is what I call a series of seer spells that I can use to track. For instance, I can summon one of his past memories to get insight on personality. Then, I can divine his recent past. From there on, I can sketch his movements based on my analysis…but"

Noticing Marya's downcast look, Reve asked, "But what?"

"I don't think that is possible, especially if The Prophet is the guy you are looking for."

"What do you mean?"

"Each living being has what we call life-codes. They are one's state of existence. The stronger one gets, the stronger their life-codes become. People with strong life-codes are our bane as the radiation of these life-codes disrupts our abilities, giving them immunity to it."

"Oh," said Reve.

"Also, anything or anyone associated with the person with a strong life-code is also granted immunity."

He was familiar with life-codes. That was why Reve could not use [Force] on his enemies' bodies. He had to resort to other means. 

"So, if what we think is actually right, The Prophet will have this immunity through his contact with the shards that house the titans."

Reve asked, "What if we are wrong?"

"I can try to check if we are right or wrong."

Reve was yet again surprised, "How?"

"The school of divination is an interconnected maze. Different paths lead to the same place. At the same time, they don't lead to the same place. I just need to be smart about it. I can attempt to divine The Prophet's past or future"

"But you said–"

"Normally, the cost will come after I clash with my target's life-code and successfully pierce it. However if the target's life-code is too strong, I would be repelled instantly and face backlash."

"How big of a backlash?" wondered Reve. 

"It depends on how big the spell is. There is no time to waste."

Marya got down from the tree and sat on the green grass. 

She made a few strange hand signs and spoke, "I will be starting now. No matter what, don't disturb me."

Then after, she closed her eyes. 

From Reve's perspective, the only major difference was the gathering of energy around her. 

Suddenly, a shockwave erupted from her body. It was silent and he guessed he was the only one that noticed it. 

By the time he focused back on his surroundings, he noticed all the vibrant colors had washed away. The only things present were objects painted in either black or white. 

Tiny grey lines connected both living beings and objects. They interconnected to form a giant spider web that went up into the sky.

Reve thought, 'The Fated World….the mystical world only revealed after the veils of reality have been cut down. To think it was real. To think I would see it one day!'

He was left emotional by this scene. 

The Fated World was a theoretical topic that was the debate of most mages. 

The only reason he could sense the world was because of the shockwave that erupted from Marya. But also, it was mainly because of his [Seventh Sense] and other sensory skills. 

Reve watched as the voice of Marya turned to an ephemeral whisper. 

"The Prophet."

"The Bringer of the End."

"The Leader of the Red Crusade."

"Oh child that is lost, come to me."

"I request your presence."

Her hands weaved through the grey lines. As more and more lines came closer, she sorted them, looking for the one she wanted. 

Finally, her hand grabbed the right one. 

She seemed hesitant as she brought the line to contact her forehead. 

In the next moment, the grey line turned red and a massive electric shock surged through it, into her body. 

She was caught off guard and there was nothing she could do. 

Reve deemed the situation as dangerous and dived in.. He pushed her away from the red line. The moment he did that, it turned grey again and everything was back to normal

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