The Arcadia System

Chapter 245 - Conclusion

Chapter 245 – Conclusion

Somewhere on the outskirts of Starhold,…

The Prophet panted wildly. 

'I am still not worthy enough to bear the Crimsons' Grace.'

He ran towards the forest in his sight. 

Just as he was about to pass the last building in the vicinity, a shadow lurked over him. 

The Prophet frowned as he took an alerted stance.

"Who are you? Why have you come for me, sinner?"

The shadow took the form of an unknown man with an oversized cloak that covered all his body.

The man's raspy tone sounded, "Oh, that hurts. We just met and you called me a sinner."

"Most people don't realize that they have inherited the sins of their past ones. I see you are one of them. Join me and the Crimsons shall wash your sins away," preached The Prophet. 

His character was always weird. Even in an unknown situation like this, he still found time to expand his fellowship.

"About that…we might need to put that on hold. Fear not, I will consider it."

"How dare you reject my offer? Do you want to live in sin for the rest of your life?–" mocked The Prophet. 

He suddenly moved back with a pensive expression on his face. 

"You finally realized, huh?"

"What do you want?" threatened The Prophet. 

"Simple. I want your life."

A blade extended out of the cloaked man's hand. He brandished a sword and slashed at The Prophet. 

The wispy energy coiling around the blade sharpened its might.

With his damaged arms, The Prophet attempted a block, but the Crimson's Grace had already left his body and he was immensely weak. 

The sword cut through his hands and decapitated his head.

"Well, that was easy."

That was only easy because the cloaked man had surpassed the Grand Stage. He was a warlord!

His every attack was something to be taken seriously. 

As the cloaked man picked up the head of The Prophet, he sighed, "Such a zealous man. I almost did not want to kill him. Admiration is all I have for the man capable of sowing chaos all over Narva."

A quick question appeared in his mind… Would the other parties know that he killed The Prophet?

He guessed not. 

With happy steps, he ran away from the scene, disappearing with the body of The Prophet.





It was unknown how long had passed since darkness overtook his world. 

He opened his eyes slowly. The sharp rays of light burnt his tender skin. 

Raising his arm to protect himself, he took his time to look around. 

'Where am I? I'm in a tent…The Devil's Cave?'

The tent's flail was pushed apart and Marya came through. 

As soon as she saw him, she rushed at him with a concerned expression. 

"Reve, you are awake. That's good. That's good."

Feeling the warmth of Marya on his face, Reve wanted to stand up, but a searing pain coursed through his back. 

"Don't do that. Your body needs to heal. In a day, you should be able to move."

Reve concentrated on a certain word she said, "A day? How long have I been asleep?"

"Two days," mentioned Marya. 

Reve thought, 'Two days? What about NIRA? They would soon notice my disappearance. I can't linger here anymore.'

Forcing his body to stand up, Reve spoke, "I need to protect my other identity at NIRA."

He was still wearing a mask so he guessed the others haven't seen his face which was why he spoke like this. 

"But, you are hurt…"

"I can simply inform the teachers that I got injured while training and would need about a week break," responded Reve. 

He put on his clothes and finally faced Marya, "Thank you for everything. We will talk later. Is that okay?"

"…yes," squealed Marya.

Reve nodded before leaving the tent. He was met with a large crowd of his men staring pensively at him. 

Following Dorian's action, they bowed, "Kimon!"

"I will be back. For now, resume your training!"

"Yes, Kimon!"






Two hours later. 

Reve was in his sub-counselor office. 

"So, you are saying that you got injured while training?" asked his sub-counsellor. 

He had just reported to her the lie he cooked.

"Yes," innocently said Reve. 

"…And no one checked up on you."

"I can't train in my room, can I? I went to a nearby forest for my training. My original plan was to attain the skills necessary for advancing to a grand-mage but it seems things took a dramatic turn."

"I see… A Grand Mage?!!"

The sub-counselor thought to herself, 'How old is he and he is already on the cusp of being a grand-mage. I, myself, never felt the doors of this stage. He is truly a genius.'

Focusing on the young man, she smiled, "It's okay. I will inform your teachers. You can take the week off while a hardcopy of all your classes' lectures will be sent to you regularly. Do you require a healer?"

"No, only a few bones broke. I can take care of everything by myself."

"Good to know. Reve of Azea, please do not rush your advancement. Rushing would bring about a factor of unpredictability. The key is to be calm and collected."

"Yes, ma. I will take that to heart."

"Good. Now, go to your room and rest. I will check up on you when I'm free."





Reve opened the door of his room. 

He whistled, "Home sweet home.."

Afterward, he couldn't keep a composed look any longer and winced in pain. He quickly jumped on his bed where he felt comfortable again. 

'Ha, what a wild day that was?' sighed Reve. 

To think a mere escape would leave him in such bad shape. 

This reminded him of his first meeting with the terror lizard. That creature has terrorized him to the brink if death, '

He reckoned it was not for Marya. He would be dead, currently. 

'The days keeps getting more dangerous.'

Once Reve was fully healed, he would send a letter to the Gehenna Order. He wasn't pursuing the shards anymore!

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