The Arcadia System

Chapter 74 - Vagoroth(1)

It was unknown how long it had been since Reve stood still. Gradually, the conversation of the Gehenna Order became inaudible to him. They became nothing more than senseless whispers. Reve spaced out!

After a while, a hand reached out to him, which brought him back to the physical world. His dilated pupils concentrated and he found himself looking at Circe.

He briefly took a glance at the seats. Some of the members had already left, leaving only Circe, Zev, and Met.

"Little thing, what is too much for you?" asked Circe.

She observed him and later sighed after reaching a conclusion, "I know. It was too much for me. My only desire now is to lay on my bed."

Suddenly, the serious Circe that shocked him during the meeting had flown out of the window. She was back to normal…...or was it the other way?

Reve shook his head and got a grip on himself. He followed Circe who was headed towards the exit like the others. They didn't send their farewells and simply departed.


Back in the forest, Reve asked Circe in the unfamiliar environment, "Where to now?"

His body quaked as his senses picked up on all sorts of beastly aura. He was scared to his bones but he hid it well and stayed behind Circe... as a good student should do.

Meanwhile, Circe certainly did a good job pretending to not notice. She giggled and struggled to walk in a straight line.

"Ah, Xoris' bottom. We are going back. Our destination is Vagaroth," sighed Circe.

Her expressions soon turned rigid as her eyes became more drowsy. She explained herself.

"I have a home at Vagoroth. I need to pick up something I left there ages ago. You are coming with me. The environment there is good for you. Who knows, we might just stay there for a while?"

"Okay," replied Reve.

At this point, he was only worried about leaving the first stratum. Moreover, he needed somewhere to cool his head and if Vagoroth was to be the place, so be it!

Reve cocked his head at Circe, "What is the thing you need to pick up?"

"It's an artifact," smoothly answered Circe.

Reve understood this was her way of telling him he doesn't need to know about the item. Still, the rejection only made his curiosity peaked.

The journey sooner became quiet. With Circe leading the way, she paid no attention to anything else. Yet, he wondered why she did not just teleport them there.

When he asked, Circe answered that it would be impolite.

'What a sad life? I'm mentally tired,' thought Reve.

One thing to note was that he didn't feel trained in his new humanoid form. He felt like he could stay in it for a long time. Nonetheless, the feeling of a limit was still retained, albeit vague.



A large clap of violent wind suddenly struck out from behind the duo. The both of them looked back to see a beam of light fluttering in the sky. It reached closer to them at every second.

The moment it got within a sizable distance, Reve could identify the beam of light. It was a particular wolf-man that made the worst expression on Reve.

'Why is he coming here?' pondered Reve.

In less than a minute, Zev descended from the sky in a deity-like manner. He flashed a grin with his spotless teeth but the situation could not be much worse.

The speed at which he descended was not fast that it sent dust rolling towards the duo's face. Of course, Circe had predicted this and protected herself but not Reve!

'Such a teacher,' cursed Reve.

He rubbed his eyes frantically and later glared at the exact cause of this unfortunate event.

The figure himself pretended to notice, "I knew it would be you two. Are you also headed for Vagoroth, Circe?"

Circe paid little attention to the barbaric man, "Yes."

"Heh, why are you walking then?" Zev raised his eyebrows.

"Teleportation would be rude."

"But you can teleport somewhere closer, right?"


"You can even fly."


Circe later confessed, "I need some time to think. Now, that you have spoiled the surreal atmosphere, I suppose I can't anymore"

Now, it was Zev's turn to feel confused, "...."

Circe stopped lazing around and silently cast a spell. The heavenly clouds in the sky dropped down to bow to her.

They stayed beneath her feet and assembled till there were enough to carry her and Reve. Circe put her feminine legs on the puffy clouds and Reve did the same.

At first, he was a bit nervous but after remembering all the strange events he had gone through, he braved himself and stamped his foot cruelly on the innocent puffy clouds!

Afterward, Zev tried to follow the duo and step on the clouds but the heroic book took to the air. It hit him till he was a few trees away.

Zev had to watch as the clouds ascended to the sky leaving him alone. 

A lazy voice said to him, "Find your own way"

"Oh, you got to be kidding me!" shouted Zev.

He grinned and proceeded to jump fluidly….except, his jump was not normal at all!

Just one single jump took his above hundred feet. His second jump flew him directly to the moving location of the clouds, where his feet defied physics and floated in the air, following Reve and Circe.

Reve gaped at this display. Sure enough, those in the Gehenna Order were absolute monsters. Worst of all, Zev didn't seem to be even trying!

The damn wolf-man grinned again at Reve, "Say, what do you know about Vagoroth?"

"Vagoroth….Nothing," politely answered Reve.

Apart front the fact that Vagoroth was a series of islands held at the center of the beast continent and also that it was home to demi-humans, Reve barely knew anything else.

"Hehe, good thing you just happen to know someone who lives there?" teased Zev.

Playing his game, Reve asked with pure eyes, "Who is that person?"

A loud shout disturbed the cloud, "Haha, it's me of course!"

Out of nowhere, a book flew at him and sent him back, falling to the earth!

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