Chapter 119 - The Post Disappeared

Chapter 119 The Post Disappeared

“Yao Tang was raised in the countryside, so it’s only natural for her to have picked up some of the rural practices and behavior around her. We understand that she would occasionally get into fights, and ask that you be more tolerant and considerate toward her. It seems that our Yao family hasn’t taught her well enough in terms of discipline and basic courtesy.

We have also come to learn that the cost of Yang Rong’s treatment amounted to a few million yuan. We can’t even begin to imagine howYao Tanghas managed to survive all these years. She lived a life that no little girl deserved.

The Yao familyis to blame for all her shortcomings, so we would like to take this opportunity to apologize on her behalf. We implore you to find it in your hearts to be kinder to her.

Lastly, you have our word that the Yao familywill double its efforts in making her a better person. With your help, we can surely steerYao Tangto a brighter future!”

Clearly, the Yao familywas trying to make themselves look good with this public statement.

It did nothing to clear up Yao Tang’s name.

What it did establish, though, was that she was from the countryside, effectively saying this was the cause that her rough behavior and immoral practices.

And of course, the students of No. 1 High Schoolwere sharp enough to understand the meaning behind these veiled words.

The purpose of releasing such a statement was to let everyone know that the Yao familywas not responsible forYao Tang’s actions, since they had only adopted her recently.

Now that even the Yao familyhad asked for help in keeping her in check, they all expectedYao Tangto conform to the social norms without resistance.

As usual, the comments section was blowing up with thousands of replies. Meng Yangflipped through them and found that they were all nasty and crude.

“Damn it, you bumpkin! Why don’t you just go back to the mountains and live in a hut?”

“Well, I think the Yao familyis squanderingYao Tang’s full potential! Hahaha! With that face and that body, she would end up seducing men anyway. She might as well profit from it.”

“Your own family obviously doesn’t want you anymore! But don’t worry, if you consider spending one night with me, I might be able to give you a place to say.” “What’s with this guy, are you that desperate? Do you even realize you could get loads of STDs from that girl? It’s not worth


“Hahaha. Yao Tang, oh, Yao Tang. You always act all high and mighty. I bet you never expected to spend your Monday like this.”

There were even more vile remarks that made even Meng Yangrecoil. His grip tightened around the phone.

‘What if Sister Tangsees this…’ he thought furiously.

‘No, I have to tell her before she hears it somewhere else.’

With that thought, Meng Yangbounded up the stairs to where their classroom was located.

The fat boy cried out as he left, but he could do nothing more than sniffle and bite his fingers.

He had just bought that phone. And it was the latest model, too.

Meng Yang rushed into their classroom.

This was supposed to be the period for outdoor exercises, but it was a smoggy day, so everyone decided to spend the time studying instead.

Qin Jing was sitting across in front of Yao Tang’s desk. She was holding her phone as she babbled in with a bright smile on her face.

Lin Xin was beside them, and she was also smiling. The scene was peaceful and harmonious.

As for Yao Tang, only one of her earphones was plugged into her ear. She was leaning on the table with her elbow, her hand cupping her cheek. A small smile danced on her lips.

Meng Yang stormed inside, his face a mask of


“Did you hear?” he yelled for everyone to hear. “The Yao familyposted a statement on the forum saying thatYao Tangis from the countryside. They even draggedYang Ronginto it. They’ve crossed the line!”


Lin Xin andQin Jingexclaimed in unison.

The Yao familyhad only added insult to injury. How could they do that to their own blood relative?

The friends turned to their phones and checked into the forum. The more they read, the angrier they became.

After hearing the commotion, the rest of the class also went on the forum and read about the post in question. And just like that, various opinions formed again.

At the heart of it all, they shared a common disbelief, as well as loathing toward the Yao family.

Yao Tang had perked up at the mention ofYang Rong’s name. Her entire demeanor changed, and a cold glint came over her eyes. She took out her own phone and placed it on the table before her.

After a few taps on the screen, she finally found the statement issued by the Yao family.

She read it carefully without speaking a word, though the corners of her mouth curled up ever so slightly.

The sight frightened Meng Yangso much that he had momentarily forgotten his rage.

The Yao familyis going to be in so much trouble now.Yao Tanghad already suppressed the issue of her upbringing not too long ago, and now it was brought up into the limelight once more.

May God have mercy on the Yao family.

Whether they were of it or not, they were certainly courting death by doing this.

Yao Tang fiddled on her phone some more, her expression remaining aloof.

All of a sudden, the posts disappeared from the forum, gone without a trace.

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