Chapter 135 - Payback

Chapter 135 Payback

“I…” Yao Ran was at a loss for words.

It was as if Qin Jinghad read her mind.Yao Ranlooked away, her cheek flushing with embarrassment and guilt.

Indeed, she had harbored such thoughts that day. Unlike Qin Jing’s presumptions, however, she wasn’t single-minded about marrying into the Qin family. After all, it was theCheng familywho led the four great families in the capital.

With that said, Yao Ranstill had the option of charming her way into theCheng family.

And if she was lucky, she just might strike a friendship with their next heir, Cheng Zhou!

Qin Jing’s voice shook Yao Ranout of her reverie. “Or perhaps… You haven’t set your mind on my brother yet, and you’re considering the young masters from the other families?”

She crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at Yao Ran, her gaze sharp and scrutinizing.

It was easy for Qin Jingto see throughYao Ran’s facade and into her ugly heart.

“No, I… I really admire Young Master Qin,” Yao Ranasserted, even as she struggled to meet the other girl’s gaze.

Before she knew it, she had already taken a step back. She didn’t know what else to say.

Qin Jing’s smirk widened. “In that case, then why don’t you be my lackey? You want us to form a bond for the sake of our families, right? You should help me with my homework, carry my bag around campus, wipe my chair and desk before I come to school, line up for me in the cafeteria—” “It’s getting late!” Yao Ranhurriedly interrupted. “I still have to go and see our form teacher. I’ll be leaving now, see you around.”

She then fled in a panic before Qin Jingcould speak any further.


Qin Jing scoffed and rolled her eyes before turning away.

Qin Jing returned to their classroom, plopped on her desk, and took out her phone.

She logged into the forum and wasted no time composing a new post.

This time, she was going to give their enemies a taste of their own medicine.

If Yao Ranandjiang Huaicould make defamatory narratives online, then so could she. The only difference is that their claims were fake, while hers was true.

Soon, Qin Jingwas clicking the Publish button.

A sadistic smile appeared on her face. ‘It’s not like I’m creating rumors. These are real events that transpired within my own home.’

Even if it came to a lawsuit, it was highly unlikely for her to be convicted.

Her post read:

“Major event! Yao Ran, the former campus belle ofNo. 1 High School, actually paid a visit to the renowned Qin family last Saturday. She came there hoping to establish her prospects to marry Young MasterQin Rui, but she ended up getting rejected!

The incident seems to have cast a pall on Yao Ran,who has been in a bad mood for the past few days.”

Attached to the post was an audio recording.

It was a recording of Yao Ranearnestly expressing her admiration forQin Rui.

Her voice was clear and coherent, with no signs of tampering The post ended with the line: “Yao Ran can’t be blamed for her vanity and ambition, but isn’t it a little shameless for her to keep pestering Miss Qin?”

The post was instantly hounded by the online users.

Unlike Yao Tang, Yao Ranhad rarely been discussed on the forum. People had to talk about her, after all, except to sing her praises.

Moreover, Yao Ranwas very meticulous. She had her own flock of admirers who were willing to delete hate posts and censor comments that were unfavorable to her, just so they could be in her good graces.

But it was different now.

After the last incident with Yao Tang, some students had started to change their opinions. Their previous dotage on Yao Ranhad slowly shifted over toYao Tang.

“What the hell is this? I can’t believe that the Yao RanI’ve always liked is actually this thick-skinned. I’m obviously a poor judge of character.”

“It really is Yao Ran, I swear! I’d know that voice anywhere. And it’s true that she’s been pretty cross lately!”

“Right, right, right! And didn’t she insist on having lunch with Qin Jingtoday? Even thoughQin Jingrejected her, she still joined them at their table!”

“What a pity, she used to be my ideal girl. So she wants to marry into the Qin family, huh? She probably wants to become some rich young madam back at the capital.”

Incredibly enough, the comments about Yao Ranwere even more vicious than everything that had been said aboutYao Tang. Except, perhaps, for the sexual allegations.

“See, I told you! I always knew that Yao Ranis a fake tramp! She likes to act weak and nice in front of everyone, but she’s just another backstabbing witch!”

“Ugh, I hate two-faced people like her the most!”

“My hand is itching to slap her. She doesn’t deserve all the admiration she’s been receiving all these years.”

“Utterly disgusting! I feel sick to my stomach just looking at her face!”

“She acts like she’s all that, but she’s not even worthy to carry my shoes. I have no idea why I fell for her in the first place. I must have been blind!”

“Oh, I’m definitely going to slap her the next time I see her!”

The most ruthless remarks came from the boys who had been crushing on Yao Ranfor the longest time. They didn’t hold back at all.

They were closely followed in ranks by the girls who had always been jealous of Yao Ran.

Unbeknownst to everyone, a good chunk of these comments were made by the troll army that Qin Jinghad enlisted. SinceJiang Huaihad used this method, she had taken it upon herself to employ the same tactics.

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