Chapter 148 - Become an Actress Instead

Chapter 148: Become an Actress Instead

“Sister, please wait!” Yao Ran called out hurriedly and stepped forward.

“The mock exams are coming up, so Mom and Dad hired a master tutor to help with my studies. You should join me! Even if you don’t want to come home for good, you can at least stay for the lessons. Please, if you still refuse, Dad is going to get mad at me!”

She ended her words with a choked sob.

Some boys who were passing by the corridor felt sorry for her. They wanted to come to Yao Ran’s aid and help her teachYao Tanga lesson.

But the students of Class 20 were not so easily fooled. If anything, Yao Ran’s actions only disgusted them.

“Aiya, her acting skills are really good. Is this what they learn over at Class 1? Hey Yao Ran, why don’t you just drop out and become an actress?”

This was followed by murmured agreements around the classroom.

Then, Qin Jingjumped to her feet and opened her mouth.

“Just go away already. We’re not idiots. Stop wasting your time and go bark somewhere else. We’re not going to stoop to your level by listening to your lies.”

Several classmates snickered at that.

Meng Yang had to resist the urge to stand and applaud, whileLin Xinhad to cover her mouth to hide her laughter.

Pretty soon, the room filled with muffled laughter.

Yao Ran’s expression turned even more sour as she took in their reactions. She hadn’t expected Qin Jingto act so rashly.

In the past, her weak facade had always won everyone’s favor. But it appeared that her tactics would not work on Class 20 anymore.

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Yao Ran wiped her tears, mortified. She could feel her cheeks grow hot.

“Don’t push your luck, Qin Jing!” she said angrily. “I’m talking toYao Tang, not you!”

Unfazed, Qin Jingstrode over and stopped besideYao Ran. Then, she began to clap her hands to call everyone’s attention.

“Hey, come and look! The former campus belle, Yao Ran, is about to cry! Everyone, look and see! She loves it when she’s the center of attention!”

The students could no longer hold it in, and they finally burst into laughter. Qin Jingwas really skilled at riling others up.

Yao Ran lowered her head and grimaced. She was livid.

It was all she could do to lash out and yell at everyone, but she still had her public image to maintain. In the end, she could only shoot a vicious glare at Qin Jing.

Not that it had any effect.

As the young lady of the Qin family, Qin Jing had had to deal with countless, ambitious people who wanted to establish a relationship with her.

She knew how to take care of one prissy miss.

Just then, Meng Yangalso appeared on the other side ofYao Tang. He crossed his arms over his chest and gaveYao Rana menacing look.

“I don’t give a damn about what you plan to do, but I’m telling you now that Sister TangI sunder my protection. Any offense against her is an offense against me, and I’m sure you know that I never let my enemies off easily!”

With this, the young lady of the Qin family and the young master of the Meng familyhad both declared to stand by the same girl.

Some of their female classmates tittered with excitement, while others sighed in envy.

Yao Ran, on the other hand, paled. She took a step back, feeling nauseated all of a sudden.

She tightened her grip around her phone in a bid to stop herself from doing anything she might regret. She bit her lips so hard that she began to taste blood in her mouth.

The strong metallic taste brought her back to her senses. Yao Rancovered her mouth with a handkerchief and fled the scene.

Once again, she managed to make it look like she was running away from her bullies after suffering so much.

Qin Jing scoffed as she watched the other girl go, then snaked her arm aroundYao Tang’s and pulled her back into the room.

“Don’t worry about her, Sister Tang. Let’s go back to our desks. It’s almost time for class.”

Yao Ran stormed into her own classroom and threw herself at her desk. She couldn’t seem to calm down.

She took out her phone and stared at the video recording she had taken last time, her eyes burning with hatred.

That would have to wait for a while, though. She then took out her recent exam papers and read through the questions.

She must do better than Yao Tangthis time. She would never allow that girl to get in the way of her perfect life.

Thinking of this, Yao Ranopened a messaging app and began to type.

“Hello, I wonder if you can lend me your services. I’m a student from City A, and I need you to get me the exam papers for this year’s national exams. Money is of no consequence, as long as you can get the job done. Just name your price.”

A reply came shortly after.

“This can be done, but the price will be steep. Prepare yourself.”

“That’s all right, I can handle it!”

After settling the transaction, Yao Ran put away her phone, her smile finally returning.

‘Just wait, Yao Tang. I will definitely defeat you this time around!”

Later that afternoon.

The moment the bell rang for school dismissal, Yao Ranpacked her things quickly and prepared to go home right away.

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