Chapter 299 - Bloodthirsty Brother

Chapter 299: Bloodthirsty Brother

The man in the bathrobe snickered as he admired Lu Ming’s pathetic state. He lifted his wine glass and took a bite of the fruit that one of the blondes fed him.

With a sinister grin, the man raised his hand. His henchman immediately grabbed Lu Mingby the hair and forced him to look up.

The man chortled. “Oh, Lu Ming,Lu Ming. You should be glad that I, your second brother, came to see you as soon as I got off the plane. Count yourself lucky that your second brother cares about you so much. Now, how are you going to return this favor?”

Lu Ming lowered his eyes and said nothing.

The man—Lu Qing—sneered in disdain. He currently held an enviable status in society, and had even taken over some of the family’s business. How dare this worthless dog act so impudently in front of him?

He was just a fool who amounted to nothing. He could die there and then, and nobody would care.

In the past, this illegitimate mongrel had shamelessly flaunted their father’s approval and used it to oppose Lu Qingat every turn. And all because he was touted as a young genius!

Well, now he was even worse than trash.

He was just as good as mud under Lu Qing’s feet—not even a pebble in his path, just a useless pile of grime and manure.

Lu Qing wasn’t about to let the boy go any time soon. He had come up with all sorts of torture tricks, after all. It would be a waste not to try them out.

With that thought, the perverted man guffawed happily. He was absolutely enjoying this.

“Come on, Lu Ming. I don’t want people to say that I never gave you a chance to earn my favor. If you get over here and lick my feet clean, I might consider letting you off. And if you do it really well, I might even promise not to mess with you again in the future. What do you think?”

His subordinates burst into laughter at his words.


Lu Ming kept his head down, but he did open his mouth and mumbled something unintelligible.

Lu Qing cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow. “Hmm? Say that again! How do you expect us to hear you when you’re muttering like some damned mosquito?”

“Come here, and I’ll tell you,” Lu Mingsaid in a feeble voice.

Lu Qing laughed again. He sauntered over and crouched next to the boy’s prone body. And then he heardLu Mingspeak—

“No matter how hard you try to look different, you can never hide the fact that you’re trash. That’s what you like to call me, but we both know that you’re so much worse than I’ll ever be!” He ended his quiet declaration by spitting on Lu Qing’s face.

The man’s eyes widened in shocked outrage. He wiped the spit from his cheek and roared, “Men! Bring me my tools! I shall have fun with this bastard today.”

His subordinates moved to follow his orders, their expressions twisted in a mix of fear and disgust.

Lu Qing was notoriously known in the capital for his love of women. What most people didn’t know, was that he loved torturing them even more. He had a bloodthirsty streak that made even the burliest thug quake.

Of his methods, he had a particular favorite, and that was to pull his victim’s teeth one by one with a pair of pliers.

Soon, a bag was brought to Lu Qing. He signaled to his men, and they pinnedLu Mingto the floor as their sadistic master got to work.

It didn’t take long before he retrieved the pliers from Lu Ming’s mouth, along with a single tooth.

Blood gushed through the boy’s lips, making the spectators shiver in fright.

Lu Qing stepped on one ofLu Ming’s hands before drawing closer and patting his cheek. “You’d better beg now, mutt, or you won’t have any teeth left in your filthy mouth.”

As he said this, he trampled on Lu Ming’s hand until it was badly mutilated.

Though pale and gasping for breath, Lu Mingstill didn’t yield.

“Are you going to beg or not?” Lu Qingbellowed.

Their father had doted so much on this boy, without sparing a glance for Lu Qing. Now, he was finally getting retribution for all the humiliation he had experienced.

He would break every single bone in this bastard’s body, consequences be damned!

Lu Qing picked up his pliers again and swung the tool back and forth in front ofLu Ming.

“Do you see this, brother mine? I will use this to rip your teeth one by one until there’s nothing left but blood.”

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