Chapter 366 - No Ordinary Student

Chapter 366: No Ordinary Student

The teacher muttered something about Yao Tang being back, then picked up her textbook and proceeded to review the key points of their previous lesson.

Soon enough, the bell rang for the next period.

As soon as their Biology teacher stepped into the room, her eyes went straight to Yao Tang. “Yao Tang!” she exclaimed. “You’re finally back. Are you feeling better now?”

Yao Tang had told them that she had been ill, hence her leave of absence. Now that she had returned to school, it seemed like the teachers couldn’t be happier.

She obliged the teacher and assured the latter that she was fine.

“That’s good, then,” the Biology teacher sighed. “Your health is more important than anything. Make sure you take care of yourself, or Class 20 might not survive the school year.”

This went on for the rest of the morning, with the teachers expressing both pleasure and surprise upon seeing Yao Tang, then asking about her health.

The exchange students naturally grew curious about her, with the exception of Yang NianandYan Wei.

They knew that Yan Weihad originally tried to takeYao Tang’s seat, but the rest of the class had been pretty adamant about keeping it empty.

They thought that it was simply because the original owner of the seat was going to return to classes soon, but they were quickly realizing that they had been mistaken. Clearly, the other students had kicked up a fuss because Yao Tangwas someone special.

The transfer students could tell, too. They noticed a strange and intimidating aura from the girl the moment she entered the room.

Moreover, the teachers were all particularly concerned about her. Yao Tangwas no ordinary student at all.

Yang Nian leaned back against his seat with a blank expression. He appeared neither surprised nor bothered by the mild commotion going on around him.


Yan Wei, on the other hand, was visibly unhappy with the circumstances.

She was the eldest daughter of the Yan family, and was therefore used to people pandering to her. She had always been the center of everyone’s attention, even back when she was still studying in an international school.

But here, people were ignoring her like she was just one of the middle-class kids who had to commute to and from school.

Yan Wei felt an immense sense of loss and grievance in that.

At noon, the students began to filter out of the classrooms to get lunch. The exchange students headed to the cafeteria as well, though they didn’t speak to each other on the way.

Just below the teaching building, Yao Ranlurked around with a notebook in her hand.

She was staring at her watch, her eyes bright with anticipation.

At the stroke of twelve, she straightened and made her way to the cafeteria.

She had barely taken a few steps when a voice called from behind her. “Ranran, you’re here!”

Yao Ran adopted a look of surprise before turning around. “Oh, Weiwei, Ruoruo! What a coincidence!”

The one who had called to her was a girl named Li Ruo, and beside her stoodYan Wei.

“Yes,” Yan Weireplied with a smile that covered up the knot of displeasure in her heart. “What a coincidence, indeed.”

Yao Ran came from a business family, and while their name held some weight inCity A, it still wasn’t up toYan Wei’s standards. If they were in Beijing, she wouldn’t even giveYao Rana second of the day.

As luck would have it, however, the girl was popular in No. 1 High Schooland was even part of the elite class. She might be of use toYan Weidown the road.

Yao Ran grinned at them now, then glanced coyly at the boy next to the two other girls. Her eyelashes fluttered demurely. “Hello, Schoolmate Yang. So you’re here, too.”

Yang Nian acknowledged her with a short nod.

“Why are you by yourself?” Yan WeiaskedYao Ran.

“Oh, I went to clarify something with the teacher, so my classmates went on without me,” Yao Ranreplied, waving her notebook as proof.

Yan Wei’s lips pressed into a tight smile, and she didn’t say anything more.

The subtle tension didn’t escape Li Ruo’s notice, and she had to roll her eyes to the side. “Ranran, why don’t you go have lunch with us?”

Yao Ran brightened up and was about to nod when she caught herself. Hesitation clouded her eyes. “Would that be okay, though? Won’t I be imposing on you guys?”

“No, no, not at all! We’ll be happy to have you join us!” Li Ruodarted forward and grabbedYao Ran’s arm.

“Well… If you say so.”

Yao Ran smiled timidly before lowering her gaze.

Even so, she couldn’t help herself from casting a secret glance in Yang Nian’s direction, her eyes gleaming with triumph.

With that, the group made their way to the cafeteria.

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