Chapter 504 - Worst of the Worst

Chapter 504: Worst of the Worst

Translator: Tuiwen Editor: Tuiwen

“Miss Yu Shu’s devotion to her relationships is truly touching,” Searle sighed. “It’s a pity that I am not the object of such affections, but consider myself lucky to be able to give you a ride.”

He got to his feet and courteously gestured for the ladies to leave the room first.

When they got to the car, Cheng Weicouldn’t help but voice out her thoughts. “ThatYao Tangis really shameless. It’s obvious that you andCheng Yanhave a special relationship, yet she insists on stepping in and getting involved. I get so mad every time I see her face.”

“It’s all right,” Yu Shusaid gently. “As long asCheng Yanis happy, I don’t mind.”

It was a struggle for her to act gracious and understanding, but she somehow managed to pull it off. She hid the malice deep in her heart and only showed her adoration for Cheng Yan.

Cheng Wei turned toSearlewith an indignant expression on her face. “I’m telling you, Mr.Searle, it would be in your best interests to steer clear of thatYao Tang. Who knows how many tricks that wench has up her sleeves?

“I’ve already done a background check on her before. She was raised in a mountain village and was brought to City Ajust a few months ago to come and live with her uncle. Who would have thought that she would repay their kindness and generosity with ill will? She attacked her own cousin and even framed the poor girl several times. In the end, they had no choice but to chase her out before she caused more trouble.

“And now, she’s using her beauty to seduce Cheng Yanand extort money out of him. I heard that she often asks him for a hefty allowance. She’s nothing but a leech, that’s what she is!”

Yu Shu’s face scrunched up as if she didn’t want to hear these things. “Stop talking about it, Weiwei.Cheng Yanwould be upset if he finds out.”

As ever, her tone was filled with kindness and grace.

Cheng Wei shot her a look of disappointment and shook her head. She didn’t know what more to say.Yu Shuwas too nice for her own good.

Searle stood to the side with his hands in his trouser pockets. He thought back toYao Tang’s cold appearance and aloof demeanor. His disgust for her seemed to grow with every new detail he learned.

He didn’t expect such a young and gorgeous girl to be so vicious and greedy.

At this point, his view of Yao Tangwas completely tarnished. She was simply among the worst of the worst in his books.

They got into the car and Searlehanded the girls the milk tea he had prepared beforehand. “Don’t worry,” he smiled. “This won’t last long. Just watch.Cheng Yanwill dump her soon enough. When that time comes, you can finally serve her the retribution she deserves.”

Cheng Wei nodded, her eyes glinting with spiteful anticipation.

“Is that all you’ve got, Xu Xuan?”

Yao Ran scowled at the other girl in utter displeasure.

The deadline for paying the money back was just around the corner, but they had yet to collect the full balance. If they failed to make the payment, they would become the laughingstock in front of Yao Tang and the others.

Xu Xuan squirmed at the anxiety inYao Ran’s face, helpless to do any more than she already had.

Without warning, Yao Ranlunged forward and grabbedXu Xuan’s hand. “Do you still see yourself as my best friend?” she demanded. “You’ve been getting chummy withYao Tangand her friends lately. Don’t tell me you’ve switched sides! Would you rather be friends with them now instead of me?”

Xu Xuan shook her head frantically. “No, no, of course not! We’re still friends. You’re my only best friend.”

“I’m warning you, you are not allowed to be friends with them. You know I don’t like Yao Tang, so you should know what to do, right? You understand what I mean, don’t you?”

Yao Ran’s grip tightened around Xu Xuan’s wrist, her eyes flashing with hatred.

Xu Xuan’s hand was gradually turning purple and numb from the pain, but she didn’t dare to say a word.


Pa! A pebble came out of nowhere and hit Yao Ran’s hand.

She had specifically chosen this corner of the campus because it was always empty, and no one ever came this way. She never thought that someone would find them here.

Yao Ran immediately withdrew her hand, afraid that her true nature would be revealed to the onlookers. She had worked so hard to become the epitome of elegance and propriety; she couldn’t afford to have her image ruined now.

“Who’s there?” she shouted as she whirled around. “Who threw that rock just now?”

“Oh, so it’s you,” a familiar voice answered. “We were in the middle of a rock-throwing competition, you see. I’m afraid we didn’t see you there.”

Yao Tang andQin Jingappeared in the distance.

Since it was Qin Jingwho had spoken,Yao Rannaturally presumed that she had thrown the pebble.

Unbeknownst to her, Xu Xuan, who had been facing the opposite direction, had seen who the real culprit was. It wasYao Tang.

She had initially wanted to block the rock’s trajectory and take the hit on behalf of Yao Ran, but the latter had latched onto her so tightly thatXu Xuanwasn’t able to break free.

But Yao Ranwas already dead set on aiming her anger atQin Jing.

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