Chapter 61 - Transferring Schools

Chapter 61 Transferring Schools

Cheng Yan simply smiled in response. “Director Wei, do tell me again, I wasn’t able to hear you properly. Who were you going to expel and have sent to some special education facility?”

Wei Tao was the head of the administrative education department in City A,a high achiever himself, and his son attended school in No. 1 High School. He wasn’t supposed to go to this ceremony until his wife had called him to leave his job and hurry over.

No. 1 High School was famous for being one of the best of the best. Every single year, their students would achieve outstanding performance in exams and competitions, and attend the top universities in the country.

He couldn’t let one person ruin the school’s reputation no matter what!

However, as soon as he saw the young woman standing next to Cheng Yan, his heart skipped a beat. This was the same girl he had seen in the video! What was she doing beside him? His stomach stirred.

Something didn’t feel right.

“Young Master Cheng, I’ve heard from my wife that there’s a student here who had been found to paralyze a man from the leg under. She needs to be taken to the special education facility, which is why I’ve come to see for myself -“

“Take your people and go back to where you came from,” Cheng Yan simply cut him short and snapped in response. Wei Tao didn’t even bother to contest the claim, afraid to provoke this “Master of City A.” Shakily nodding his head, he raced in the other direction.

His reputation was tarnished!

No wonder such a student was able to enter No. 1 High School! Young Master Cheng was the one backing her!

However, just as he was about to exit the office, he bumped into Luo Hua. The other man had just come over in a hurry, with sweat beading down his forehead. He didn’t even notice Wei Tao when he raced toward the principal. “Principal, the parents just couldn’t be controlled anymore. They demand an answer immediately,” he quickly said. “What do you think we should do?”

The old man glanced in Yao Tang’s direction, and he couldn’t help but smirk to himself. It seemed that he could finally sweep this shameless girl to the streets!

Just as the principal was about to say something, a few chaotic screams reached the office. While they could barely catch all of them, they could make out a few phrases to understand the meaning entirely.

“How can we trust our students to study safely when you’ve been accepting monsters? Take accountability for your actions and kick the student out from the premises!”

The parents couldn’t be calmed as they yelled for an immediate decision.

The principal took a deep breath. If this had been any other decision, he would’ve just nodded in agreement with the parents. He’d transfer Yao Tang to another school, and that would be it. However, her backer wasn’t the man he’d want to offend, or rather, the man he could afford to offend.

As if reading all of their thoughts, Yao Tang lowered her gaze. “Cheng Yan, thank you, but I’ve decided to transfer to another school.”

The Principal widened his eyes. Cautiously glancing at the men sitting around him, he slowly nodded. “Fine, I’ll make the arrangements right away.”

Without another word, he stood up and was about to walk out of the office.

“Yao Tang,” Meng Yang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly walked up to the girl. “Mr. Cheng is right. You shouldn’t adjust your expectations just because these people couldn’t handle the truth. You’ve already shouldered enough for her. It’s her time to protect you.”

Knowing what he was about to do, the girl drew back. “No. I won’t allow it.”

Mrs. Meng was startled. “Yang -“

However, before the older woman could finish, Meng Yang had already taken out his phone. On the screen was a young woman with tears streaming down her cheeks. Her face glistened under the sunlight.

Feeling everyone’s gazes on her, she finally smiled. “There’s nothing to be afraid of, actually. Why should we hide behind others and suffer from people’s injustices? Shouldn’t that fate be reserved for the criminals themselves? If we’re not in the wrong, we should do our part and stand up for ourselves.” She pointed at the screen. “We shouldn’t be the ones who are afraid of exposing the truth – you’re the one who had taught me that, Yao Tang.”

Yao Tang’s face darkened. “Yang Rong, I’m telling you. You’re not allowed to explain -“

“I’m sorry. I have to do this,” the girl named Yang Rong said stubbornly. Seeing the principal in the background, she nodded. “Principal, please ask the parents to return to the Sports Center. I’ll give them the explanation they’re looking for once and for


“I…” Stunned, the principal again glanced at the men surrounding him. Seeing that they didn’t say anything else against it, he then nodded. “I see.”

He walked out of the office afterward.

Yao Tang gritted her teeth. Her entire body was shrouded in a gloomy aura as she gazed at the girl in the video call. It seemed that she had no other voice in this matter. Yang Rong was truly going to do it.

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