Chapter 76 - Results and Repercusions

Chapter 76 Results and Repercusions

Yu Jing snorted derisively. “Cheng Yan! Who do you think you’re looking down on? Do you even know who I am? I am the great and incomparable Yu Jing! The grand master of neurology! Did you honestly just ask me to work with a little girl? Just how arrogant can

you get?”

“I’ll invest 50 million in your research project,” the young man countered smoothly.

“Well, if that’s the case… All right, that’s settled!” Yu Jingsaid immediately, before letting out a hearty laughter. “My, I didn’t expect you to be so generous. You should have just said so from the start.”

Cheng Yan sighed and tried hard not to roll his eyes in exasperation.

Within no time, the resident nurse was pushing the Old Madam into the operating room inside the villa.

A group of people followed close behind.

When nobody was paying attention, Yao Tanghissed atYu Jingand muttered under her breath. “You’re quite the actor, aren’t you? You even managed to swindle 50 million out of this.”

But Yu Jingdidn’t take the bait and only stroked his beard pensively. His expression was somber. “Was itCheng Weiwho meddled with your treatment?” “You have an eye for talented students, I’ll give you that,” Yao Tangreplied wryly.

“How can you put the blame on me?” the old man huffed indignantly. “At the time, she had the highest score, and she had excellent aptitude. It was only reasonable that I accept her under my tutelage. Of course, if I had known that her heart was full of ill intentions, I would never have entertained even the thought of mentoring her. By all accounts, it is I who suffer the brunt of this misfortune!”

Yao Tang raised an eyebrow and said nothing.

Noting this, Yu Jingcleared his throat. “In any case, let us put this matter aside for now. The Old Madam’s surgery is bound to be a very tricky one. She’s too old, too. If we are not careful, I might end up in the bad graces of theCheng family. Darn it all, my own family has never allowed me to get involved in these affairs. If it weren’t for that rascalCheng Yan, I wouldn’t be in such a pickle right now!” “Hmm,” Yao Tangnarrowed her eyes. “Just make sure to protect the Old Madam’s heart and meridians no matter what.”

Yu Jing nodded emphatically.

After changing into surgical gowns and disinfecting themselves, the two entered the operating room.

Cheng Zhan had rushed back from the military camp to be with his family at this critical time. As soon as he stepped into the residence, he felt the stifling atmosphere that had been hanging over the villa for a while now.

“Big Brother.” Cheng Ruocame forward to greet him.

He was followed by the rest of their relatives, who also gave their perfunctory greetings. Cheng Zhan’s stride never faltered, though. His sharp eyes were fixed straight ahead as he approached the door to the operating room. “How is Mom?”

“She is still undergoing surgery. Yu Jing is taking charge of the procedure.”

Cheng Zhan was taken aback. “Who managed to bring him here?”

“Cheng Yan practically abducted him and forced him to operate against his will, “Cheng Ruogrumbled. He thoughtCheng Yan’s methods were abhorrent and borderline criminal.

To his dismay, Cheng Zhanactually nodded in approval. “Cheng Yandid the right thing. We should have dragged that expert here a long time ago.”

Cheng Ruo mustered an awkward smile. “Y-yeah, you’re right.”

Apparently, he was surrounded by family members who all thought and acted like criminals!

Cheng Yan was leaning against the wall that separated the operating room from the hall. He held a cigarette between his slender fingers, but he made no move to light it. Soon, he heard the sound of loud and vigorous footsteps drawing close. He straightened.

When he saw who had come, Cheng Yan’s expression turned more serious. “Big Brother.”

Cheng Zhan stopped in front of him and patted his shoulder in a reassuring manner. “How long has the surgery been going for?”

“About two hours.” “That girl from last time, she’s also in there?” Cheng Zhan’s eyes were narrowed at the door before them.

Cheng Yan didn’t acknowledge the question. “If it weren’t forCheng Wei,” he said in a cold and accusing tone, “the Old Madam wouldn’t need to undergo this surgery at all.”

As a matter of fact, Cheng Zhandidn’t believe that Western medicine was any superior to the traditional Chinese methods. After all, the latter consisted mainly of skills that had been passed down through generations and encompassed centuries of practice. Surely, there was something in the essence of traditional Chinese healing that could never be replicated nor replaced by the West.

It was precisely because of this belief that he had allowed Cheng Yanfree rein to seek out the celestial doctor from the legends.

The last time that the matriarch had fallen gravely ill, they had exhausted their resources and connections to find a cure, but unexpectedly, it was a young girl who had administered the most effective treatment.

Since then, they had been hopeful that the Old Madam’s health would only improve in the future. Who could have thought that the old lady would once again be put in danger, and by their own flesh and blood, no less?

Having stayed at the military camp for years, Cheng Zhanhad naturally picked up the habits and bearing of a staunch and unyielding soldier. When his face darkened, the air around him turned heavy and oppressive.

Cheng Ruo took a step back despite himself, and didn’t dare to make a sound.

“We will have to hide this from Mom,” Cheng Zhan finally said. “She might not be able to handle the stress that comes with the truth. As for the culprit, she must be taught a lesson. Make sure she never forgets this incident, and the fact that she had a hand in it.”

Cheng Yan nodded resolutely.

The night breeze turned chilly as the hours passed, but the Cheng Residence was still brightly lit as everyone waited with bated breath.

It was completely silent, except for the occasional sigh and the shuffling of feet as the men took turns to pace down the hall.


The lights were finally turned off as the morning fog descended, bringing with it small beams of sunlight that filtered into the courtyard. It was surprisingly humid, especially for such an early hour.

At around seven o’clock, the door of the operating room finally opened.

All in all, it had taken four full hours of surgery.

Yao Tang walked out and took off her mask. Her lips were pale, and her eyes were bloodshot. Even so, they glinted wickedly, as if she had just emerged from an exciting adventure instead of a grueling operation.

Cheng Yan was next to her in an instant. “How did it go?” he asked urgently. Yao Tang said nothing and took her time discarding her surgical gown.

“Be sure not to trouble the Old Madam too much,” Yu Jingsaid from behind her, his voice weary. “The blood clot has basically been taken out, thank God. I’ll write you a prescription in a while. Make sure you follow it to the letter this time.”

Cheng Zhan stood at attention and offered a salute. “Thank you, Mr. Yu.”

“Bah, don’t mention it!” Yu Jingsaid, his lips turned downward. “I’d rather accept monetary gratitude instead of words.”

Just then, Qin Hao came over with a thermos, which he handed toCheng Yan.

“Here,” Cheng Yansaid as he twisted the cap open and passed it over toYao Tang. “I had them prepare your favorite. It’s just the right temperature, too.”

Yao Tang was depositing the surgical gown into the trash bin by the door. When she turned around, she was met by the inviting sight of steam coiling up from the thermos. The sweet aroma of milk tea filled the air.

She could immediately tell that the drink had a generous splash of caramel added to it.

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