Chapter 805 - 805 Another Ambush

Chapter 805 - 805 Another Ambush

805 Another Ambush

Elder Xu nodded and gestured at his apprentices to show their own video footage of the captured hostages.

Like Zhang Yi, these men were tied up and trying to break free from their binds.

By all appearances, there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with them, either.

The Cabinet Elders also gave the location to the Green Cloud Pavilion.


With that out of the way, they proceeded with the transaction according to the rules they had previously set.

These were approved by both sides, so it was expected to go smoothly from here.

After making sure that both Elder Chen and Elder Nie were fine, they would need to show proof that the other hostages were also unharmed.

Then, they would reveal the location of these remaining hostages and have them rescued.

The people of Green Cloud Pavilion didn’t know it, but they were in for a surprise.

After all, these so-called hostages were either dead or disabled.

This was also why the Cabinet Elders had devised this plan to exchange the others in a different location.

If they had brought those hostages here, Vice-President Tang would definitely not agree to the trade.

This way, the Green Cloud Pavilion was led to believe that they were getting back fully abled henchmen, thereby replenishing their manpower.

As for the Cabinet, they could easily have some disciples swoop in and save Zhang Yi, then quickly return to safety.

Even if Vice-President Tang discovered the ruse later on, he wouldn’t be able to do much about it.

The Cabinet, on the other hand, would successfully rescue both Elder Chen and Zhang Yi.

This was a solid plan, indeed.

Elder Wang cleared his throat and lifted his chin toward Vice-President Tang.

“All right, now that we have the locations, shall we send our people to rescue them?”

Everything had gone without a hitch so far, there was no point in delaying the rescue.

Dragging it further wouldn’t benefit either side, after all.

Vice-President Tang smiled slowly, and a sinister glint entered his eyes.

“Of course, please go right ahead.”

He waved his hand flamboyantly in front of the Cabinet Elders, as if he was granting them permission.

Shortly after that, both parties sent their people to the designated locations. They would rescue the others first, and then they would trade the two elders before parting ways.

The most important people were left for last as a guarantee of sorts.

This scenario had its advantages as well. With most of the people gone for the rescue operations, there were fewer enemies to fight off here.

Twenty minutes later, a disciple from the Cabinet called, his voice wrought with anxiety. “Elder, we didn’t find Elder Chen’s apprentice! Instead, we were attacked by hooligans hiding nearby.”

“What?” Elder Wang thundered. He didn’t think that the Green Cloud Pavilion would be shameless until the end.

To think that they would set up another ambush, even now. This certainly was a new low for these oversized rats.

The irony of it all was that both parties had agreed to the terms, yet neither had abided by them.

Seeing Elder Wang’s shocked face, Vice-President Tang laughed hysterically, much like a deranged man would.

His maniacal eyes darted from one Cabinet Elder to the next as he clapped his hands in excitement.

“Oh, Elder Wang, Elder Wang! You said I was despicable, didn’t you? Well, I’ll show you just how despicable I can be! Thank you for the bargaining chips you’ve sent to our door. The Green Cloud Pavilion gladly accepts!”

In truth, he had never intended to trade Elder Chen from the start.

That old geezer was so weak that he had been defeated by a handful of amateurs.

Just as Elder Nie had thought, the Green Cloud Pavilion had no use for a worthless minion like him.

And just as everyone had initially expected, they had, of course, set up another ambush for the Cabinet’s disciples.

With this, not only would Vice-President Tang get his people back, he would also be taking those foolish, self-righteous apprentices captive.

Now, the Green Cloud Pavilion had significant leverage against the Cabinet.

And if they were to capture the rest that was left here, the entire Cabinet would probably collapse.

Vice-President Tang licked his lips in anticipation. He was just a few steps away from becoming the supreme ruler of the entire Music Association.

Forget about Elder Nie and his superior position, he was nothing more than a speck of dust at this point.

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