Chapter 807 - 807 Adding Insult to Injury

Chapter 807 - 807 Adding Insult to Injury

807 Adding Insult to Injury

Vice-President Tang told himself that this was a silver lining.

If they only rescued their own people, then it wouldn’t be such a bad thing. At least, with the addition of their captured comrades, they still had a shot at turning the tables in their favor.

He was surprised, therefore, when he heard an unfamiliar voice from the other end of the line.

“Hey! Is this the damn Vice-President from the Green Cloud Pavilion? We are from the Cabinet. Would you be so kind as to report to our Elders that we’ve tied up all the worthless goons that you sent over? Hurry and tell them we’re waiting for further instructions!”


The man immediately ended the call before Vice-President Tang could get a word in.

Vice-President Tang was understandably livid. His face grew dark, and his body trembled ever so slightly.


How utterly preposterous!

How could the Cabinet Elders go behind his back like that?

“How can you go back on your word? Aren’t you afraid that other people might find out about how you tricked us? I can’t believe you bastards would break the agreement yourselves!”

Spittle flew out of Vice-President Tang as he raged. He was so overcome with emotion that he could barely string coherent sentences together.

Never had he imagined that the respectable and eternally upright Cabinet would do such a thing.

Elder Wang scoffed and shot him a cold glare. “Let’s just say that we’ve picked up a few of the Green Cloud Pavilion’s signature moves. If you hadn’t been so shameless in the first place, we wouldn’t have resorted to this. You only have yourself to blame.”

At the end of the day, the Green Cloud Pavilion was still more treacherous than anyone else.

If this turn of events were to be revealed to the public, they would probably clap their hands in joy and gratification.

Who would waste their breath criticizing the Cabinet’s methods?

It wasn’t as though the filthy liars over at the Green Cloud Pavilion deserved to be afforded the same courtesy as one would toward an honorable gentleman.

“How dare you say that!” Vice-President Tang was practically frothing in the mouth.

He still couldn’t believe that he had fallen for the Cabinet’s trick.

It was always the Green Cloud Pavilion who had used deceit to their advantage.

Now, not only had they been subjected to the same treatment, but the other party had succeeded, too!

And the fact that it was unprecedented only added fuel to his anger.

Not to mention, those brats from the Cabinet had even used the phone of one of Vice-President Tang’s subordinates to call him. He was just adding insult to injury!

The two locations were a few kilometers apart, so there was no way the Cabinet disciples could have transported from one place to another in such a short span of time.

This meant that the Cabinet had set up an ambush as well.

They had planned this from the beginning!

Vice-President Tang was finally able to compose himself.

“I think that you no longer want to take Elder Chen back with you,” he sneered.

An idea was beginning to take shape in his mind.

Since the Cabinet seemed so determined to go against him, he didn’t have any reason to hold back.

He gestured for one of his men to bring Elder Chen over again.

Right there and then, he wanted these bastards to witness how he tortured their precious comrade.

‘Let’s see if you don’t regret what you did after this!’

They had to pay the price for deceiving him.

Vice-President Tang’s lips curled at the corners, and his eyes flashed with anticipation.

He opened his mouth to bark out another order when a familiar, female voice came from behind him.

“Of course, we want to take Elder Chen with us. That’s why we came to pick him up.”

The voice was cold and biting, and it sounded so close that all the hair in Vice-President Tang’s body stood as a chill ran down his spine.

He slowly turned around and met the speaker’s eyes.

The girl had a lazy stance as she stood in the middle of the Green Cloud Pavilion members, who were all lying unconscious on the ground.

It was hard to tell at a glance whether they were still breathing or not.

Vice-President Tang shivered with fear and shock.

When did this girl get behind him? He hadn’t even seen her move!

And how the hell had she managed to subdue his men without alerting anyone?

Vice-President Tang was one of the top spiritual warriors of the Green Cloud Pavilion. Someone capable of defeating his subordinates in one go… Surely, he would have noticed her presence!

A new fear crept into his heart. If she was able to do this, then she could also kill him without anyone knowing.

For the first time in his life, Vice-President Tang felt a primal sense of danger.

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