Chapter 98 - An Ingrate

Chapter 98 An Ingrate

While Yao Yuan spoke with concern, there was a certain glint in his eyes that couldn’t be wiped away. Even Yao Tangcould spot it from miles away. Her lips curled.

“That’s right,” the aunts immediately insisted. “Let’s not stand on ceremony. Just make yourself comfortable.”

Yao Tang couldn’t seem bothered as she gazed at the messages popping up on her phone, ignoring the two women.

Despite this, they didn’t seem the slightest bit embarrassed. All of them shared secretive smiles, perceiving her silence as shyness in meeting her new family. Obviously, she wouldn’t speak as much.

Perhaps they should initiate even further. This girl must be silly enough to let go of such a great opportunity to get close to her new family. Yao Yuan’s eyes twitched at the sight.

“The meal’s ready! Come, you all!”

Taking off her apron, Qin Man walked into the living room with a bowl of soup in her hands. “We are having sweet and sour pork ribs today – Tangtang’s favorite!” she announced proudly.

Yao Tang couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows. For her to cook, this meeting obviously was a big deal.

“So, Tangtang, it seems you’ve made quite a lot of money in the last few years, haven’t you?” Grandpa Yao casually grazed his fingertips against the rim of his teacup. His face appeared calm and kind. “Yang Rong’s medical fees aren’t cheap after all. It’s a good thing you’ve managed to help someone like her, but of course, you should know that blood’s always thicker than water.”

As soon as the old man had spoken, the entire room fell silent. The two daughters of the Yao family sized the young girl up – their eyes shining brightly in anticipation. Yet, there wasn’t a trace of anticipation that flashed across Yao Tang’s eyes. She simply leaned against her seat as if the very people in front of her were strangers – well, that’s what they were before they knew her capabilities, weren’t they?

However, no one could read her thoughts.

Meeting their gazes, she tilted her head. “Oh? Someone like her? Do you mind defining someone like her?”

“Well, we are just saying that you should help your family first, andYang Rongis not your family,” the eldest daughter of the Yao Family snapped, frowning in disdain. “She, after all, is simply an outsider.”

“An outsider? Who are you to tell me what to do? Where were you when I didn’t have money to cover my tuition? Or the time when I couldn’t find a school to go to?” Yao Tang tilted her head. “Where were you then, huh?”

Everyone in the room winced in embarrassment.

Indeed, Yao Tang had been an “outsider” for so many years. In reality, they hadn’t really succeeded in their duty as relatives. In fact, this was the first time they had ever taken the initiative to meet her in person.

She had never been considered their “blood relative” until today.

Moreover, she had already moved out of the Yao Family mansion as soon as she had returned, and it’s not like they ever expressed any concern for her wellbeing. If it weren’t for her status now, they wouldn’t even bother to come looking for her.

If that was how relatives truly were with each other, then she’d rather be an outsider!

Grandpa Yao cleared his throat. “I know you blame us for what had happened, but this truly isn’t our fault,” he quickly said. “If it hadn’t been for that couple who had taken you by accident, it wouldn’t have taken us this long to recognize you.”

“Besides,” he then added, “We’re still related by blood, aren’t we? You will always be a member of the Yao Family.”

The old man’s voice was loud and clear, and his smile was as bright as day.


Yao Tang sneered at his shameless words, and she scoffed.

“What do you really need from me?”

Her voice was as cool as night.

“Tangtang, your father mentioned seeing you with the Qin Family? Are you on good terms with them? Your father had been having difficulties in reaching them about his work recently. Do you mind clearing a few things up with them?”

Under her husband’s signal, Qin Man spoke up.

Seeing her mother butt in, Yao Ran immediately said, “Sister, I’m sure you can do it. Dad has worked so hard for this deal to push through, so your help would be greatly appreciated.”

“And what if I refuse?”

Yao Tang quickly typed in a reply on her phone and looked up, disinterested in her current conversation. “Yao Tang, don’t be stubborn,” Yao Yuan stated, already growing impatient with the young girl. “It’s my fault for not telling the world of your identity, but don’t you think this situation is better off for you and Yao Ran? Besides, you’re still my daughter, no matter what happens.”

“And,” Qin Man added. “If the Yao Familywere to benefit from this deal, wouldn’t it be good for you too? Help your father out. I’m sure Qin Ruiwould listen to whatever you have to say.”

Everyone stared at Yao Tang, waiting for her decision.

The older woman clenched her jaw. Was it really this difficult for her to ask for a favor from the Young Master of the Qin Family? This ingrate really was useless! She couldn’t be compared to the capabilities of her Ranran!

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