The Bloodline System

Chapter 1568 Fitting The Puzzle Pieces

Chapter 1568  Fitting The Puzzle Pieces

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


In one poignant scene, Gustav watched as a mother held her young child close, her eyes filled with tears. "We must go now, my love," she said, her voice trembling. "We will find a new home together."

The child looked up at her, their eyes wide with fear and hope. "Will we be safe, Mama?"

The mother nodded, her expression determined. "Yes, we will be safe. We have each other, and we will find a new home."

As the ships began to launch, the barrier finally gave way. The ashy sand-like matter broke through, a dark and swirling force that consumed everything in its path. The playback showed the horror as the matter spread across the surface of Planet Humbad, swallowing buildings, landscapes, and lives.

Fraumbultin watched from the bridge of the lead ship, his heart heavy with sorrow. "We must leave now," he thought. "We have no time to lose."

The ships ascended into the sky, their engines roaring as they left the atmosphere. The people on board looked back at their planet, their hearts heavy with the weight of leaving their home behind.

In the playback, Gustav saw the scene unfold with chilling clarity. The ashy sand-like matter engulfed the planet, pulling it into the warp demolator. The surface of Humbad was torn apart by the torrent of energy, ripping everything to shreds.

The Slarkovs who had remained on the surface, desperately trying to force open Dimension Six, were caught in the maelstrom. Their screams echoed through the void as they were ripped to pieces by the violent energy. The malevolent force showed no mercy, consuming everything in its path.

In one harrowing moment, Gustav watched as a group of Slarkovs tried to take shelter in an underground bunker. The bunker, once a place of safety, was no match for the sheer force of the ashy sand-like matter. The walls crumbled, and the Slarkovs inside were engulfed by the dark force.

"We must stay united," one of them cried, their voice filled with desperation. "We must hold on to hope!"

But their words were lost in the chaos as the matter swallowed them whole. The playback showed the horror in excruciating detail, the once-thriving planet now a desolate wasteland consumed by darkness.

As Planet Humbad was pulled into the Stagnant Siterus void, it did not completely get destroyed. The warp demolator dragged it into a state of limbo, a void where it existed in a perpetual state of decay. The planet, now a ghost of its former self, floated aimlessly in the void, a testament to the destructive power of the ashy sand-like matter.

"There is no way the Slarkovs could have survived on Humbad if they had chosen to stay," Gustav thought, his heart heavy with the weight of their loss. "Their only chance was to leave, to find a new home where they could rebuild."

Fraumbultin the 88th addressed his people from the lead ship, his voice filled with sorrow and determination. "My fellow Slarkovs, we have lost our home, but we have not lost our spirit. We carry the memory of Humbad within us, and we will honor our fallen by finding a new home and building a future filled with hope and unity."

The playback showed scenes of the ships traveling through space, their path guided by the shimmering pathway created by the prototype device. The atmosphere on board was a mix of sorrow and determination as the Slarkovs looked to the stars for a new beginning.

In one touching scene, Gustav watched as a family gathered in their cabin, their faces filled with a mix of sadness and resolve. "We must remember our heritage," the father said, his voice steady. "We carry the spirit of Humbad within us, and we will honor it by surviving and thriving."

The mother nodded, her eyes filled with tears. "We will find a new home, and we will build a future together. We must stay strong and united."

As the days turned into weeks, the Slarkovs faced numerous challenges on their journey. The limited oxygen and supplies weighed heavily on everyone's minds, but their determination to reach Earth kept them going.

In one lab, Dr. Kylen led a team in maintaining the life support systems. "We need to ensure that every bit of air and water is recycled efficiently," she explained to her team. "Our lives depend on it."

Fraumbultin visited the lab, offering his support and encouragement. "Your work is crucial to our survival," he told them. "Together, we will reach Earth."

Despite the challenges, the spirit of unity and determination that had carried the Slarkovs through their journey continued to prevail. Families supported one another, community leaders organized activities to keep morale high, and everyone did their part to ensure the success of their mission.

In one dramatic moment, a malfunction in one of the oxygen generators caused a temporary drop in oxygen levels. The engineers worked frantically to repair the system, their faces etched with determination and fear.

"We need to stabilize the oxygen flow," one of the engineers called out, their voice filled with urgency. "If we don't, we'll lose more air than we can afford."

Fraumbultin watched the scene unfold, his heart pounding with anxiety. "Hold on," he thought. "We must make it through this."


After what felt like an eternity, the engineers managed to repair the generator, stabilizing the oxygen flow. The relief on their faces was palpable, and Fraumbultin felt a surge of hope.

"We did it," one of the engineers said, their voice filled with relief. "The system is stable."

Fraumbultin nodded, his expression filled with gratitude. "Thank you. Your dedication and skill have saved us."

As the journey continued, the Slarkovs faced other challenges, from navigating through asteroid fields to dealing with equipment malfunctions. But through it all, their determination and unity carried them forward.

In one scene, Gustav watched as the fleet approached a particularly dense asteroid field. The pilots worked together, their coordination and skill guiding the ships safely through the obstacles.

"Hold steady," one of the pilots called out, their voice filled with concentration. "We need to stay on course."

The ships maneuvered through the asteroid field with precision, the tension palpable as they avoided the massive rocks. Finally, they emerged on the other side, their path to Earth clear once more.

"We made it," another pilot said, their voice filled with relief. "We're back on course."

Fraumbultin addressed his people once more from the lead ship, his voice filled with determination and resolve. "My fellow Slarkovs, we have faced many challenges on our journey, but we remain strong. Our destination is in sight. We will reach Earth, and we will build a new future together."

As the days turned into weeks, the Slarkovs continued their journey, their hope and determination unwavering. The playback showed scenes of daily life on board the ships, from families sharing meals to community leaders organizing activities to keep morale high.

In one touching scene, Gustav watched as a group of elders shared stories of their heritage and the journey they were on. "We are the descendants of a proud and resilient people," one of the elders said, her voice filled with pride. "We have faced many challenges, but we have always found a way to rise above them."

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the playback showed the fleet approaching Earth. The atmosphere on board was electric with anticipation and hope as the planet came into view.

"We're almost there," one of the engineers said, their voice filled with excitement. "Earth is within our reach."

Fraumbultin stood on the bridge, his eyes fixed on the blue and green planet that was now their destination. "Prepare for landing," he ordered, his voice steady. "We have made it this far. Let us ensure a successful arrival."

The ships descended towards Earth, their engines roaring as they entered the atmosphere. The landing was smooth, and the Slarkovs stepped out onto the surface of their new home, their faces filled with awe and relief.

Fraumbultin addressed his people, his voice filled with emotion. "My fellow Slarkovs, we have faced unimaginable challenges and overcome them together. We have left our beloved planet behind, but we have found a new home. Let us build a future here, one filled with hope, unity, and resilience."

The playback showed scenes of the Slarkovs beginning to settle on Earth. They built homes, planted crops, and established communities. The spirit of unity and determination that had carried them through their journey now fueled their


Gustav stood in the center of the playback construct, a sense of revelation washing over him. The pieces of the puzzle had finally come together, and he understood the origins of the warp demolator, the Slarkovs, and the existence of the Mixedbloods. The playback had shown him the tragic destruction of Planet Humbad and the incredible journey of the Slarkovs to Earth. Now, everything made sense.

"The warp demolator," Gustav thought, "was a pollution from the corpse of a deity. That explains its relentless nature and why it targeted Planet Humbad specifically. The deity's corpse, massive and destructive, emitted this ashy sand-like matter that sought to consume everything in its path."

He recalled the scene where the deity's blood had created Dimension Six and how its pollution had nearly destroyed Humbad. "The Slarkovs came to Earth because it used to be their neighbor. Their escape was not just a desperate flight; it was a return to a familiar place, a planet that once shared the same solar system."

Gustav's thoughts turned to the significance of the Slarkovs' arrival on Earth. "The combination of Slarkovs and humans created a new species known as the Mixedbloods. The supernatural abilities that Mixedbloods possess are a direct result of the D.N.A. they inherited from the Slarkovs. The abilities were locked by the first Fraumbultin after he gained access to Dimension Six. When the Slarkovs integrated Earth's D.N.A., it must have unlocked these dormant abilities, resulting in the creation of the Mixedbloods."

He stood there, taking in the weight of this revelation. "Mixedbloods owe their existence to the Slarkovs. Their unique abilities, their supernatural powers—all of it originated from the ancient race that fled their doomed planet and sought refuge on Earth."

Gustav's mind raced with the implications of this knowledge. "This changes everything. Understanding the true origin of the Mixedbloods can help us better comprehend our abilities and the legacy we carry. It also means that our fate is intertwined with that of the Slarkovs. We must honor their legacy and ensure that the sacrifices they made were not in vain."

As he pondered these thoughts, the playback construct shifted, showing scenes of the early days of the Slarkovs on Earth. They had arrived on a planet teeming with life but devoid of humans at that time. The integration of their D.N.A. with the native species had led to the emergence of the first Mixedbloods.

In one scene, a group of Slarkovs and early humans worked together to build a settlement. The Slarkovs, with their advanced technology and knowledge, guided the humans, teaching them new skills and sharing their wisdom.

"This cooperation was the foundation of the Mixedbloods," Gustav realized. "The Slarkovs brought their knowledge, their resilience, and their unique D.N.A., while the humans contributed their adaptability and resourcefulness. Together, they created something entirely new."

He watched as the settlement grew, and the first Mixedbloods began to exhibit their supernatural abilities. Children born from Slarkov-human unions displayed remarkable powers, their abilities ranging from elemental manipulation to telekinesis.

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