The Bloodline System

Chapter 1573 The Birth Of The Outworldly

Chapter 1573  The Birth Of The Outworldly

The new Outworldly was already here. A towering figure draped in a cloak of swirling stars and nebulae, its form constantly shifting and warping, as if it was a living, breathing piece of the cosmos itself. Around it, the deities had gathered, their colossal forms casting shadows across the vast expanse of space. They were poised and ready, waiting for the final barrier to fall so they could plunge into the mortal plane.

Ellias's sudden arrival was like a thunderclap in the void. His presence radiated an ancient, almost forgotten power, and it sent powerful ripples of reverence through the deities. Even the new Outworldly, in all its cosmic grandeur, paused, its many eyes narrowing as it turned to face the intruder.

"Impossible," whispered a deity with a face like molten rock, its voice rumbling through the space like an avalanche. "He was erased... We saw it ourselves."

"How can this be?" another deity, this one with wings of blinding light and a crown of flames, stammered, its expression a mixture of fear and disbelief. "He was wiped from existence... yet here he stands."

The deities stared at Ellias, their titanic faces a mixture of shock, fear, and awe. They had witnessed his supposed destruction, the erasure of his very essence from the cosmos. None had thought he could return.

The new Outworldly's eyes flared, and a low, menacing hum filled the void. "Ellias," it spoke, its voice a deep, resonant echo that seemed to come from every direction at once. "You cling to existence like a remnant, a ghost of what once was. Why do you return now? You are nothing compared to what you were."

Ellias floated before them, his body glowing with a dim, almost ethereal light. He raised his head, his eyes burning with a fierce, undying resolve. "Perhaps I am but a ghost," he replied, his voice calm yet carrying the weight of eons. "But even a ghost can haunt. I did not come here to be lectured by you."

The Outworldly sneered, its form shifting as if agitated. "You dare stand before me with such arrogance? You are a shadow of your former self, a flickering candle against the eternal darkness that I am!"

Ellias didn't flinch. He stood his ground, his gaze locked onto the entity before him. "You speak of darkness, yet all I see is a coward hiding behind stolen power," he said, his voice cutting through the void like a blade. "You seek to break the barriers, to unleash chaos upon the mortal plane. But I will not let that happen."

A ripple of shock passed through the gathered deities. They had not expected this defiance, not from someone who had supposedly been erased from existence. The fear on their faces was palpable. They knew the power Ellias once held, and even in his weakened state, his mere presence was enough to stir doubts and dread within them.

"Enough of this," the Outworldly growled, its eyes blazing with fury. "You think you can stop what is inevitable? You are nothing but a relic, a fading echo. I will unravel you just as I did before!"

With that, the entity's form exploded into a storm of cosmic energy, tendrils of raw power lashing out in every direction. The deities backed away, their colossal forms trembling under the weight of the unleashed energy. Ellias braced himself, feeling the pressure of the Outworldly's might pressing down on him like an immense tidal wave.

But he held firm.

Drawing upon the remnants of his celestial power, Ellias raised his hand, and a glowing sigil appeared in the space before him. It pulsed with an ancient light, a symbol of protection and defiance. The tendrils of energy crashed against the sigil, sending out shockwaves that rippled through the void.

"You underestimate me," Ellias said through gritted teeth, his voice steady despite the strain. "I may not be what I once was, but neither are you. I see the cracks in your power. You've overreached, and now the cosmos itself resists you."

The Outworldly roared, a sound that shook the very fabric of space. "Silence!" it bellowed. "You know nothing of my power, of what I have become!"

"I know enough," Ellias replied, his eyes narrowing. "You seek to rule over realms not meant for you. That is the folly of your kind."

The entity lunged forward, its body twisting and expanding into a massive shape, blotting out the distant stars. It swung a colossal arm toward Ellias, its hand like a clawed maw ready to tear him apart. But Ellias was ready.

He channeled what little strength he had left into his limbs and dashed to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack. The force of the blow shattered the space where he had just been, sending shards of reality flying in all directions.

Ellias countered with a blast of his own, a beam of pure celestial energy that lanced out from his palm and struck the Outworldly in its side. The entity howled in pain and rage as the beam seared through its cosmic form, leaving a gaping wound that shimmered with unstable energy.

"That was for all the lives you've taken," Ellias said, his voice a low, determined growl. "For all the worlds you've destroyed."

The deities watched in stunned silence. The one they thought erased from existence had returned, and he was fighting the new Outworldly. Fear and uncertainty spread through their ranks. They had placed their hopes in this new power, believing it would be their salvation. Now, doubt crept into their hearts.

The Outworldly glared at Ellias, its many eyes burning with fury. "You will regret this defiance," it hissed, its voice filled with venom. "I will erase you a thousand times over if I must."

Ellias smirked, a defiant spark in his eyes. "Then come and try. I've faced oblivion once. I can do it again."

And with that, the battle for the fate of the mortal plane truly began.


Gustav continued to watch intently as the projection from Dimension Six unfolded before him. The humanoid deity's victory over the Overseer had set the stage for a crucial moment in the history of the cosmos. The scene shifted to a grand celestial assembly, where all the deities were gathered, their forms towering and majestic, each one embodying a different aspect of existence. At the center of this assembly stood the Overseer, their form a mesmerizing blend of divine light and shadow, exuding an aura of absolute authority.

The Overseer raised their hand, calling the assembly to order. Their voice echoed through the vast expanse, resonating with a power that silenced all other voices. "Deities of the cosmos, I have called you here to address a matter of utmost importance. It is time for us to reconsider our actions and the impact they have on the mortals we govern."

A murmur of discontent rippled through the assembly. The dark lord, his form a swirling mass of shadows, stepped forward, his eyes burning with defiance. "Why should we concern ourselves with the lives of mortals? They are insignificant compared to our power and eternal existence."

Ignara, the fiery deity, nodded in agreement. Her mane of flames crackled with intensity as she spoke. "We are the embodiments of creation and destruction. To bind us with concerns for mortals is to deny our very nature."

The Overseer's gaze remained steady. "Mortals may be fleeting, but their lives have meaning and value. Our unchecked conflicts have brought them immense suffering. We must consider the balance of the cosmos and the well-being of all its inhabitants."

A deity composed of shimmering water and ethereal light, Oceana, added her voice to the dissent. "Our power is boundless, and our actions are part of the cosmic cycle. Mortals are but a small part of that cycle."

The humanoid deity, his presence radiant with determination, stepped forward. "It is precisely because of our power that we have a responsibility to protect those who look to us for guidance. Our actions have consequences, and we must ensure that we do not bring harm to those who inhabit the worlds we govern."

The Overseer raised a hand to silence the growing dissent. "You have all expressed your views, but I propose a solution that will address our concerns and maintain the balance. We shall perform a ritual—a sacrifice of our own essence—to bring forth a being who will supercede even myself as the Overseer. This being, known as the Outworldly, will determine the fate of the mortals and guide our actions."

A wave of curiosity and skepticism washed over the assembly. The dark lord narrowed his eyes, suspicion evident in his voice. "And why should we agree to this ritual? What guarantees do we have that this Outworldly will not be biased against us?"

The Overseer's gaze was unwavering. "The Outworldly will be born from our combined essence, embodying the traits of all deities. This being will understand the balance of creation and destruction and will have the authority to guide our actions. It is the only way to ensure fairness and balance."

The deities exchanged glances, their egos clashing with the weight of the proposal. Finally, Ignara spoke, her voice a grudging acceptance. "Very well, Overseer. We shall participate in this ritual. But know this—we will not be bound by the whims of a single being, even if it is born from our essence."

The assembly agreed, each deity convinced that any being born of their blood would naturally align with their perspectives. They gathered in a grand circle, and with a wave of the Overseer's hand, a massive chalice appeared in the center, shimmering with an ethereal light.

The Overseer spoke with authority. "Each of you will sacrifice a drop of your blood into this chalice. Together, we shall create the Outworldly, who will guide our actions and determine the fate of mortals."

One by one, the deities approached the chalice, each one drawing forth a drop of their blood and allowing it to fall into the vessel. The dark lord's blood was an inky black, swirling with shadows. Ignara's blood was a fiery red, crackling with energy. Oceana's blood was a shimmering blue, fluid and radiant.

When it was the humanoid deity's turn, he stepped forward with a calm determination. Instead of his own blood, he discreetly drew forth a drop of Slarkov blood, the essence of a mortal. With a solemn expression, he let the drop fall into the chalice, mingling with the blood of the deities.

Finally, the Overseer approached, their form radiating divine authority. They allowed a drop of their own blood to fall into the chalice, completing the ritual. The chalice glowed with a brilliant light, the combined essence of the deities and the Slarkov blood merging into a new, extraordinary being.

As the light intensified, a figure began to form within the chalice, rising from the divine mixture. The Outworldly emerged, a being of unparalleled beauty and power, their form a perfect blend of all the deities' traits. Their eyes shimmered with a deep, knowing light, reflecting the balance of the cosmos.

The deities watched in awe and anticipation as the Outworldly stood before them, their presence commanding and serene. The dark lord was the first to speak, his voice laced with confidence. "Outworldly, you are born of our essence. Surely you understand the need for our free reign. Mortals are beneath us, and our power should not be constrained."

The Outworldly's gaze was calm and piercing, their voice a harmonious blend of all the deities' tones. "I am born of your essence, but I am also born of the essence of mortals. The balance of the cosmos includes all life, and it is my duty to protect and guide it. Your conflicts have caused great harm, and it is time for them to end."

Ignara's flames flared with indignation. "We are the forces of creation and destruction. To bind us is to deny our nature. You, born of our blood, should understand that."

The Outworldly's expression remained serene. "I understand your nature, but I also understand the value of balance and harmony. The cosmos thrives on the interplay of forces, but unchecked power leads to chaos. Mortals deserve to live in peace, and it is my duty to ensure that balance is maintained."

The Overseer nodded in approval. "The Outworldly speaks with wisdom. Their perspective is not biased by any one of us but balanced by the essence of all. It is time to heed their guidance and bring an end to our conflicts."

Oceana, her voice a melodic whisper, spoke with a hint of acceptance. "Perhaps it is time for a new order. The Outworldly embodies the balance we have struggled to maintain. We must trust in their guidance."

The dark lord, though reluctant, bowed his head in submission. "Very well, Outworldly. We shall abide by your decree. But know this—we will be watching, and we will not be silenced."

The Outworldly's eyes glowed with understanding. "I welcome your vigilance. Together, we shall ensure the balance of the cosmos and protect the lives of all its inhabitants."

Gustav watched in awe as the assembly of deities dispersed, their egos tempered by the presence of the Outworldly. The cosmos began to heal, the conflicts and chaos giving way to a new era of balance and harmony.


Returning to his own realm, the humanoid deity felt a deep sense of fulfillment. "The birth of the Outworldly has brought the peace we so desperately needed," he thought. "With their guidance, we can protect and nurture the cosmos."

Gustav felt a profound sense of admiration for the humanoid deity and the Outworldly. "Their actions have shown that even in the face of overwhelming power, compassion and wisdom can prevail," he thought. "We must honor their legacy and strive to maintain the balance they fought so hard to protect."

As the projection faded, Gustav felt a renewed sense of purpose. The knowledge he had gained was not just a revelation but a call to action. The story of the deities, their battles, and their ultimate sacrifice would be a beacon of hope and a reminder of the importance of balance and harmony in the cosmos. The future was now in their hands, and with the legacy of the deities guiding them, they would strive to build a world worthy of their sacrifices.

The Outworldly's gaze was calm and piercing, their voice a harmonious blend of all the deities' tones. "I am born of your essence, but I am also born of the essence of mortals. The balance of the cosmos includes all life, and it is my duty to protect and guide it. Your conflicts have caused great harm, and it is time for them to end."

The Outworldly's expression remained serene. "I understand your nature, but I also understand the value of balance and harmony. The cosmos thrives on the interplay of forces, but unchecked power leads to chaos. Mortals deserve to live in peace, and it is my duty to ensure that balance is maintained."

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