The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 420: Dao Core Fragments (2)

Chapter 420: Dao Core Fragments (2)

In that moment, the beautiful glow of Chaos energy engulfed the duo. Large sections of Space Laws completely shattered.

The duo charged right into the torn open void space as a green flash of Chaos energy.

In just one second, the duo came upon the cloaking Spirit Formations barrier. Despite being quite literally inches from the Spirit Formations barriers, it didn’t react to the sensation of Chaos energy.

The application of Chaos energy Cain used with Chaotic Teleportation differs from the Chaos Spirit Force.

Chaotic Teleportation is pure Law breaking power. The energy principles within it are far too confusing and ancient for any modern person to possibly perceive.

This includes the mysterious expert who laid down these Spirit Formations. Sensations of Chaos energy went perfectly undetected.

Cain didn’t dare to stop for even a split moment, flashing right into the Spirit Formation barrier. And instead of smashing it apart or clashing into a violent energy collision, the duo teleported right through it!

Nothing could stop their descent. Chaos energy teleported them through numerous Spirit barriers, reaching the end of the energy trail within a matter of seconds.

When passing through the last Spirit barrier, the duo could finally feel their feet touching solid ground. Their eyes slowly open to a wondrous sight.

Colorful flashes of light lit up the room like a mesmerizing rainbow. Waves of refreshing energy subconsciously relaxed Cain and Amber’s entire being. Their minds as well felt noticeably sharper by just staying in the mere atmosphere of the room.

Embedded onto the walls were the cause of the brilliant light show.

Various cores, all of different sizes and shapes, glistened across the cave walls. Each core carried its own unique specialties. Some seemed as profound as the sky itself, merely staring into a colorful glow can lull one into an inescapable trance.

Other cores were more mysterious than an endless abyss. Theirs glows contained countless complexities that seemed impossible to solve and yet it would always pull anyone, even Divine cultivators, into its mysterious presence.

Broad smiles glowed on Cain’s and Amber’s faces. They basked in the pleasure of satisfaction while their gazes took in the magical sight.

Cain went on to quietly mutter after a moment of awe, “So, these are Dao Core Fragments? Amazing…these have to be hundreds of thousands of times more potent than any Dao Core Trace on pure first senses alone!”

Before doing anything first, the duo swept out their Divine Senses in an attempt to locate the Dao Core Fragment the same as their main Law Marks.

Just like with Dao Core Traces, choosing to absorb the same type of Dao Core Fragment produces the best result for any cultivator. It’s at least five hundred times faster and more effective than choosing to absorb a random Dao Core Fragment.

The Laws contained within these Dao Core Fragments varied to a large degree. There were the standard elemental Laws, Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water. But there were also various Laws from weapons, such as Sword or the Spear Dao. And even rarer types of Laws such as Strength, Transformation, Curse, Demonic, and even a hint of Space.

Many of these Laws could potentially be helpful if Cain or Amber wanted to cultivate a second set of Laws.

However, they knew it would only be counterproductive. Cain specifically recalled his grandmother explaining that unless their Source Law attainment is extremely high, it’s far to cost-effective to cultivate a second set of Laws.

After only a few minutes of searching, the duo eagerly strolled toward specific points of the cave wall, accurately locating the Laws same as theirs.

Amber grasped a profoundly black glowing Dao Core Fragment, whereas Cain held a brilliantly blue flashing Dao Core Fragment.

The Dao Core Fragments felt incredibly smooth to touch. Even when completely fused with essence from the Great Daos, it felt as if they were grasping onto the clouds themselves.

Cain poured his Divine Sense into only a small section of the Dao Core Fragment. His Spiritual Sense was instantly hit with a massive and confusing sensation of various energy sensations.

Everything, even for Cain’s quasi-expert attainment Spiritual Sea, felt far too mysterious.

The fog that is a Dao Core Fragment was thousands of times more complex than what he experienced with Middle Stage Divine Lightning Laws.

Confusing as it was, Cain didn’t let anything disturb his determined mood. He intently focused on just the smallest section of the lightning Dao Core Fragment, deeply comprehending the principles within this tiny essence portion.

Time soon became irrelevant to both Cain and Amber. Neither could feel anything else as they stayed squarely focused on comprehending the tiniest portion of the Dao Core Fragment.

Minutes, or perhaps even several hours passed without any notice.

It was finally at this time that Cain slowly grasp a principle truth. He recognized a critical factor.

This or any other Dao Core Fragment builds upon what a cultivator comprehended so far. It was about perfecting the level of Divine Qi and Law essence a cultivator is currently at.

The essence within the Dao Core Fragments is of perfection-level quality. It may not be all-powerful, but it contains thousands of times more complex principles than what Cain perceives while in the Divine Law Dimension.

The reason it could have such mysterious principles?

Cain identifies that these Dao Core Fragments contain a true and massive amount of essence from a Heavenly Great Dao!

Even the smallest portion of this Dao Core Fragment made Cain feel as if he was peering into a principle that contains a single truth of the entire universe.

The more he comprehended, the more these principles truths would become unveiled in his Spiritual Sea. His link to the environment itself and the vital essence that fuels nature could finally take steps to grow.

The scope of their Divine Boundless Heaven was even more immense than Cain could ever imagine.

At one time, he honestly believed there was only one Heavenly Great Dao that governed the whole universe and that this Dao contains all Source Laws that fueled the universe.

However, Cain soon realized that his scope was far too narrow-minded. In actuality, who knows how many Heavenly Great Daos existed within the universe?

For that matter, how can they, as Martial Cultivators, come to even control a Heavenly Great Dao?

Perhaps only Heavenly Venerate masters hold some sort of answer. But even then, Cain felt as if those legendary existences still are lacking critical answers.

The more Cain comprehended from the Dao Core Fragment, the more confusing and clearer everything gradually turns.

In a sense, the process Cain and Amber were currently undergoing was exactly communing with the Heaven and Earth and the Great Daos above.

As Cain and Amber slowly assimilated into an enlightened trance, their bloodlines began to stir. Their bloodlines rumbled as flashes of mysterious black lightning continually glimmered out.

Unknown to the outside world, but these sparks of black lightning contain very similar principles to the entirety of the Dao Core Fragments!

When this black lightning slowly flowed into Cain and Amber’s Spiritual Sea, their cultivation speed sky-rocketed.

The duo went at speeds that would horrify even Primal Sovereign experts, rapidly reaching a level of cultivation that not many Heavenly Venerates were able to reach.


Sky Bless City has numerous organizations, stores, and Martial Families floating within the skies. Each of these places took up great masses of the area but were also decently spaced from each other.

Divine Essence Spiritual Veins lay deep within each of the grand floating sights, the veins producing an essence force-field unique to that specific organization. The veins also help keep each place staying afloat for an indefinite amount of time.

Anyone of these floating places is far superior to wandering the God Galaxy wilderness or staying on the ground.

But anyone of these places never floats too high into the skies. High into the skies were reserved for only one sect of power.

A torrent of clouds made up of Divine Qi blocked this section of the sky. If one attempts to go past it, the Divine Qi clouds would release waves of energy that even a peak Divine Star expert wouldn’t be able to resist.

Going past this cloud barrier, one would arrive at a magnificent sight.

A massive floating palace, at least the size of two continents, majestically floated above the sea of clouds!

Anyone coming would be in awe of its sheer size and general aura. It practically exuded a holier than thou presence, standing above all and looking down onto the mortal coil.

Moreover, the interior of this palace was even larger than what appeared on the outside because of the miracles of both Space Laws and Spirit energy Laws.

Only a very select few could be seen flying in and out of this palace. These people were all at the top of the God Galaxies society. Not a single person had a sloppy foundation or an unstable natural Divine Aura.

An environment like this could only be cultivated by a peak first-rate sect.

Indeed, this was the Cloudsea main sect branch!

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