The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 553: Critical Moment

Chapter 553: Critical Moment

At this point, Cain couldn’t afford to hold back. His soul form power, Draconic Lightning Aura, and Chaos Spirit Force released at their full power!

Ripples of lightning swayed from Cain’s body. His pupils threatened to transform, and his Draconic Lightning Wings nearly burst out from his back.

But Cain used a considerable amount of soul energy to suppress the full transformation. He could trust Lan Rui and Yulong to keep his true identity a secret.

But not Lin Zui. The problems he could generate couldn’t be ignored.

Uncaring about his soul’s energy consumption, Cain clasped his palms. The sheer force of his palms generated numerous waves of Draconic Lightning energy principles to smash into the atmosphere.

Violent screeching sounds reverberated. A weaker Divine Ruler would go deaf under the clash of the two principles atmosphere!

Inside Cain’s protection, the shockwaves and sound were considerably lessened.

Though Lin Zui, Lan Rui, and Yulong still felt their heart tighten from the mighty reverberations of power.

Amber stayed completely calm. Her soul power, bloodline power, and Inner World powers are already completely released inside her Inner Spirit Space. She was ready to erupt at any moment.

At the same time, lightning and ice essence continually minced each other apart. Blinding flashes of dark and light blue Law Lights filled the skies. Any weaker cultivator stepping into this chaotic atmosphere would be ripped to shreds.

No one side had a clear advantage over the other. Cain’s energy principles could evenly match a peak mid-Divine Ruler powerhouse!

“Wh-what are you?!?”

The Nether Yin Spirit hysterically roared out. It didn’t know why, but the principles of this mere Great Divine Sea ant made it feel a primal fear. A sensation that felt like it belongs to the origin of everything!

The Nether Yin Spirit hurriedly recalled its Dao energy principles. All of its Ice essence converged onto its palm.

A flash of radiant blue streaked. The Nether Yin Spirit was as fast as lightning as it slammed its Ice essence palms into the ground.

For miles, the snow started to violently pulsate. An unforeseen Dao pressure rippled through the ground.

In an instant, every speck of snow around Cain’s team for hundreds of meters soared straight at them!

Streaks of continuous snow smashed against the Draconic Lightning barrier. Every clash made the barrier slightly tremble.

Cain nearly let out a groan. The mental pressure would gradually build up until the barrier was destroyed.

Cain was equally surprised and excited. This wasn’t an enemy he could simply overpower with superior energy principles. Every move performed is an equal threat to their life!

‘Now this will be a battle!’ Cain’s smile unknowingly grew wide.

His left palm swirled out a small bolt of Draconic Lightning essence. Streams of electricity flowed out of the bolt and connected to the Draconic Lightning barrier.

This small Draconinc Lightning bolt was fuelled with 10% of Cain’s soul energy. As long as it wasn’t drained out, the Draconic Lightning barrier wouldn’t break down.

Once that was taken care of, Cain quickly grabbed onto Amber’s shoulder, took an invisible step forward, and instantly teleported through the Void Space.

Neither Lan Rui, Lin Zui, nor Yulong could say anything as they were left behind. Much less peak Mid Stage Divine Rulers, they couldn’t provide much assistance with an ordinary Mid Divine Ruler. Their hopes could only be placed with the duo.

Cain and Amber silently appeared inches away from the Nether Yin Spirit. The Dragon Swift Sword made its appearance, black lights and Draconic Lightning swirling around its blade.

Cain thrust the Dragon Swift Sword straight at the Nether Yin Spirit’s head. His speed was a mere blur. It instantly neared the creature with speed faster than sound!

At the same time, Amber’s palm had opened and glowed with radiant Gold Spirit energy. An insidious sensation whirled from the center of her palm.

Slaughtering Golden Lights washed away the clouds. A golden Slaughtering Sword burst from the center of Amber’s palm and sliced straight at the Nether Yin Spirit’s head!

The Nether Yin Spirit didn’t even have the time to be surprised. Lights of Ice essence formed a faint barrier at both his sides.

But, the Dragon Swift Sword smashed right through the Ice barrier. Nothing could hinder the golden Slaughtering Sword as well.

In that split-second, the Nether Yin Spirit hurriedly rose its palm to block the deadly attacks. Law Runes brightly flashed all across its palms.


The Dragon Swift Sword tore through the Nether Yin Spirit’s palm and stabbed deep into its cheek. While the Golden Slaughtering Sword also tore through the Nether Yin Spirit’s palm, but could only stab a few inches deep into its cheek.

Even so, both the Dragon Swift Sword and Golden Slaughtering Sword frantically spewed out chaotic energy principles all throughout the Nether Yin Spirit’s body!

The Nether Yin Spirit shook. It spat out a mouthful of blue blood.

Cain and Amber nearly smiled. But at this time, they experienced a terrifying cold in their arms!

Their eyes narrowed as they saw frost coiling around the tip of their weapons. As the duo pushed all of their energy into attacking, the cold energy principles could slither right through their defenses.

Trading injury for injury, the Nether Yin Spirit forced out energy principles from its body to invade straight into Cain and Amber’s Spiritual Sea.

The sudden piercing cold even made Cain and Amber stall for a second. A second was all that the Nether Yin Spirit needed!

Law Runes glowed with its vacant eyes. Streaks of Ice essence flashed out and tore straight at Cain and Amber’s hearts.

The duo’s Protective Divine Aura was smashed apart! The Ice essence streaks ripped through Cain and Amber’s protective robes and stabbed an inch into their chests!

A spurt of blood flew out. The jolt of pain intensely stimulated Cain and Amber’s Inner Soul World.

Hundreds of their Soul Law Marks rippled out soul energy that appeared right into their Spiritual Sea, overpowering the cold energy principles.

Awaken, Chaos lights shrouded Cain’s body and extended over to Amber, specifically avoiding the Nether Yin Spirit.

The Ice essence streaks couldn’t touch the duo’s body anymore. Cain had instantly teleported them hundreds of meters into the skies.

High in the skies, beads of cold sweat pour down their faces. Cold energy principles had nearly frozen their hearts completely!

A second later, they would’ve instantly died!

This had to be the closes touch of death Cain and Amber had experienced since coming to the God Galaxy. Not even that creature from the Lake Of Stars made Cain feel a close touch of death.

‘This battle needs to end now!’ Cain was decisive.

His Dragon Sift Sword pointed down. Swirls of Draconic Lightning gathered at the tip of the blade. Green Chaos Lights radiated at a greater intensity.

His Martial Skill formed faster than a split-second at the cost of heavy soul energy. But it was all worth it.

‘Draconic Claw Chains!’

A tremendous Draconinc Lightning Claw over 200 feet wide shot out of the Dragon Swift Sword. Wrapping around the Draconic Lightning Claw were faint green Chaos Chains.

The combination of Draconic Lightning and Chaos energy principles unleashed a devastating effect. Everything for hundreds of meters around the Yin Nether Spirit was completely locked down!


The Nether Yin Spirit instantly performed thousands of hand signs, its eyes widening in utter horror. A hurricane of snow of ice essence burst from its body.

The snowy ice hurricane rapidly grew, expanding over hundreds of feet within a second. If placed in a mortal country, the mere shockwave of the snowy ice hurricane would raze the entire region to bits of pieces.

The power of the snowy hurricane would be enough to overwhelm the Dao Origins of other peaks Mid Divine Rulers.

But against the Draconic Claw Chain, every single one of its energy principles was completely suppressed!

The Nether Yin Spirit couldn’t move. Nor could it snowy ice hurricane move out.

Faster than a split-second, the Draconic Claw Chain smashed right on the snowy ice hurricane and the Nether Yin Spirit’s body!


Space completely shattered for a mile. A tremendous fissure cracked open across the snowy ground. Blinding flashes of Lightning Law lights forced Lan Rui, Yulong, and Lin Zui to shield their eyes.

A second later, the Law Lights cleared away.

Lan Rui, Yulong, and Lin Zui opened their eyes to a bewildering sight.

The Nether Yin Spirit was no more. All that was left was a huge crater hundred of feet deep!

Lan Rui, Yulong, and Lin Zui felt shaken up for a moment. They gazed from the skies to the crater while shaking their heads.

Up in the skies, Cain and Amber exhaled a long sigh. Considerable fatigue and dizziness swayed Cain’s head.

He nearly felt like collapsing until Amber hugged his weight. The softness of her body invigorated Cain.

Amber concernedly asked, “You’re sweating bullets like crazy. Are you okay?”

“I should be asking you that.” Cain wryly smiled. “That piercing attack from that Spirit was quite vicious. Thankfully, I wasted it before it pulled out any more tricks. Come on, let’s get the others and then get out of here.”

The duo recalled their prowess, causing the Draconic Lightning Barrier to disperse.

In trails of light, the duo soared down into the snowy ground.

Lan Rui, Yulong, and Lin Zui all looked like they wanted to say something. They all noticed the sizable holes in his and Amber’s robes.

But Cain quickly said first, “Before anything, let’s get back to the cave so we can rest up and continue on. That was too close for comfort.”

From continuous heavy uses of his soul, Cain felt honestly drained at this moment. Less than 20% of his reserves remained. But this was enough to cover his team in Chaotic Concealment again.

Under Cain’s lead, the team swiftly traveled back over to the cavern with the jewels.

The travel was noticeably quieter than before. Yulong, Lan Rui, and Lin Zui’s minds were preoccupied with the monstrous prowess the duo had just displayed. It led them all to have various thoughts emerging from their souls.

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