Chapter 1027 - I Vow

"Do any of you have a problem with that?"

Eurig wasn't sure what to expect from them at this point. He was basically asking them to destroy the last sanctuary their people had left on this world and by doing so, set the foundation for their inevitable defeat.

It was one thing to abandon one's family but to actively bring down the last beacon of hope their people had for a better future or rather, ANY future, that was something else entirely. He was asking them to betray not only their own species but also to watch them burn right in front of their eyes.

Surely, as ex-leaders of the last human clans, this would not be an easy decision to make.

'It wasn't an easy choice to make even for me so I can only imagine how they must be feeling right now,' he thought to himself.

Unfortunately, he had greatly underestimated their greed and desire for power. Having seen first hand all the things Eurig could do they wanted nothing for themselves. They exchanged knowing glances with one another, obviously in agreement.

"Does that mean that if we do this, we can also have abilities like yours?"

Eurig was taken aback by the question but nonetheless answered calmly.

"Yes. The moment you agree to serve that person, all of your potentials will be unlocked."

They took one last look at the monstrous little creature the infant had turned into which solidified their decision.

"Then we agree, all of us."

"All...of you?" he looked to each of them for confirmation and received it via passionate nods. And it was at this point that he realized there wasn't much left to save after all.

If these people that were supposed to be the upholders of justice couldn't put up with a little bit of temptation then what even was the point in trying.

'He was right. There is no use trying to save any of them,' Eurig finally concluded, putting his own doubts to rest.

"Alright, then we will finish the pact. Place your hands over your heart and repeat after me," he gave them instructions and they followed suit without any hesitation.

"I knowingly, willingly, wish to enter into your subservience. I vow to serve the 'Great Old Ones' for all of eternity, no matter the cost."

"I knowingly...." they repeated after him in unison, not finding anything odd out of this whole ordeal.

None of them even noticed the strange energy that had appeared out of nowhere and was now circulating around each one of them. It was a dark blackish-red in color, attaching itself to their bodies and spreading all over like a metastasizing cancerous lump.

The marks on their chests also became clearer and more distinct.

"Lend me your powers so I may do your bidding for as long as I am able to. Let me be the executor of your will on this mortal plane, the one to bring your intentions into existence."

"Lend me your..."

By the time they finished the vow, there was not much of the dark energy left in the surroundings. All of it was absorbed by the marks on their chests. One of them stepped forward with a body of a well-built teenage boy.

"Now what? I don't feel any different."

Instead of answering Eurig only stared back at him with a wry smile. The boy frowned and stepped forward, pointing at him aggressively.

"Eurig, if you're playing a gam- ARGH!"

He couldn't even manage to finish the sentence because halfway through his arm abruptly expanded to three times its size.

Bones popped from their sockets under the immense weight of hundreds of kilograms of reinvigorated flesh swelling up from the underside of his shoulders and arms.

It looked like he was about to explode but just before crossing that last line his body expanded to cope with the changes.

"AAAAAARGH!" his voice became beastly and if one didn't know any better they would assume it was from some kind of a monster.

Sharp needle-like bony protrusions jetted out from where his shoulder blades would be under all that flesh. His face, neck, and almost every part of the body began to twist and expand.

And he wasn't the only one either. Each of the other six were undergoing the same process albeit in a different way.

One of the girls had it the worse as her skin cracked and split open to reveal a yellow squirming layer of flesh underneath.

Her clothes began to burn off as pang's of extreme heat rose from the cracks in the skin. Her hair fell off from the roots along with most of the skin on her face. What little bit that was left was stuck directly to the bones with no flesh in between.

The limbs of the other boys increased in length to four times the original size.

The only thing worse than the physical transformations were the shrieks and howls from the pain that was caused by them.

Arnett covered the ears of his little sister so she would be saved from the barrage of heartwrenching screeches, but in turn, allowed himself to bear the full brunt of it.

His ears started bleeding under the increasing pressure.

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