Chapter 1052 - Separation Field

A torch burning with a green flame was the only source of light in this room. It highlighted every figure with a strange glow, especially the ones that were not human.

Two of the creatures especially stood out even in this moment. One of them was a massive 4-meter tall demonic being with an upper body that was several times larger than the lower.

The second one was a black misshapen being with extremely long disjointed limbs and a face that was covered by a white porcelain mask with two holes where the eyes should be. (Detailed in CH 1031 titled "3/7")

There were a handful of others but they looked more like melted candle figurines than an actual creature, even with the plethora of sharpened claws and fangs protruding from various places.

On the ground were four bodies. Two of them were already dead since they were missing either a head or most of the body parts while the other two were strung up from the ceiling being held in place by the fleshy blobs of skin and meat.

They were bleeding profusely from several places and all the blood was pooling underneath where a couple of the other creatures were having their fill.

Another fifth person was pinned underneath the feet of the second creature with elongated limbs. He was in a better condition than all the rest albeit barely.

Arnett stood fearlessly in the middle of the room screaming at the masked creature, "LET HIM GO!"

Wern swallowed a mouthful of saliva to wet his parched throat. Even through the separation field created by the 'Spirit bone dust' he was able to feel the vile energies of these beings.

Even if he ignored the foul stench of sulfur that filled the room, the overbearing auras that each of these monsters gave off was more than enough to give an idea as to their origin.

The copious amounts of oppressive demonic energy created an illusion in Wern's mind where he felt like he was standing on the edge of a volcano with bare feet. One gentle push or even a nudge would be enough to send him hurtling down towards a most painful end.

That wasn't exactly what he was seeing but how his mind decided to decipher the situation because the energy those two monsters gave off was extremely tyrannical in nature. Even his eyes hurt from looking at them directly for longer than a few seconds and yet, somehow, Arnett was standing tall facing these beastly creatures without any fear.

But even seeing that Wern's first instinct was to run away. Even though he didn't like to admit it but deep down he knew and now Brina knew as well.

He was a coward through and through.

'Damnit, it's not my fault kid, I tried to save you,' he said inwardly before turning around to leave. But as he did so the faint sound of footsteps came from behind him.

Wern held his breath and readied the bow as the sound got closer and closer before finally a person stepped into the basement.

It was a teenager even younger than himself from the looks of it. Hands clasped behind his back he casually walked over the many corpses as if they weren't even there.

There was even some blood on his clean white robes but perhaps the strangest thing was the little thing perched atop his shoulder.

At first glance it looked like a deformed chubby infant but upon getting a better look Wern quickly realized it was a demonic creature as well. Its dark green skin melded perfectly with the darkness and if it didn't move it was impossible to tell it was even there.

The teenager was, of course, Eurig and as he walked through the corridor Wern stepped back into the corner. His gaze was locked onto Eurig's face and if he flinched or even looked in his direction Wern was going to attack before fleeing.

Thankfully, that didn't seem to be the case as Eurig had no idea he was even there. He walked past Wern and into the room and instead of getting surprised or mad he smiled upon seeing Arnett there.

"Well, look what we have here. Aren't you supposed to be by your sister's side watching her draw her final breaths?"

Arnett, although initially taken aback by Eurig's presence glared at him openly. He chose not to respond to the hateful comment and instead pointed towards ALfen who was still pinned under the feet of the masked creature

"Let him go!"

"Hmm? Did you make a new friend?" he looked over towards Alfen and immediately frowned, "Wait, I have seen you before. Your blood smells familiar."

Wern who was meaning to leave was pulled in by their conversation. He was so absorbed in fact that he completely missed the infant monster which was now staring directly in his direction.

Its protruding ripened eyes were shifting left and right as if trying to lockdown his position.

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