Chapter 1063 - Times Long Gone

Corporeal energies surrounded most of his new form while revealing only small fractions of it hidden underneath. There was a massive serpentine tail slithering below and a devilish winged beast form above.

It was the farthest thing from a human but his original face was still immaculately preserved as is, although it was contorted in anger as he swung four massive arms into the ground trying to turn it over.


The ground cracked and broke apart as waves upon waves of blood poured out from below. It looked like the earth was bleeding.

The blood congregated around him before spreading outward in a 5-meter tall wave.

Everything was dyed red for a moment but the lake of blood receded he saw that the scene had begun to play from the beginning.

" this possible?! REVEAL YOURSELF!" he screamed in a fit of rage, once again releasing his vile energies into the world.

The formation disk shook once but it wasn't even enough to garner Ma Jiang's attention.

Right now she was looking at Princess Ceni with a troubled expression as she relayed Jin Wang's words.

"You have to be careful not to get lost in there. The faster you leave the better so please be quick. You have to convince him that he is living in a fake reality and out here is where he has to return."

Princess Ceni nodded while taking short breaths. For some reason she was a bit too nervous going in.

"It's not real, it's not real. I know, I believe. I will bring him back no matter what," she repeated over and over again under her breath almost like a mantra.

"Ready?" Ma Jiang asked one final time and Princess Ceni nodded wordlessly.


Princess Ceni reached out and placed both hands on the side of Hao Xuan's head. Her thumbs met over his forehead while a barely discernable red Qi exuded from the palm of each hand to create a full circle around his head.

His eyes were half-open but they were completely glazed over. Princess Ceni positioned herself until she was on the same level and both were looking into each other's eyes.

For an instant her pupils turned into bright red burning halos as her consciousness was shot into the depths of his mind.

For her the world turned dark and when she came to the scene had changed.

She was standing in a void surrounded by countless flickering images. Rows upon rows of them overlapped with one another to cover everything in sight.

"Are" she mumbled uncertainly.

There were thousands of voices and images all being played at once and it was extremely difficult to tell which voice was coming from where.

But some of them were very obviously louder and much more coherent than the rest.

Princess Ceni focused on one such flickering image that caught her eye. It showed the fiery siege of a magnificent floating castle. Three moons hovered in the northern sky and a dark red blood moon shone on the south as balls of fire continuously rained from the sky.

Down below what wasn't set on fire was covered in blood and flesh as there were numerous bodies strewn all over the place. Princess Ceni inched closer to inspect in more detail.

"This...I know this place...I have seen it before," she mumbled with no small amount of incredulity while racking her brain trying to recall where she had seen it.

The main castle walls were inlaid with a peculiar-looking white stone that absorbed the light from the sun and the moons.

She gasped upon noticing the odd layout of the white stone blocks. From afar they made the symbol of three intersecting curved swords, she remembered where she had seen it before.

"The capital city of the ancient Luna Empire! It was in one of the history books mother gave me on my twelfth birthday!"

Although the images in the book were before the final siege she still recognized those white stones and the sword designs they made.

" is this possible? The Luna Empire existed some seventeen million years ago in the outer world. It was a symbol of prosperity and human excellence but was destroyed almost overnight. To this day no one knows how or even why it happened, only that numerous unidentifiable forces joined hands to lay waste to the royal city, destroying every trace of it."

She stepped back and peered at the other image streams, several of which she recognized at first glance.

"The Great Gates of Babylon, the Sea of neverending stars, the great labyrinth of the Abyss Goddess Nyx, the old Wayfarers harbor at the edge of the known world, how- is this possible?"

The more she opened her mind and looked the more she found.

"The towering city of Masedonia that was the birthplace of the first artificial beings. The city of lost souls that existed before the age of strife.. E-Even a sun furnace! These places are of myth and legend, even their existence is kept secret from the lower beings. How can you-"

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