Chapter 1067 - Nobleman

Princess Ceni could feel her heart beating faster with every step thinking that she would be able to know the truth behind one of the biggest mysteries of the last era.

The fall of the Luna Empire was the start of a universe-wide snowball effect that signaled the end of an era, and one that saw the birth of the 'New Republic'.

Regardless of whether the information related to the Luna Empire was purposefully kept hidden or lost to time, she would now know the true reality of its last days.

The light at the end of the tunnel got brighter and brighter until Princess Ceni found herself standing in an old graveyard. It was illuminated by the light of the three moons hovering in the sky.

Upon not finding anyone after a quick look around Princess Ceni found herself reaching for the medallion once again.

'Didn't the maid say they were going to come for me? If I had actually waited I would still be standing there. What kind of unprofessional guards are these?'

The dials spun in circles until the third one suddenly changed directions. Initially it was pointing straight ahead but it changed to the extreme left in an instant.


Gusts of cold wind blew through the otherwise empty graveyard making her shudder. She stroked her naked arms trying to warm herself up while slowly moving forward, inwardly cursing whoever came up with the ridiculous idea of making her wear a dress like this in such a situation.

She followed the third dial of the medallion for five minutes or so until a forest came into view. And along its boundary were three armored figures pacing back and forth.

They were adorned in extravagant looking silvery-white full-body armors that covered every single space on their bodies. There was only a T-shaped slit on their helmets where the eyes and nose could be seen.

'Are they part of the Royal Guards? Why are they just standing out there? Don't tell me they are afraid of stepping into the graveyard...right?'

Her confidence in these so-called saviors of her kept dwindling the more she thought about it. And it was around this time that one of them saw her approaching and alerted the other two.

"Is that her?"

"I don't know, I've never seen her before."

"But she is wearing that fancy dress, it HAS to be her."

"She could be another decoy. Why would the Princess wear an extravagant dress like that when she is trying to escape? It would only bring her more attention."

"Let's just ask her then."

"Oi yo- Are you the Princess?"

Princess Ceni froze midstride.

'What kind of Royal Guards don't even know the face of the Kingdom's princess?'

These men were obviously imposters.

'Did she die here? To these simpletons?'

She began to slowly edge backward but when she checked the medallion the third dial was still pointing in the direction of those men.

"She's running away!"

"What should we do? Chase her?"

"You chase her, I'm not going in that cursed place! You saw what happened to the others!"

Despite them trying to keep their voices low Princess Ceni could hear everything they were saying, and with surprising clarity to boot.

'Is there a spell on the graveyard? If only members of her bloodline are buried here then there could be a few curses that would affect any outsiders that step inside. That must be it!'

Princess Ceni had heard of this kind of magic before, although it was now long lost. They were used as a last resort in the olden times to protect their descendants and it was very likely one of them was cast here.

She got some confidence and decided to hold her ground instead of running away, not that there was anywhere else to go.

"Where is your captain?"

"Ah- see, it is her. Your majesty if you would follow us we will take you to him," one of them stepped forward and awkwardly bowed. Clearly it was his first time doing something like this.

"No, I will wait for him here."

"This woman- Get out now!" they threw all decorum out of the window and shouted at her to come out, "This is not the time to be playing games!"

Princess Ceni's eyes narrowed. Her suspicions were all but confirmed, the captain and the vice-caption were probably both already done. She turned around to leave when a deep voice came from behind.

"Enough! Fall back, all of you!"

"Yes, captain." x3

Princess Ceni looked over her shoulder and saw a man stepping out of the forest. He wore a similar kind of armor as the others only his was much more elegant and missing a helmet.

He was not only much taller than the others but also dashingly handsome man with flowing golden hair that oozed with heroic charm. One look was enough to tell he was not ordinary.

Seeing the princess he immediately got down on one knee, "Your highness, the King has sent me to escort you out of the empire.. Please step outside, only those of your noble house can step foot inside the cemetery and come out unscathed."

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