Chapter 1075 Thanks For The Reminder

"Some say it came from the abyss while others speculated that it was birthed in some faraway land by the twisted beliefs of its bloodthirsty inhabitants. But the truth is we don't know how or even when it first came to be, only that at some point it simply 'was'."

"It was officially discovered a few hundred years ago when it was found orbiting a barren planet. At first we thought it was dead. It exhibited no signs of life and wouldn't react in any way. That is until some fool ventured onto the surface of the planet and discovered the remains of the civilization that once lived there."

"They found images etched in blood dating as far back as the era of desolation. They had worshipped it for millenniums and it granted them power in return but one day, for no apparent reason, something changed."

"It awoke to its true purpose and when it gazed onto that planet all life ceased to exist. That's what it is, an abhorrent manifestation of death and destruction that should have been cast away into the depths of hell itself but...I see now those madmen thought differently."

His legs buckled and the old man fell to the floor shaking his head in shock and dismay, "We're all doomed. Since they have even deigned to bring forth that monstrosity no witness will be left to speak of it. No one can know that such a 'thing' is under their control."

Everyone was silenced by the old man's words and even without knowing his background many believed him.


The seashell shook again but this time it was much stronger. The merman was brought out of his daze by Princess Ceni who seemed to be the only one still in full control of her mental faculties, perhaps because it was different for her.

"Show me what's happening outside."

Where others had given themselves up to despair she still held hope.

'No, there has to be something more. It can't have ended like this.'

The images readjusted to show Hao Xuan who seemed to be talking to someone. Princess Ceni leaned and noticed he was looking in the direction of the seashell but not quite.

"Who is he talking to? Is there a way to listen to what he is saying?"

"Y-Yes, let me try," the merman molested the growth some more until the audio started playing from it as well before the image moved to show the ocean behind the seashell.

In the air above the ocean hovered close to four hundred humanoid figures. Each was a little different but their exact features could not be made out since overflowing auras of intense energies surrounded their bodies.

There were eight of them standing at the forefront shoulder to shoulder, their energies so pure that the space twisted around them.


"You...already know how it ends, why continue to fight?"

One of them asked. The voice belonged to a female, sweet and heavenly to the ears.

"Why bother living when you know it will all end one day?" Hao Xuan responded with another question.

"It doesn't need to end. We have ways around it now. Join us and you will see. Take the place of your sworn brother alongside us."

Before Hao Xuan could say anything another figure spoke up, although it sounded like he was talking to himself more.

"Yes, how very curious indeed. Who would have thought the vice-caption of the royal guard would be the one to receive the exalted sword scripture of the Luna Empire. Tell me, was it you the rumors spoke off? Are you the one they called the 'Shadow of the Moon'? If so we might have a connection indeed."

Hao Xuan's eyes narrowed and he openly admitted it, "It is I."

The figure clapped merrily, "How fortuitous! You are my savior then. I only stand here now because you killed my father and older brothers. But you mustn't misunderstand, I will always consider you my benefactor because were it not for your mindless slaughter I would still be a nobody, hahaha!"

While he spoke none of the others dared to interrupt. It was quite obvious whoever this person was he was very strong.

"Come with me. I have seen your fight earlier and judged you to be someone worthy of my friendship. You will take his place as the first 'Sword God' of the Republic. I will even heal your injuries so next time you do not have to use your vitality as a substitute."

He welcomed him with open arms, quite literally.

"The Luna Empire has fallen. The King is already dead and its people will soon follow. You have nothing left to protect anymore. Your duty ends here."

It sounded like a hush fell over all of creation at this point. No one dared to make any noise, not even inside the seashell as they waited for him to respond.

But when the side of his lips arched upward through his cracked helmet many knew what was to come.

"So long as even one citizen of the Empire stands my duty remains," he spoke looking towards the seashell and the others followed his line of sight.

"The princess, yes, I had almost forgotten about her."


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