Chapter 1098 Resentment

Hao Xuan still remembered every little detail about the skill "Void Pull: Daybreak" which was why he was 100% sure it wouldn't be anywhere near as powerful as he remembered because not only was he not powerful enough to execute it but he didn't have a great affinity towards either fire or wind which were both crucial for proper execution.

And yet, the amount of energy in that one attack was leagues ahead of anything he should be able to muster.

Unfortunately, there wasn't much time to ponder the odd occurrence because as expected, all the grunts that had been wiped out were to be replaced soon because they were regrouping and amassing their forces before even the dust settled.

'I'll try it again later when there is time.'

Thankfully that one move had wiped out scores of them near the gate and given the guards and the cultivators a brief period of recess.

From the left Hao Xuan saw a pillar of golden light rise into the sky and smash down on the front killing even more of them.

A second later a figure jumped into the air and landed in front of him. It was a girl wearing full body armor and holding a great quarterstaff. Hair unkempt and the armor covered in blotches of red and black fluids made her look even wilder.

"It really is you..." she muttered through gritted teeth.

She was glaring at him with such hate that for a moment image of another person in much the same circumstances overlapped in front of Hao Xuan's eyes.

He was standing in front of a small wooden hut and a young girl wearing a bright red and white traditional dress was scowling at her.

'Why couldn't you die in his place?' she asked to which Hao Xuan didn't know how to answer.

He blinked and the scene returned to normal. Pushing that random flashback aside he met her gaze.

"Hazel?" recalling her name he asked, "What's wrong?"

Her grip tightened around the quarterstaff as she almost swung at him.

"Do you know how long Henrik was waiting for you?! He had to take care of everything all alone when it should have been you. And now he- if something happens to him I will not le-"

Hao Xuan remembered feeling Henrik's presence when he woke up but it was extremely weak. He had obviously been greatly injured and by Eurig of all people, the one responsible for letting him return to his body.

"Ma Jiang should be on her way soon and when she gets here she can heal him. Nothing will happen to him, I promise," he interjected but Hazle only laughed at his face.

"Like you promised that native boy that you would protect him?"

Hao Xuan's entire body tensed and he had to consciously hold back the overwhelming urge to punch her into the afterlife.

"This and that are two completely different things. That wasn't under my control. I couldn't have-"

She suddenly lunged forward throwing away her quarterstaff to grab him by the collar.

"Spare me your excuses and assurances, your word holds no value to me. People like you are only good for one thing. I don't care what you have to do, who you have to kill or make a deal with. Make sure nothing happens to Henrik or I swear on all that is good and holy that I will not rest until you are dead."

Hao Xuan was stunned into silence. He could only look into her hate-filled eyes in confusion because what he remembered of her was nothing like this at all.

She was quiet and reserved and never even so much as cursed in front of him but now those eyes only held a deep-rooted resentment for him.

It was like that was the only emotion she was capable of when it came to Hao Xuan.

And before he could say anything she pushed him away and walked back to the front line with her weapon in hand.

Many people had been witness to their little quarrel which only made them more distant. They knew Hazel, she had been fighting side by side with them since the beginning but to most Hao Xuan was a new face.

So obviously between the two they would choose her. Quiet whispers were traded between the spectators questioning the reason for the argument which even Hao Xuan himself did not know.

Gobsmacked, he brushed off his clothes and walked out as the guards and cultivators returned to their positions. No one so much as said a single word of gratitude, not that he needed any.

But his overwhelming show of power and unknown origin had put a lot of people on alert. They knew there were other cultivators that were trying to get to them so many naturally came to the conclusion that he was one of them, that he must have done something terrible for Hazel to react that way.

Lost in thought Hao Xuan, ran straight into the regrouping grunts punching and smashing his way deeper into their lines.

Rhisiat was still engaged in combat with the elites but a heavy load had been lifted off of his shoulder now that he didn't have to worry about them breaking into the city.

He watched from the sideline as Hao Xuan's figure vanished behind the squirming masses of tooth and claw.


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