Chapter 1108 Red Dragon

One would think it be the creature's mouth but when Hao Xuan saw what its insides look like he was more than a little speechless.

There were indeed rows of teeth lining the edges but in the center was a 10 meter wide jet black pearl. Hao Xuan could see his image being clearly reflected within its boundary in a way that made him feel like he was looking at himself from somewhere far away.

And the moment he locked eyes with the reflection his body became heavy.

'What the hell!'

The weight on his shoulders kept increasing bit by bit while slowly expanding outwards. The area around him in a radius of 10 meters began to sink in, as if a giant invisible hammer was beating down from above.

Imperceptible waves of undulating force kept slamming against Hao Xuan's body until he could barely stand up right while using everything at his disposal.


[Gravitational Force increased by 3200%]

? "HOW?! How is it doing this?!" Hao Xuan shouted through gritted teeth as he tried to use Blink to get away but it couldn't pull him through such a strong force.

His own chaos law was active and its territory was in full effect. It would have automatically canceled out any other law without even having to depend on the Lycan bloodline which in and of itself would have left him immune to all such outside influences.

But seeing him struggle so much the synapse immediately attacked. Hao Xuan did his best to dodge but it felt like the weight of the entire world was on his shoulders.

All he could do was defend now. Raising both fists into the air he waited until the scythe was just a meter away at which point his muscles bulged again and brought both fists down on the blade.

The increased force of gravity seemed to have an effect on the creature as well because its attack slowed down significantly the moment it entered the 10-meter boundary, giving him enough time to execute the move.

His fists made contact, not only changing the direction of the blade but using that momentum to send himself flying up into the air.

The weight suddenly lessened but when he landed back on the ground it all came crashing down.

'That's it!'

Hao Xuan had been keeping an eye on the pearl and when he moved just now his reflection disappeared for a brief moment. But as soon as it returned the gravity increased with it.

'That's why it worked! It's not affecting me directly but somehow by using my reflection it's able to use its ability without getting canceled. But how did it know to do that?!'


Another scythe landed right on his back leaving a wound that was forcefully closed the next moment. Hao Xuan recoiled from the impact while his frustration increased twofold.

'How am I supposed to fight something like that?! I can't even move out of the way. As long as my reflection- Of Course!'

The third barrage of attacks was about to come his way and this one included all the four limbs that remained.

Hao Xuan gathered his strength and waited for the perfect moment. Just when the synapse lunged forward he kicked into the ground throwing up a wall of mud and black liquid, obscuring the line of sight just long enough to break whatever link that had been created between them.

As expected the force immediately vanished.


He moved 300 meters to the right with the first one.


Then moved straight for the same distance before using it one last time to close in.


He appeared in the air in front of the pearl and could feel the gravity slowly beginning to increase around him. But it was gradual enough that it wasn't able to stop his flaming fists that already had a small red orb in between them.

It was much smaller than the last time because he didn't have enough to charge it up but-

'It should be enough,' he thought.

"Void Pull: Daybreak!"

It shot straight into the pearl and exploded but just before it came into contact with its glossy surface a black sheet appeared between them.

The temperature jumped to over 600 degrees in the blink of an eye as Hao Xuan felt the full force rebound straight into his body.


It was akin to a cruise missile exploding on his face. No matter how much Hao Xuan tried to hold back, the force was enough to send him reeling into the other side of the pit.



He shot back out of the several-meter-deep hole that had been created in his own shape. His body was covered in bruises and wounds but his eyes burned brighter than ever.

It was like a switch had been flipped inside his head and he reacted before even thinking. He shot straight towards the synapse and whenever the gravity began to increase he blinked to lose the tail.


He jumped left right and center attacking from every direction possible.

'If I can't destroy the pearl I'll rip everything else to pieces. Lets see you survive when there is nothing left to hold that pearl in.'

"61st Palm: Red Dragons Fury!"


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