Chapter 1133 Peering Through

Immediately after a figure leaped from behind the city gates and landed in front of the group with a loud whooshing sound.

He towered over most people save for Hao Xuan and Zou Huan.

"Hao Xuan! You're back!" he proclaimed loudly, garnering more than a few people's attention from all around.

Hao Xuan didn't know the specifics but he was aware of Rhisiat's strength and since they were on the same side there was no need to be hostile towards him, despite how uncomfortable he felt around him.

Standing across from him right now Rhisiat looked as friendly as a golden retriever but a pit formed in Hao Xuan's stomach seeing that cordial smile. It felt like his body's natural reaction to a threat that even it did not properly understand.

Still, Hao Xuan did not let it show one bit.

"These people need help. A warm bed and hot food would go a long way," he gestured towards the several hundred people behind him.

Rhisiat scratched the bridge of his nose awkwardly while glancing at the many malnourished faces staring up at him, "Haha, don't we all. But that's not really in my power eh? Princess Inara would know best to do, although I'm sure she won't turn anyone away. Come come, let's go in!"

Without even waiting for Hao Xuan to respond Rhisiat turned around and started walking back, prompting more than a few inquisitive gazes to land on Hao Xuan.

"Go go, there is nothing to be afraid of," he reassured them and followed after him.

As expected the city gate opened while they were still a short distance away and Princess Inara walked out with her two personal guards.

"Come in everyone, follow the instructions of the men in armor and you will be led to safety!" one of the guards yelled for the people to follow her while Princess Inara beelined for Hao Xuan.

Hao Xuan hadn't talked to the haughty princess in a few days but as with everything else it felt like a long time ago. There was a strange kind of familiarity about her now though as if he understood her better than ever before.

She stopped right in front of Hao Xuan looking him up and down. And upon seeing his shriveled-up right arm she couldn't help but let out a shocked gasp.

"A-Are you okay?!"

"Hmm? Oh yeah, it looks much worse than it is," he joked but now that the adrenaline was wearing off he could feel the sharp waves of pain running throughout his body.

Every pain receptor on the right side of his body was going off simultaneously. He felt like it was both on fire and frozen in ice at the same time. The pain came in undulating waves sometimes increasing in intensity and sometimes falling making it even harder for him to react appropriately.

But as bad as it was, Hao Xuan was still able to bear with it without even so much as flinching. Maybe it was because he had become accustomed to it after experiencing so much of it in every single lifetime, this one included, or maybe he had just grown numb to the terrible sensations at this point.

Regardless, he didn't let it show and no one was the wiser.

"Still you should have someone take a look at it. You're not indestructible and leaving it as is will take even longer to heal- Hey, are you listening to me??"

Seeing the dazed look on his face Princess Inara waved her hand in front of his face, "Can you hear me?"

But Hao Xuan's attention was currently focused elsewhere. In the sky behind the city of Argham, a gargantuan ethereal shadow was trying to come into existence.

It was hundreds of meters tall, so tall in fact that he couldn't even see where its head ended. It had a bright red outline as if it was on fire and everything around it was slowly turning into the same shade of red.

"There, do any of you see that?" he pointed towards it prompting Princess Inara, Han Rong, and Zou Huan to look in its direction but all they saw was the clear black sky.

"No," Princess Inara replied while Han Rong leaned in closer.

"What is it? Do you see anything strange?"

Hao Xuan closed his eyes for a moment and tried to sense what it was. Despite being almost completely out of energy his spiritual sense wasn't affected in the very least. He could see and hear things from beyond the veil even now.

Anything would have helped but what he got was much more than he expected.

'AAH! It burns! I can't stop it I can't...anymore...someone'

A very familiar voice was screaming out for help. He could feel her pain even through the veil which was a first for him.


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