Chapter 1147 Grimy

Hao Xuan smirked shaking his head, "Oh really? Show me the 'truth' of this world, huh? How benevolent of them. Thank you so much."

But rather than address his sarcastic tone Claudia was more concerned with the sudden confession that he was the chosen one.

"You...are him?" she inquired with no small amount of skepticism, leaving Hao Xuan momentarily speechless.

,m Finally, he let out a long and weary sigh.

"You people are fucking incredible. At least that Eurig guy recognized who I was at first glance but you...tsk. It really does not fill me with confidence when you say things like that girly."

Barely seeing her as a threat Hao Xuan pulled back his arm and stood up.

"Tell your patron I'm not interested in whatever they are selling. I've already got enough problems."

He turned around and started walking away. To a novice, it would seem like he had left his back open for any number of attacks but he was well prepared. All his senses were focused on her and one wrong move would result in her untimely demise.

But unexpectedly, the surprise attack he was expecting did not come. She genuinely was just that incompetent as it became obvious by her actions. She fumbled over herself trying to chase after him.

"NO PLEASE! Wait! I didn't know I'm sorry," she yelled while running up to him, "Please give me another chance!"

Suddenly realizing that the person she has been looking for all this time might just have come straight to her, Claudia couldn't help but panic in the moment. She had engineered a number of scenarios in her head about how this was going to go down but none were like this.

"Please, Mr. Chosen one, give me a chance please!" she hugged his arm pleadingly which finally made him stop.

Despite being dressed so provocatively her clumsy demeanor gave it all away. And seeing the genuine concern in her eyes he couldn't help but give in for a moment.

"You have 2 minutes. After that I will leave and you will never see me again. Make it count."

With a beaming smile Claudia nodded animatedly before stepping back and closing her eyes. After mumbling something under her breath for a moment she muttered out loud, "Answer my call!" and in a puff of smoke, a black book appeared in front of her.

It was flying about by itself and somehow even seemed to be able to show some emotions as it appeared displeased at the sudden summoning.

"This is my-" Claudia tried to explain as to the book's origins but Hao Xuan interjected in wonderment.

"A grimoire!" he exclaimed, "You're a witch?"

Hearing his voice the 'angry' black book turned around and immediately froze in midair upon seeing Hao Xuan. A second later some of its pages fluttered back and forth noiselessly and Claudia's expression lightened up.

"It really is you!" she clapped merrily.

But Hao Xuan's brow rose in suspicion, "The grimoire can recognize me? How?"

Not only was he naturally curious but it was also important to understand how all these people were finding him so easily.

'Is there no way to hide from them?'

Although all these ones were weak, what if it turned out the next ones were his enemies and far more powerful?

The grimoire's pages kept moving back and forth and the leather cover stretched and constricted just like human skin. This was how it communicated but for now only Claudia could understand what it was trying to say.

She listened for a moment before conveying the information to Hao Xuan.

"He says all creatures of the 'Eternal Night' can recognize you. Your aura is unmistakable and-" she paused for a moment before looking back at the grimoire and whispering, "Are you sure you want me to say that?"

But the question seemed to have ticked the grimoire off as it lunged at Claudia and smacked her in the face with its back.

"Okay okay, I'll tell him, gods," she muttered angrily while rubbing her nose.

Hao Xuan didn't know what to say. It looked like a third-grade comedy routine but real, which somehow made it even sadder. Claudia met his gaze with a bleeding nose.

"He says he is a big fan and has been waiting for your arrival for a very long time. The 'Son' has finally been born and it is his great honor to be the first of the creatures of the night to meet your acquaintance."

Hearing all that somehow Hao Xuan imagined the grimoire as an old man that had met his idol for the first time.

Clearing his throat Hao Xuan nodded in return, "Um, thank you? I guess. But since you are a creature of the Eternal Night then you live in the abyss, right? I remember you guys like calling yourselves that but regardless, you are not the first creature from the Abyss I have met recently. The other one was actually a God Fiend. And what did you mean by 'Son' has been born?"


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