Chapter 1159 Old And Asleep

This space was so big that even with his farsight Hao Xuan was not able to see much of it. Not to mention the darkness here was not normal because it kept trying to push back his vision.

He quickly grabbed Jin Wang by the shoulder and pulled him back before he could jump down.

"There is some kind of a Law ahead. It's very faint but I can feel it."

Jin Wang couldn't help but stare at him with a raised eyebrow, "In there?"

"Yeah," Hao Xuan nodded.

"And you can feel it even before stepping into it?"

He got another nod in response which left him feeling all sorts of ways.

'I couldn't feel anything even when I was inside so how in the hell can he sense it all the way from the out here? No, he could be wrong, it might be something else entirely.'

"How big is its domain? Can you tell what kind of law it is or where it's coming from?"

Hao Xuan closed his eyes and began spreading out his spiritual sense as far as possible. His brow began to scrunch when he realized that its effects were severely reduced the moment it entered the confines of the space ahead.

It was as if something was pressing against it and even after a couple of tries he couldn't tell much so he stepped closer to the edge.

"I think I need to get a little closer," he mumbled while extending his hand outwards.

"Be carefu-" Jin Wang tried to warn him but was a little too slow.

The moment Hao Xuan's hand crossed the boundary of the space the entire underground structure started to shake, including the area they were in.


Loose debris and dust rained from all sides just as Hao Xuan quickly took a couple of steps back.

Both of them held their breaths while holding onto the side walls until the shaking stopped almost 20 seconds later.

They stepped towards the edge in unison, peering down into the bottomless pit that surrounded the central platform.

"I couldn't sense what kind of law it was," Hao Xuan whispered, "It was a little familiar but still foreign enough that I couldn't put my finger on it. I'm not sure but I think the domain extends throughout this entire area's coming from down there."

"I could feel it reacting to my spiritual sense with some hostility but it was a little slow like it wasn't 'all there' you know?"

Jin Wang let out a deep breath, "You mean like it was asleep maybe?"

"Yeah! Exactly like that!" Hao Xuan happily exclaimed before realizing what that meant.

"There is something really down there?"

"Yeah," Jin Wang nodded weakly, "But I thought we could move about without any trouble as long as we kept quiet. Looks like that might not be the case for long."

Hao Xuan peered into the abyss below and felt like something was looking back at him although most of it was just his imagination.

,m "You know what it is?"

"Not really, no. I can sense its presence but it's suppressed to a great degree. I think it's sealed down there on purpose."

"Great, another mysterious entity to be wary of."

"Mhm. But as long as we lay low it should be fine. It didn't react earlier even when I used my energy so I think it reacts only to spiritual sense. As long as we don't use it there shouldn't be a problem."

"Hah, famous last words," Hao Xuan joked.

"You fuck don't jinx it. Come, follow me," Jin Wang jumped down as soon as he finished talking.

He cursed Jin Wang out a few times but followed after him a moment later.

Hao Xuan landed noiselessly onto the small ledge below and braced himself for another bout of earthquakes but they didn't come.

"Looks like you were ri-"


The ledge he was standing on started to fragment and fall into the darkness below.


Jin Wang shouted while extending a hand. Hao Xuan pushed against whatever was left of the ledge and jumped over Jin Wang. The shaking not only did not stop but started to get stronger.

"RUN TO THE CENTER!" Jin Wang pointed at the site that seemed to be in the middle of this entire space.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR DAMN MIND? WE SHOULD TURN BACK, THIS WHOLE PLACE IS ABOUT TO COME CRASHING DOWN!" Hao Xuan yelled back but Jin Wang had already started sprinting towards it.


"YOU DUMBFUCK!" Hao Xuan roared in anger while running after him.

He ducked and dodged the pieces of stone and rock falling from above and shot straight towards the central platform. But when he passed the 30-meter boundary line a gust of hot air brushed past his body making him pause momentarily.

The next moment he looked up the central platform was nowhere in sight but in its place stood a great black pyramid. (First mentioned in Ch 1014 'Smoky')


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