Chapter 1279 System-Wide Disruption

Chapter 1279 System-Wide Disruption

"Wouldn't it be better that way?"

His legs began to move slower and slower without him even recognizing it. He was lost in a stupor thanks to these hopeless circumstances. And if he didn't hear what Baracus said then it might actually have worked.


"The system concurs. If the host thinks this is the best decision then so be it."

Hao Xuan's brow began to furrow as he 'came to' thanks to the moment of realization.

"You...agree with me?"


"About me wanting to basically kill myself. You think that's a good idea?"

"If the host believes so. I must abide by my master's wishes."

Hao Xuan suddenly plunged his fist into the ground to come to an abrupt halt. His gaze shifted back and forth in a mix of dumbfounded confusion and astonishment while his hearts pounded madly against his chest.

"Ha...haha...when exactly did I fall for it? Was it when I first saw it? Was anything that I saw after that even real?"


"Explanation required."

But instead of explaining what he meant Hao Xuan channeled all of the remaining Chaos Energy into his hand before slamming it against his chest. The energy dissipated right as his hand impacted against his body while all the energy returned as if nothing had happened.

Beads of sweat began pouring down the side of his face while his bright green eyes swiveled back and forth in contemplation.

"Hey, you remember what I told you before about my right hand? should be healed by now? I think I'm gonna try moving it now."

Hao Xuan removed the bandages that were holding his otherwise lifeless arm in place and unsurprisingly, it was completely healed just like he stated. There wasn't even a scar to indicate that something happened to begin with.

But even though this was great news Hao Xuan was anything but happy. As a last-ditch effort, he spoke up again hoping with all his heart that the result would be different.

"Baracus, can you take out the F-22 Raptor jet that I ordered you to make? I think I want to try flying it."



The sound of metal clanking came from the back and when Hao Xuan turned around there was an exact replica of the F-22 fighter jet that he had seen back on earth. He jumped and landed in the open cockpit. Everything was exactly as he remembered and as far as he could tell it was as real as himself.

The only problem was that he had never ordered Baracus to make it.

Hao Xuan got out and started pacing back and forth even though he could hear the horde of Shadow Beasts getting closer by the second.

"What do I do? Usually it breaks when the victim realizes that they are in an illusion but not this one. Just how powerful of an ability is it?"

"Explanation required," Baracus asked again to finally get a response from the already incensed Hao Xuan.

"Shut up, you're not real! None of this is! I'm trapped in a goddamned illusion!"

"The system does not understand."

Hao Xuan's fists balled up into fists as he unwittingly answered, "I never fucking asked you for the fighter jet, dipshit! My arm could not have been healed already but most importantly, you would never outright agree with anything that I say...especially if it's something that stupid."

"I am in an illusion created by the shadow beast that launched that psychic atta- No, maybe there was never a psychic attack to begin with. Maybe I...I never even reached the place Nidhora and the rest were buried in," all he could do was shake his head in dismay as doubt began to set in.

"Just how much of it was a lie? I can't tell anymore..."

Hao Xuan had lost all fighting spirit in the span of a few seconds because he knew what this meant.

Either he was more or less already dead and his mind was trapped in this illusion because there was nothing else to go back to or...that was going to be the case very soon.

"I can't catch a fucking break huh."

Just as he was about to sit down a series of notifications flashed in the corner of his eye.

[Analysis Complete]

[Inconsistencies Found: None]


[Updating Contingency Parameters]


"Handing over full authority to the host. System-wide disruption in process."

"What the hell are you talking about? I already know what's going on, there is no reason to keep up the ruse. Just stop it."

Hao Xuan was already annoyed enough as it was without these pointless interruptions.

[Central Matrix Powering Down]

"HEY! Can you not hear me?! I don't wanna see this shit okay? Just let me-" he began cursing at the sky before something clicked.

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