Chapter 991 - Poor Choice

Chapter 991 - Poor Choice


"Humans always misconstrued 'demons' as slightly more powerful or unique beasts. You can't blame them though since there are so many different bloodlines of both humans and beasts that are associated with demons that they naturally forget where the real thing comes from."

"They think if it looks particularly morbid or deformed, if they are using certain abilities especially related to fire then they have to be demonic in nature but...real demons, they are not of this world. They exist in another world entirely where laws are very much different from the mortal planes."

"Some demons are as beautiful as heavenly angels while some angels would shatter your mind if you tried to look at their true appearance. The point is, things aren't always what they seem. Although that's not the case here, that thing is a true demonic creature through and through."

Jin Wang was sitting cross-legged on a thick tree branch watching the scenes unfold from a distance. There was a small grey bird in his hand who calmly rested within his palm, watching the same thing as he was.

After Princess Helena pointed out that it would take more than brute force to kill it, the elders and the remaining guards also joined in. They surrounded the demon and used their many various abilities.

Elder Achak and his personal guards activated some kind of bloodline power that allowed them to double their muscle mass instantly. Speed, strength, and even reflexes were increased several folds but it still wasn't enough to hold the creature down.

No matter what kind of seal was placed on it, no matter what kind of elemental ability was cast against it, it just didn't seem to have the intended effect as it was only effective about 20% of the time.

This went on for close to 7 minutes until it became clear that they would not be able to come out of this altercation in one piece. Five other guards sustained serious injuries during this time and the Elders including Princess Helena had exhausted their powers to a great extent.

And without the aid of Princess Helena's supporting abilities, they were pushed back more and more until all they could do was defend against it.

Jin Wang gave a little pat to the bird and released it into the air.

"I guess this is when I step in."

He jumped down and casually walked towards them. They only noticed his presence when he was a couple of meters away.

Princess Helena's eyes lit up upon seeing him, "Lord Jin Wang!" she called out happily.

Jin Wang smiled towards her before looking at the elders.

"It's fine you can step back now, I've seen enough."

He hadn't paused for even a moment throughout and before they could say anything he was already standing in front of the demon. And then, as casually as he possibly could, Jin Wang reached out and made a grasping motion.

The demon froze. It turned its ugly head to peer towards him but that was all it could do because space itself was bending around it as if an invisible hand hundreds of times larger than the demon was holding it in place.

Jin Wang stared into its eyes, whispering in a voice so low that only it could hear.

"May you find peace in your next life."

For just an instant the darkness from the demon's eyes cleared up and a single tear rolled down its face before he clenched. The demon exploded but all that blood and gore only went up and down instead of showering everywhere around it.

Suffice to say all the spectators were left speechless. Not only at the extent and mystery of his power but how easy it was to do administer it. That wasn't an ultimate ability or anything of the sort, it was a simple wave of his hand.

And having fought the creature firsthand they knew how difficult it was to pull it off. There was not even a ground they could stand on.

As usual Princess Helena was the first one to step forward to introduce the elders one by one before finally nonchalantly mentioning that Jin Wang was a friend of her grandmother and one of the 'invaders' that came down to help them.

But unlike what she expected, not everyone was in awe of his power. Elder Achak stepped forward aggressively, looking down at Jin Wang through narrowed eyes.

"Did you put that beast here?"

"The demon? Yes, I did," Jin Wang cooly answered, making him angrier.


"To show you how powerless you really are."

Elder Achank almost threw a punch right then and there, not that it would do anything.

"To what end? What do you want from us?"

"I just want you to help the princess with whatever she wants and stop getting in the way. Otherwise, more and more demons like that will appear."

"Are you threatening us, boy?!"

This time the rest of the elders had much the same ugly expressions on their faces.. Jin Wang realized his poor choice of words and quickly corrected himself.

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