Chapter 995 - Moths

Chapter 995 - Moths

Jin Wang was watching with bated breath hoping with all his heart that the tear would close all the way but that hope was crushed when a limb reached out of the tear.

It was pitch black in color just like the corruption but it might have just looked that way because of the distance. It looked humanoid but the exact shape was hard to determine since a thick layer of corruption in the shape of pitch-black particles surrounded it.

As compared to the tear which was now a little less than 10KM in length, the limb was much smaller at just over a hundred meters.

Yet the power it contained was horrifying. It swung from left to right and cleared an entire side of all the runes. The runes gave up on closing the tear and engaged in combat with the limb but that didn't last very long either.

Any that came even remotely close to the corruption were destroyed in an instant while the ones that were further away could only use ranged attacks but the cost of such actions was their own essence which left them in a weakened state.

Each rune was different, taking various shapes and sizes with their own unique abilities so there was some disharmony among them, especially when they were being attacked directly.

This altercation lasted for no more than a hundred seconds from start to finish but by the time the limb was pushed back into the tear nearly half of the original runes were wiped out while the rest were greatly weakened.

The remaining ones fought against the corruption until the tear reduced in size. After reaching the length of approximately 7 kilometers it could not be pushed back further. There simply were not enough of them to complete the task. The damage done by the limb was extensive and long-lasting since each of these runes would take tens of years to be of any real use while the greatest ones had survived for centuries.

In the end, the size of the tear was greatly reduced but the spawn of corruption falling from within its wretched innards did not cease. The rate at which they fell had decreased significantly but it was still ongoing.

"Their numbers will keep piling up until there are more of them than us, in fact, that might already be the case."

Jin Wang looked down at the area of the forest where the spawn had been landing since the beginning. It had only been a few minutes but their effects were already apparent. The trees were losing their luster and either decaying or changing into something else altogether.

Vast swathes of land bowing to the corruption its spawn brought with it.

The tear might only have been open for less than a minute at its greatest length but that was enough to pour hundreds of thousands of spawnlings into the world below.

And from the looks of it they weren't far enough away that their presence could be ignored.

"Once they start consuming other lifeforms and assimilating their knowledge, the existence and the location of the city of Argham will be known to each creature. They will be drawn to it instinctively, like moths to a flame unable to disobey their biological need to consume but these moths thrive off of the blaze. They will come knocking and soon."

Jin Wang's body fell back to the ground and without making a sound landed effortlessly above the city. He could already see the city guards and even other appropriately equipped individuals running to their respective positions.

He jumped down towards the city hall where the elders and Princess Helena stood waiting.

"Lord Jin Wang! What happened? What was that thing in the sky-"

"I'm afraid the timetable has been moved up so every second counts. Bring everyone into the city and close the gates, the first of the creatures should be here in less than 2 hours."

"T-TWO HOURS?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" red-faced Elder Achak jumped on the spot, "There is no way we can properly vet every one of them in time, there simply aren't enough resources or manpower."

"Then 'vet' them after!" Jin Wang retorted, his patience running thin.

"And what if there are spies mixed in with them? Who will take responsibility?!"

Jin Wang's gaze became cold. So much so that Elder Achak even in his agitated state realized he had overstepped and promptly shut himself up.

Jin Wang stepped towards him, in the elder's eyes becoming larger than life. His stare sent shivers down the old demihuman's spine.

"Responsibility? It's good that you brought it up. Who do you think SHOULD take responsibility? If you hadn't stalled the entire process every step of the way they might already be all settled inside.. But because of your pea-sized brain that could not look past material gains not only did you allow a devil to gain a foothold within the city but caused the deaths of tens of refugees. So let me ask you, who do you think is responsible?"

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