Chapter 998 - New You

Chapter 998 - New You

Most spells needed a target to be cast and 'visualizing' helped remove that limitation. But this was not something a beginner could do. It required practice and a lot of experience. He just told her to do it so she could realize how shallow her own knowledge was but to his dismay and utter disbelief, the area in front of her hands lit up with a bright green hue.

The spell was cast on the first try.

The symbols beneath her feet lit up a moment later before disappearing into the ground below. They resurfaced a second later, creating a giant magic circle approximately 20 meters in radius.

The magic circle itself was created from mana from Ma Jiang's body but enhanced several times and then its efficacy further expanded by the powdered droppings of the green horned ocelot which was a creature known for its nature attunement.

The magic circle covered the entire area holding all the injured people and going even beyond that with such a huge diameter. Every single person within the circle that was suffering from any ailments, wounds or other damages was covered in the same green light. Wounds closed, flesh grew anew, blood replenished itself and by the time it dissipated they were completely healed.

More than 70 refugees and even a few guards who happened to be passing by at that moment with sore limbs, headaches, and such recovered instantly.

Gasps of shock and incredulity sounded throughout the camp but no one other was more surprised than Ma Jiang.

"" at a loss for words all she could do was run around checking every single patient but it was all the same. Each and every one of them had recovered.

Jin Wang waited for her to return which was quicker than he expected. The look in her eyes said she was looking at a hidden master, a monster who was hiding his abilities which wasn't entirely wrong although not along the lines of what she would expect.

"Are you good now? Will you come with me now that they are fine?"

Ma Jiang could only nod her head in silence. They left before anyone had the chance to thank her, not that she was looking forward to it anyway.

This time they needed to get to the right side of the city near where Hao Xuan was being kept. It took almost half an hour since Ma Jiang obviously could not keep up with Jin Wang's usual speed, which would have been a jump or two.

As they got further away from the city the noises died down and silence took over soon after. It was cold but not the usual kind. Ma Jiang even with her own innate mana protection still felt a chill go down her back as they neared their intended destination.

The stairs that led to the Grand Priestess and Hao Xuan came into view and to its left side in the distance was a flickering light of a campfire. They made their way through the forest and came upon the opening which held a small campsite with five to six people sitting around the campfire.

They all turned to face the new arrivals. They were all women, royalty from the looks of their attire, beauty, and poise. They stood up upon seeing Jin Wang, blocking his path. Each one of them was so tall and pretty that Ma Jiang felt like a potato standing in front of them.

"You are not welcome here," they said in unison.

Jin Wang recognized two of them as Princess Ceni's best friends although he couldn't recall their names.

"Where is she?" he didn't beat around the bush.

The unfocused gaze in their eyes shook right before they all stepped to one side. Behind them on the other side Princess Ceni was standing with her arms crossed. She looked different from before, much more intimidating.

Ma Jiang took one look at her before taking cover behind Jin Wang.

There weren't that many physical differences although she definitely looked even more beautiful somehow, almost hypnotically. She stared at Jin Wang in silence, the colors of her irises shifting between different shades of red.

Jin Wang's lips arched into a smirk, "Give it a rest. Your parlor tricks won't work on me."

She didn't seem surprised and instead chuckled lightly.

"I always knew you were different, there was something weird about you from the beginning and this confirms it. Even my own friends couldn't help but fall into the trap yet I can clearly feel it does nothing to you."

Jin Wang looked at the six girls standing on the side like dolls.

"Why did you do it to them if they are your friends?"

She shrugged, "No reason, I just wanted to see how powerful it was. Mind you, I told each of them before doing it, they agreed to everything."

"Why not free them then if you've already checked?"

"I'm trying to see how long they last under its effects. So far none have broken free. Either they are weaker or I am much stronger than I thought," she finished with a devilish grin that could any man's heart.

Jin Wang shook his head halfheartedly, "I like you better this way. Hiding your real self all this time while pretending to be a reserved little princess didn't really suit you."

She tilted her head sideways, a little hurt by the insinuation.

"What makes you think I was pretending?"

"It was a little forced, the character didn't suit you very much."

The campfire suddenly extinguished and darkness fell over them.. Her eyes glowed like rubies as she stared at Jin Wang with unconcealed killing intent.

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