The Demon's Bride

Chapter 377: Teaching Lessons-II

Chapter 377: Teaching Lessons-II

"She is not my lover," Edward made it clear and Elise saw how the vampire's eyes launch a gaze to her.

"We are not indeed but I am trying to create a bridge between us," answered Daphne. She knew that suddenly behaving silence will only make other raise brows at her. At times like this, Daphne who had faked her entire life knows what to do when it come to being like a normal person.

"Oh I see," Ian chuckled when he saw the vampire having a difficult time speaking or denying it outright. "Miss...?"

"Daphne," Elise helped him name and Ian nodded in reply, continuing,

"I am sure Edward us very happy to be the center of your attention. Look at him, all smile, I can tell he is delighted," Ian tipped his chin describing the very opposite expression that Edward had on his face currently. The vampire didn't have the chance to speak again as Daphne returned her answer before Edward could.

"I am glad to hear so. It will come as too forward for me, but I have been trying my best to have Edward's interest. We were almost engaged," Daphne continued, though the engagement didn't happen in the end, and now Daphne hold no interest to Edward, she wanted the man's body as vessel for her late lover. "Congratulation for the marriage Milord."

"The marriage hadn't happened yet but it will soon," Ian replied then a bright idea passed by his mind, "Edward, I heard from my dear bride, Elise that your family are tailors. We are thinking of requesting something from the shop."

Edward clenched his hand, his mouth speak before he think, "Wedding gown, Milord?"

"No, not wedding gown will be make in a different seamstress whom I trust. We are thinking of nightwear. I can tell the details but it wouldn't be great telling it here now where many ears are prying," Ian curled her lips while Elise blinked while staring at his face multiple times while blood rushes to her head. What is he speaking here!

"I am not sure if our tailor might be able to take up those request. We focus more on gowns," Edward answered, refusing with his jaw tightening in anger.

"That's a shame, but I should have expected it," Ian's red eyes peered, daunting the vampire but Edward didn't want to look like he was scared. The same red eyes gaze back as if he was brave when the truth was both known to Ian and Edward's unwilling little heart. "We will leave now, I hope you enjoy your time together, Edward, Lady Daphne, and so that you might also hold your marriage soon." Chuckled Ian as he knew the unwillingness the vampire shaped.

With his hand on her back, Ian brought Elise to walk away from the two vampires.

Left alone, Edward's eyes snapped at Daphne, visible anger was clear on his eyes, "What the hell are you trying to do?! I have refused you and it is time that you know when to stop your useless advances."

"Like how useless your advances were to that girl?" Daphne question, she noted the bubbling anger that filled Edward's eyes, using it to her chance. "More than you ever thought I love you, Edward."

"And I don't. I have make it clear to you. What you are doing only do the opposite of gaining my attention," Edward stressed, he didn't know what he had done to make Daphne obsessed about him. While he had the look, he cannot understand why she was so enraptured by him when their first meeting had been very bland. He didn't remember Daphne being one who is very open either yet somehow the woman had changed. Edward doesn't know when the chance started because he had never bat an eyelid to Daphne either, only noticing it now.

"I know. But that wasn't what I was about to discuss with you. I can help you," Daphne said, causing Edward's brows to raise, "You want that girl, right?" Her eyes then looked left and right, "There are too many people here. Let's find a place with lesser people," suggested Daphne. Edward took his time before nodding, agreeing as his interest was piqued by what Daphne had to offer, not knowing that by following Daphne, he was going to meet the gate to Hell.

"Teasing me again," Elise said, causing Ian to raise his supple lips into a smile.

"Well, what are you talking about I wonder?" Ian saw Elise's lips pout in a sulk. "Don't worry, I was doing that to taunt him."

"I know," Elise answered, she could see what he was trying to do with the exchange clearly, "I was thinking again about the late Mr. Alfred. Did you found his true body?"

"Yes," Ian answered, he looked away before staring at Elise who he knew was trying to find emotions that flickered in his eyes, only to find nothing. "You are not going to see me feeling sympathetic or sad, Elise. I am angry but not to the extent of wallowing in sadness for the loss."

"He was someone close to you," Elise whispered and she saw how Ian's smile remain steady. He wasn't faking his emotions or trying to be strong. It was true, he didn't have any sadness or felt for Alfred's death. "Is it because of the curse that you have?"

Ian knew Elise was smart when it come to notice things, he patted his hand to brush the stallion's mane, and answered, "Yes but also no. The curse let me stay alive forever but cause me to lose my emotions. With more years passed there is nothing I haven't experienced. Killing is one of my routine that I will do every once in a month or sometimes even daily. When you kill others, you feel sad and empty. But I have long lost those emotions. Once I cannot feel guilt, other things became mundane."

The curse might be blessing to others but to Ian it was woe and even misery. "Nothing is frightening than being alone," Elise answered, "It must have been difficult being the only person who watch other passing away."

"But thanks to you, I don't have to feel frightened for being alone," Ian said, he leaned forward and Elise closed her eyes, thinking she would be kissed. At first Ian didn't want to kiss her lips but upon seeing her ready gesture, he planted a short kiss on her lips. Elise must have forgotten the attention gathered on them as he kissed her, which mean she had gotten less conscious about the look other gave her. "You adapted well despite this being your first time in social events. Others will say that you are brazen but to me you are a good girl," Ian praised, when he pulled away.

Elise put her fingertips on her cheeks, she wasn't able to comprehend Ian's words only to late understand what he meant when she saw the onlookers's eyes widened so much that one would fear their precious eyeballs would roll from the socket. Oh Lord! Elise said in her heart, her heartbeat racing with shyness.

"Well, well," Ian spoke again, her cheeks were still red when she gazed away from meeting other's eyes to look at him. Seeing Ian looking near her legs, she also did the same, hearing him say at the same time, "Our hunting hound seem to disappear just before the hunting game is about to start. That bad dog."


A/N: Sorry for not being able to tell this earlier, dear readers, but my appointment was pushed to tomorrow. Therefore tomorrow will be when I get a little busy and the update a little late. Don't forget to vote^^

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