The dragon’s harem

Chapter 622 Natural Disaster: Wind

Chapter 622 Natural Disaster: Wind

?Zephyr took a step forward, “I don’t see any women among you,” She approached the bandits, her body swinging from left to right, leaving a green trace as the tip of her sword scratched the ground.

“Kill her!” One of the bandits kicked a chair toward her, rushing after it to attack with a mace.

Zephyr ducked forward, swinging her left palm and catching the chair from the leg. She took one step forward, pushing it on the charging bandit, blocking his mace with ease and knocking him back.

He gasped, trying to step aside to smack her, but she spun the chair with one hand, entangling his arm and the mace, pulling him down.

Zephyr quickly kicked him in the groin and then clenched her left fist, leaving her middle finger bulging out.

With two swift jabs, she smashed his eyes into his skull, then crushed his throat as he recoiled back from the chair knock.

As the bandit fell down screaming, the remaining bandits rushed into the room all at once, over seven of them fully armed with swords and crossbows.

“Bitch! Who are you?” One of them growled, pointing his crossbow at her head.

“The one who killed them,” Zephyr pointed down at the dead bandits.

“I know you did it! I asked who are you!”

“Myself,” Zephyr smiled, mocking him.

The bandit couldn’t handle her smirk, releasing the bolt immediately toward her eye.

Zephyr swiftly moved her head out of the way, she knew he’d fire, and she taunted him for that reason. Taking the chance, she rushed toward the bandits, swinging her sword.

Four of the bandits carried swords. They all swung at Zephyr simultaneously as the one with the crossbow stepped back, reloading.

Zephyr dodged the first swing, but the other three got her. One cleaved her neck, and the remaining two diced her torso like it’s a sausage.

The bandits smiled in the blink of an eye. She died faster than they expected.

Zephyr’s body reattached as she bent forward, swinging at the bandit’s ankles, cutting two of them down. As they fell, she stabbed one in the ground, and kicked the other one, crushing his jewels.

“How is she alive?” One cried.

“I didn’t see blood!” The other screamed, turning to run away.

The running one was forced to a halt, feeling as if claws dug into his groin. “Cutting air is stupid, isn’t it?” Zephyr whispered into his ear, pulling his sack out like a rotten orange.

The other bandit dropped his sword and lifted a chair, “No cut, then smash!” She swung the chair at her head, screaming. 𝙡𝙞𝓫𝙧𝒆𝙖𝓭.𝙘𝙤𝙢

Zephyr ducked immediately, swinging her sword horizontally toward the back, hitting the bandit’s stomach and disemboweling him. “Wear armor, idiot.” She smiled, standing as he fell down into his guts.

“I do remember now,” Zephyr stared at the other bandits, smiling as blood dripped across her face and arms, “Those beautiful days before I mellowed and settled down with the Deianira. I used to rule my land with tempests, and anyone who didn’t suit me got a tornado at their door,”

Even more, bandits rushed into the room, armed and enraged. “Who is she? Why didn’t you kill her yet?” A fully armored man growled.

Zephyr lifted her hand, closed except two fingers which she drew a line in the air with, taking the shape of a wind wave.

The furniture in the room rattled, and the candles got extinguished, as the drapes flapped, the shadows danced and Zephyr disappeared, her sword falling on the ground. The room was still well-lit from the sunlight coming from the windows.

“She ran away!” The armored man growled, rushing toward the window.

“Wearing a codpiece, how luck,” Zephyr whispered into his ear, and he turned around, terrified. She was nowhere to be seen.

Zephyr’s sword flew from the ground, cutting the man’s armpit as it was lightly armored.

He cried, dropping his sword as the other bandits gasped, terrified at seeing the sword move on its own.

The armored bandit spun around, flinging his fist at the sword. “You bitch! You’re there aren’t you!” He screamed but soon got cut again on his other armpit, back of the knees, and finally, throat as the sword danced around him.

“You can’t neither see nor hit the air,” Zephyr giggled, “Good luck in your trial with the gods,”

The bandit fell, his soul going to the afterlife to be judged.

“I’m not even trying,” Zephyr’s left eye showed to the bandits, glowing with a green light, “What to see something horrifying?”

“She’s there! Fire!” A bandit shouted, releasing his crossbow bolt at her eye.

The bolt flew right through Zephyr like she was nothing, “Well, I’ll show it to them on you,”

She appeared fully, as by the rule she sat, doing both at the time would be going over her magic limits. She tapped her foot on the ground, and the bandit’s chest collapsed inside-out as his ribcage shrunk into the size of a grape, squishing his organs and pulling his head into his chest.

The bandits stared at their friend in silence, unable to understand what happened.

“He would have survived if he had the faintest knowledge about magic,” Zephyr sighed, pulling a chair and sitting in front of them, putting one leg on the other, “The spell had no resistance. A kid could have rejected the effect if he tried.”

Zephyr stared at the bandits, standing in front of her in silence, “Won’t you attack?”

“What are you?” One gasped, falling on his knees.

“A natural disaster,” Zephyr replied, switching her legs.

The bandits fell on their knees, begging for their lives.

She stared at them for a while, amused, “I do like seeing you like this,” She stood, “But, the best one of you had killed five people, and they all died begging for their lives. I know since all souls in my domain pass through me,” She lifted her foot, putting it on one of the bandits’ heads, “Squash it is,” She flattened him to the ground.

The bandits tried to stand and run, but all their heads got pushed toward the ground with a solid stream of wind. They gasped, struggling to move, but there was no escape. Zephyr took her time, stepping on each of them, and crushing them to the ground. She only left one at the end.

“For you,” She smiled, “All of them are going to the gods’ trial where they can either go to heaven or hell, but let’s be honest, it’s clearly hell,” She kicked the chair that was behind her away like a horse.

“I’ll test something even more horrifying on you, but in exchange, I’ll allow your soul to reincarnate as a human so you get a second chance. No memories. Your brain won’t survive this,” She lifted her foot up with a vicious grin.

[Wind Expansion]…


Zephyr flew out of the building in her fairy form, humming with a smile as she buzzed her way toward the castle like a bee, “That was refreshing,”


When the guards walked into the building to check on the bandits, they found them all dead on the ground, but something caused them to turn back, puking in horror. The whole room was covered in red, blood-stinking foam, and with bones, hair, nails, and ripped clothes scattered everywhere.

“What the hell happened here?” One gasped. He had never seen such gore even in the worst battles.


Back in the palace, the gusts laughed as they watched the tiny Zephyr dance on a table with a stupid face, drunk after swimming in a barrel of dwarven firewine.

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