The dragon’s harem

Chapter 905: A Rumble of the Future

Chapter 905: A Rumble of the Future

Arad returned to Hati’s house moments later, Serin was quite exhausted after playing for a long time so he handed her to Tina. Ignis on the other hand still had a lot of energy so she kept going around the house, exploring the place.

After putting them down, Arad walked toward the guest room to look for Mira and Isdis, he wanted to give them one of the bottles to try, albeit he wasn’t sure if they could handle it or not. On his way, he saw Isdis approaching him alongside Hati.

“You’re back, we’ve been waiting.” Hati said with a smile, “What took you so long?”

“Nothing that matters. I was playing with the girls.” Arad replied, looking at Isdis, “Did something happen?”

“Nothing.” Isdis shook her head and looked at Hati.

“They’ve told me you intend on hunting tonight, well, I came to tell you that you don’t need to. I’ve managed to secure a whole Tall Neck for you. It’s waiting inside the training ground; you can go and grab it.” Hati waved her finger and a door to the training ground appeared. “You hunted for me?” He glared at her.

“Come on, you’re my guest. Don’t humans feed each other when they come to visit?” Hati waved her hand and the door opened up, “This is your real dinner, but be sure to join us at the dinner table.”

Arad started approaching the gate, but Hati immediately called back to him, “And don’t remain there for too long. You still didn’t recover well from today’s training.”

“I’ll be back immediately, keep the gate open.” Arad walked inside. The first thing he noticed was that the place looked nothing like the deserted wasteland he fought Kayden in, this was a large frozen arctic region with a heavy snowstorm going on. The Tall Neck’s corpse had already frozen and was almost buried beneath the heavy snow.

To the side, almost a hundred meters away he spotted something, two massive stone buildings with the word [Food Storage] written on one, and [Liquid Storage on the other] This region was Hati’s fridge. The temperature here was so extremely low that it might kill a human instantly if they walked in there.

Arad approached the Tall Neck and sucked him into his stomach in an instant. He can slowly absorb and digest it in his stomach overnight, unlike other monsters, he doesn’t need to sit down and eat unless he wants to enjoy a meal.

Right after finishing, Arad walked out of the dimension and looked at Hati, “What was that place?”

“My training ground is like a massive sphere. I use the northern pole to store food in extremely low temperatures so they won’t spoil, and I use the south pool for other matters.” She giggled, “I might send you there if you annoyed me a bit.”

“Send me there?” Arad smiled, “I’ll melt it in an hour.”

“I’d love to see you try, but that’s impossible. You’ll get killed.” She turned around, and glared at him with one eye, “You’ll know one day.” ƒreewebɳ

She waved her hand, “Isdis, take him to the dining room. The dinner should be ready, we’ll eat a bit early today so you can knead him well.”

“Knead me? I’m not a piece of dough.” He looked at Isdis.

Isdis replied with a passive face, “She means massage. But I doubt neither me nor Mira would have the arm strength to massage you.”

“Mira would provide her healing magic, she’s a demi-goddess and better start using her power. And what a perfect training dummy she has.” Hati looked at him with a grin, “You’ll be fine even if she messed up and popped a vein or two.” She then turned toward Isdis, “You’ll cool Astrid and Frida down, I’ll have them be the ones to massage him due to their high strength, but they’ll also be using their mana to try and relax his back, so they might overheat.”

“When we get back, I’ll make sure Eris and Merida can do it. Those two boast a lot of strength.” Isdis said with a smile.

“Nina could as well, albeit I don’t know if she can learn or not.” Arad smiled.

“Nina…” Isdis looked up, “She isn’t just waiting, I left her training.” Isdis could remember Nina swinging her axe alone in the mountains, each swing shaking the whole mountain range. Isdis did ask her why she was training, and Nina asked her to inform Arad of one thing.

“She says that she’ll be waiting for you to come back, and we’ll be posted there, ready to kill you.” Isdis said and Arad smiled. The next time he comes to his land, it’ll be his last fight with Nina.

Nina doesn’t want a husband that she can beat and thus would kill Arad if he lost to her. Arad on the other hand is coming to win, he wants to beat her and take her home.

“Hooo…” Hati looked at them, “Nina, you’re talking about the blood berserker, the one who got her head cleaved by Kayden?” She looked at them with a surprised face.

“Yeah, you must’ve heard of her.” Isdis looked at her with a smile, “She’s quite famous, or should unfamous for all of her battles turn out to be a blood bath.”

“Well of course, she’s the only one in the past five hundred years to remain sane with the Tarrasque blood coursing in her.” Hati replied with a passive face, “Most either die, go insane, or turn into deformed Tarrasque monsters with no sense of self.”

“Do you know about them?” Arad gaped, “People with a Tarrasque blood.” He still had Shi’s soul inside him resting, and no matter how much he looked, there didn’t seem to be a way to bring her back, even if he provided a vampire body.

“People with a Tarrasque blood can show some of its power, like extreme regeneration and magic immunity. But none had shown the Tarrasque greatest power.” She looked at Arad, “The Tarrasque creatures lived in the past, far long before humans or dragons came to the world when it was pure wild chaos filled with abominations. But, as you might expect, they didn’t survive and were eradicated by the abomination. Only one Tarrasque survived, and it’s still alive to this day, all of those who have Tarrasque bloodline are her descendants.” Hati stared at Arad with an evil smile, her eyes glowing red, “She’s immune to death, all of her race’s strive to survive had condensed into her and made her the most stubborn and violent beast in the world.”


In Alina’s mountains, Nina was training, kicking the air as she fought an image of Arad conjured by her imagination, like a boxer doing shadow boxing, she kept kicking jumping left and right at a blinding speed.

She stopped, sweat dripping from her ankle as she held her pose, slowly looking past the trees and mountain cliffs at her side. A massive shadow of jagged teeth and claws creeped out, silently without a sound, and the shadow grew larger and larger.

Nina immediately stopped her training and lifted her axe, looking with a worried face. Such a massive shadow, it must be a dragon that came to invade Arad’s territory, “Who’s there?” She


From behind the cliff, the massive shadow quickly disappeared and a tanned woman with a body filled with tribal tattoos and wearing a single-brow robe walked out. Her hair seemed to flow like living snakes as her eyes burned with a golden flare of life. With each step, Nina could feel her blood scream, this was the great mother, the godmother earth of her barbarian tribe and the origin of her bloodline.

“Who…” As Nina gasped, she suddenly found herself caught by the face, Tarrasque grabbed her and jumped away, flying into the horizon in the blink of an eye.


Hati looked at Arad, “We call her Tarra, it’s what you think of when you think of a barbarian. She’s the first barbarian that ever existed, and shall the be the last one to ever exist.” Hati knew that Tarra was going to Nina, but she didn’t tell Arad. She knows he’ll fly there immediately to help Nina, and that would be bad.

Tarra might be a rampaging barbarian, but due to her extreme ties to survival, she won’t kill one of her blood. Nina might be in for a rough time, but she’ll make it out alive. What Hati worried about the most was that two barbarians would need to speak and understand each other, and that wouldn’t be an easy feat to achieve.

“Tarra, so the Tarrasque had a name…” Arad looked at her, “You just chopped <sque> part of Tarrasque, who’s the idiot who named her?” He called her out, but sadly, Hati wasn’t the one

who named Tarra.

“I didn’t name her.” Hati turned and started walking, “Let’s go, the dinner would get cold.” She waved her hand, calling them to follow her.

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