The dragon’s harem

Chapter 908: To Survive: I Summoned The Blood Lord

Chapter 908: To Survive: I Summoned The Blood Lord

“I call Thee!” As the woman mumbled, sparks of blood magic gushed out of her body, illuminating her cold cell with a bright red flash.

As a last desperate gamble, vampires can forgo the link with their vampire lord and send a call straight to the originator of blood, the one who gave birth to their vampire lords. The woman’s call quickly rushed through the intertwined net of the vampiric bloodline, seeing the blood lord Vlad, but since he had long since died, it reached another target.

Doing such a thing wasn’t so simple, Vlad is known for rejecting those calls and killing those who attempted them. Even vampire lords usually disown their spawns and thralls who attempted such an offense against the blood lord.

In the past two thousand years, not a single vampire who dared attempt this had survived. It was certain that they would get killed, and their call to be ignored. She was gambling against unfair odds. She had felt that death was a better end for her than getting tortured for eternity. Slowly, blood chains started reaching down from the ceiling and walls, the woman could feel her heart slowing down and her blood weakening. Her blood magic, memories, everything she had that made her whole, all of them, slowly seeped away from her soul, washed by the blood.

“Sorry fools…” She stared at the guards with a smile, “I’ll by the blood lord’s hands, not yours.” Her head dropped, unconscious now that all of her magic had been sucked by the horror she called.

As the chains circled around, a large muscular man emerged from the gushing blood. Arad stood there, glaring at the guards with blood-red eyes, bleeding with rage. Since the burden of the summoning falls on the caster, she has lost consciousness due to the huge cost of pulling Arad all the way here.

While Arad was still being massaged by Astrid and Frida, he got a sudden call for help. He thought it was coming from the vampires he left at Alina, but he was wrong, this was the first time for him to have faced such a situation. He had accepted a distress call from a rogue vampire on a faraway land, letting himself be summoned by them through Vlad’s blood inside him.

Usually, it would’ve been Ginger who got summoned, but she had rejected the call, causing it to get forwarded to Arad instead.

As Arad walked forward, blood rushed from the ground and engulfed the vampire woman, sucking her into his stomach. All of her memories related to this incident had been shared with him, causing Arad to feel enraged, this noble was experimenting on humans and slaves before buying the vampire woman. The only reason he got her was because vampires are more durable and she’ll cost him less in the long time than just buying slaves.

The other slaves in the dungeon, elves, dark elves, dwarfs, halflings, and even humans, all looked at Arad with terrified faces. What kind of horror did that vampire woman summon, none of them knew, and prayer can’t save them.

Even though the steel bars making the vampire woman’s cell were three times thicker than what the other cells had, since the guards knew how powerful vampires were, those bars bent as Arad simply walked through them. He grabbed the guards by the faces, crushing and sucking their bodies into his palms. He had seen them in the vampire woman’s memories, torturing not just her, but the other slaves here.

The slaves screamed and Arad engulfed them in barriers.


Upstairs, the noble was drinking with a man who looked in his forties, S-rank adventurer and vampire hunter Voltus Dorimis. He had hired him to be his bodyguard while he dealt with the vampire lord, now that his purchase of the vampire woman was completed, the two of them had been drinking together to celebrate that achievement.

Just like how people resort to Alcott when dealing with dragons, most resort to Voltus when dealing with vampires. He’s the master and expert on hunting them.

The room suddenly shook and Voltus started sweating, his face twisting as he sensed the powerful blood magic rushing across the whole fortress. The furniture around them started floating and the walls cracked, the magic lights flickered as they shattered due to the dense mana filling the air.

The noble cried in terror, his eyes jolting everywhere trying to figure out what was happening.

Arad slowly walked out of the dungeon and faced a horde of the fortress guards. He had seen in the vampire woman that not all the guards were happy with what happened in the dungeon, some of them even snuck food and water secretly to the slaves and even healed them. Since not everyone needed to die, Arad used gravity magic on a large scale to lift everyone and everything around him up, preventing them from running away or coming to attack him.

Arad lifted his arm, scanning the area around him. Inside his 40km detection range, he found him, the vampire lord who sold the woman to the noble. The vampire lord was walking away, counting his gold. He suddenly got pulled back toward the fortress, smashing through the trees and stones, his body getting crushed on the steel gates and finally getting suspended mid-air before Arad’s enraged face. He had been snatched from over twenty kilometers away. Voltus watched in horror from the window, no matter how stupidly powerful and horrifying that vampire lord was, the man that had appeared out of nowhere seemed to be a far more terrifying monster. Even in his long career as a vampire hunter, he had never felt such a horror; the marrow of his bones had started crying, begging him to run away.

The vampire lord started screaming, his blood boiled and his skin was engulfed, in the blink of an eye, he popped like a blood balloon and got sucked into Arad’s body.

Arad jumped toward the window where Voltus was watching him, he stood mid-air right outside it and slowly floated toward the wall, shattering it as he moved inside. The terrified Voltus barely escaped the rubble, baffled at seeing Arad not even bother with doors and windows, he straight just moved into them and shattered everything.

The noble screamed as his eyes exploded, Arad had blinded him with [Blood magic: Eye Burst] And now that he reused that old spell, he had discovered how deep his blood magic had gotten since defeating Vlad and sucking all of his blood.

Controlling the blood to make the eyes explode was far too easy, he could do even more. The noble skin turned red as he screamed in agony. While Arad could control vampires, his mastery of blood seems to have allowed him to even control the blood of non-vampires similar to how Vlad was doing it. Albeit he isn’t as efficient or skilled with that power.

The noble’s body twisted and contorted, getting crushed into a ball of blood and flesh that Arad swallowed into his stomach.

Even though Voltus was affected by Arad’s gravity magic and almost floated in o gravity, he used the wall as a platform to jump and swung his sword at Arad’s neck with a roar. “DIE!


Arad simply lifted his palm and blood the sword coming at his neck. He slowly looked at Voltus’s face, finally acknowledging his presence. He had seen him before but concluded he wasn’t a threat.

With Voltus’s scream, his silver sword flashed, slashing Arad’s forearm and cutting a deep wound in his neck. That sword was special, just like how Arad got the dragon slayer sword, the weapon that Alcott searched for and didn’t find, Voltus had the vampire slayer sword.

Veins rushed out of Arad’s severed wrist and reattached it back. The wound on his neck quickly healed, and Voltus stared with a terrified face. “Vampires shouldn’t be able to heal from this sword…” He mumbled.

The vampire slayer sword was made to kill vampires and is extremely efficient at cutting them and stopping their regeneration. It was mainly made after studying vampires and vampire lords, it had never been configured to face a vampire progenitor, let alone one who is a dragon and a werewolf at the same time.

“That’s a nice sword.” Arad said, looking at him with a passive face.

Voltus growled, swinging his sword again with a red fire spark. [Vampire Slayer Art: Burning


CLANG! Arad caught the sword within his fingers, “Impressive speed, but simple moves. You’ve only been hunting vampires and vampire lords; did you ever face something


Voltus tried to pull his sword out of Arad’s grip but it was stuck. Voltus smiled, his sword disappeared from his right hand and appeared in his left, swinging a thrust at Arad’s chest. [Vampire Slayer Art: Phantom Blade]

Voltus’s sword hit the thin air. Arad knew that Voltus was merely here doing his job, providing protection against vampires, nothing more or less. He wasn’t on his killing list, so he left him


As Voltus looked around, he heard the noble’s wife scream. Arad had caught her, and her screams disappeared a second later. One after another, he could only stand there, floating mid-air under Arad’s magic as Arad went around killing everything that helped the noble.

Even such an experienced and powerful vampire slayer was helpless against the unstoppable force that had appeared out of nowhere.

Seconds later, Arad had finished killing everyone that mattered and he looked around. This noble territory was at the borders of some country, he could sense dark elves guarding a border just 15 km west.

Arad teleported into the border and the dark elves there screamed as they saw him appear out of nowhere. “Strange! Back away, where do you think you’re going?!” They pointed their

spears at him.

“Sorry to ask, is this the dark elf kingdom border?” Arad asked.

“It’s called Elistreana you ignorant…” One of them growled, but Arad immediately disappeared as quickly as he appeared. He flew into the kingdom and quickly noticed that a large city was close, just 30 km away from the border, and it had a familiar presence that he only sensed once before. With another void step, Arad arrived there. Jasmine was walking in her inner quarter with two of her maids following her. She had finally

finished the day’s work and was ready to relax a bit, it was then that she heard her guards scream their lungs out. The two women who were wearing plate armor and guarding her

personal quarter had found a strange man standing inside.

Jasmine rushed and saw the two pointing their halberds at Arad. “An Intruder in the queen’s quarter! Call reinforcement!” One cried.

“Bastard! How did you get here!?” The other one cried.

When Jasmine recognized Arad, she immediately rushed at the guards. “Put your weapons down! Don’t you dare attack him?” She pushed them aside. freё

“Arad…” Jasmine looked at him, “You could’ve called. I don’t have anything prepared…” She tried to figure out why is he there. She was happy to see him, but at least wanted to know why. “I need help with something. A noble in the neighboring kingdom in that way…” He pointed to the east, “…he had several slaves and some of them were dark elves as well. I was hoping you could take them in, alongside the other slaves. I can’t really carry them back and I don’t trust leaving them to that kingdom.”

She blinked twice. “People were already disappearing around the border, that’s why security

is tight there. We were suspecting that noble at the border to be the one kidnapping our people…” She looked at Arad, “Are you sure?”

“Just killed him and several members of his family. It’s complicated, but a vampire woman

asked me for help.” Arad extended his hand and pointed at the window. “Where do you want me to put them?”

“Can you put them in the castle’s garden?” Jasmine replied and Arad nodded, “I’ll be back.” He immediately disappeared again.

“Your Majesty, who is that man?” One of the guards asked with a worried face.

“Uranus, the god-eating dragon. You two had just pointed your weapons at a being who could

sneeze our whole kingdom to the abyss.” Jasmine rushed to the window and looked out, the slaves were already there, and Arad had gone back and brought them using [Void Step].

Arad appeared once again beside Jasmine, “I brought them. They are a bit confused and scared, but please take care of them.”

Jasmine smiled, “I was about to march my army into the border to investigate and retrieve my people. You’ve done my work for me; this can’t go without a proper thank.”

“Sorry, but I must go. We can talk about this later.” Arad looked back; his wives must be quite worried. Just as quickly as he appeared, he once again disappeared.

Jasmine looked at the terrified salves in her garden, her face twisted and contorted with rage.

“Look at how they treated my people. It’s war.” They’ve finally got proof, and have a reason

to march into battle. “Send a letter to Queen Cerilla and King Baltos, inform them of the details, and ask for support.”

One of the maids looked at her, “There are dwarves and halflings there as well. What should

we do?”

“Their homelands are too far away to be able to help us in time. We’ll send them home and that’s it.” She walked back to her room to change her clothes, her day which seemed to be over had just been filled by work once more.

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