The dragon’s harem

Chapter 917: Temperature Magic

Chapter 917: Temperature Magic

As Admhone left in a puff of black flames, Kayden waved his hand and opened the gate for Arad to return home and rest for the night. Tomorrow he’ll train on defensive barriers, and it’ll be far more painful than anything he had ever faced before.

Arad looked at the gate for a second, “The day is over, right?” He looked at Kayden.

“Yeah, do what you want. Just be well rested by tomorrow.” Kayden disappeared like he was never there.

His eyes turned toward the South Pole, he could still sense Isdis and Isbert fighting there. His eyes turned into those of a dragon as his wings expanded with a boom, the moment he flew off, the ground beneath him exploded from the sheer pressure.


In the south pole, Isdis and Isbert were still fighting amongst the endless snow desert. Isbert’s main goal was getting Isdis used to the extreme cold first and so she slowly dropped the temperature as they fought. By the day’s end, the two were already fighting in a -10c {14F/ 263.15K}

Isdis lunged at Isbert, swinging her frozen sword with all of her might.

Isbert gracefully dodged the swing and kicked Isdis in the back, dropping her to the ground. The moment Isdis stood up, she was stuck in place as Isbert froze her feet in the snow.

With an annoyed growl, Isdis jumped out of her boots and lunged at Isbert with a rapid thrust. She already hadn’t felt her toes in five hours, what matters if she was to run barefoot on the snow?

Isbert caught the attack with her bare hands and looked at Isdis with a passive face, “Went barefoot but still can’t get a decent footwork. You aren’t used to fighting in the snow, are you?”

Isdis shattered her own sword to escape Isbert’s grasp and jumped back, “It never snows this heavily in the kingdom, and there isn’t any stupid army that would start a war in it.” She indeed couldn’t move well; her feet kept sinking in the soft snow which made each step extremely exhausting.

Isdis conjured another ice sword and pointed it at Isbert, barely able to breathe as she racked her brain, no matter how what she did, she couldn’t breathe through Isbert’s iron defense. Something seemed off, and her mind didn’t have enough energy to try and find an answer.

In reality, Isbert didn’t want Isdis to learn anything or win the fight. As her goal was to get Isdis used to the cold, all she cared about was keeping her busy and slowly cooling the place to her used to the freezing cold. This fight wasn’t going anywhere, and Isbert would keep pushing Isdis’s limit until she passed out.

As the two faced each other, something started ringing in their heads. A strange and painful clicking. CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! Isdis ignored it as she thought it was just a headache thanks to the cold, Isbert on the other hand looked at the black-cloud-filled sky.

A thin barrier appeared around Isdis for a fraction of a second as a massive, fifteen-meter- thick lightning bolt dropped from the sky at Isbert’s head. As the immense lightning evaporated the snow into hydrogen and oxygen, a massive explosion that was several kilometers wide of pure inferno rose into the clouds, charring the frozen land into a piece of still-burning charcoal.

Isdis landed back in Hati’s house as Arad teleported her back into the gate that threw her right back home. Faced with the warm air and the exhaustion plaguing her whole body, Isdis fell unconscious immediately.

Arad slowly descended from the clouds, looking at his handiwork with a faint smile. “The training time is over. Did you really think I’ll remain quiet about this?”

The ash and smoke got blasted away as Isbert’s magic surged, she was still standing in the same place. She looked perfectly fine, if not for the ash and soot tainting her polished silver


“You can still fight after Kayden’s training? He’s going easy on you.” Isbert looked at Arad with a passive face. The attack he just unleashed at her wasn’t something any creature could survive. Even if it was a great wyrm blue dragon that could easily brush the lightning off, the heat and fire generated afterward would’ve killed him. The only creature that Arad knew of and could survive such a thing would be a purple dragon that can both resist fire and lightning.

This humanoid-looking ice woman wasn’t a purple dragon, and Arad looked at her with a passive smile, but his mind was racing and trying to figure out how she survived such a hit.

“Sadly, for you. I have quite the stamina.” Arad lifted his hands up, “I hope you won’t just vanish from this.” His right hand got engulfed in a [Ho-while Nova] While his left one started burning with purple gravity magic. The world around them rumbled as he brought his hands together, mixing the [Ho-white Nova] with the gravity magic, resulting in a rampaging Ho- white Nova that sucked everything around it to burn.

“I doubt, even you could survive this one.” He swung his massive arms down, unleashing the [Rampaging Ho-white Nova] At Isbert.

The spell flew forth, ripping the ground apart and sicking everything into its core, burning it and growing larger and developing an ever-stronger gravity field.

This spell can’t be avoided by normal means as its gravity will pull you toward it, and if you try to resist that, gravity will pull the spell toward you. It’s like a homing missile and won’t miss. It grows stronger the further away the target is as it’ll get even bigger with the consumer matter. And the heat inside it far surpasses anything that normal magic can achieve. To add salt to injury, gravity would crush anything sucked into the spell, effectively crumbling them like a piece of paper.

The spell hit Isbert and exploded into a massive ball of plasma, Arad watched as it flashed across the sky. He didn’t care who Isbert was or what happened to her, this was the fate of anyone who dared lay a hand on his wives. Blasted into oblivion without a trace left.

The plasma suddenly started flickering, and Arad looked at it with a confused face. All the heat and fire faded away as Isbert appeared to be still standing in the same place, unharmed. She looked at Arad with a passive and emotionless face, “You, still don’t understand anything, do you?” Everything around her froze again and snow started filling the charred land like an avalanche.

“What…did you do?” Arad gasped, she didn’t even move a step, yet somehow his spell had faded away without a trace.

Isbert waved her hand, drawing a line in the air with her index finger. Following the trace, a streak of white flame flashed, burning like a candle from her nail. “Fire and cold magic aren’t real; they are a mere illusion.” She said, pointing that finger toward Arad.

“Temperature magic…” With a blinding flash, a burst of fire exploded from her finger and hit Arad in the stomach. Everything flashed white before Arad’s eyes as he got blasted away, unable to even react to such rapid and extreme heat.

Temperature magic controls temperature, it can be used to both heat and cold things by adding or absorbing thermal energy from them. What everyone calls fire magic is a simplified version of temperature magic that only focuses on heating the air to create flames. There is a version that involves using lightning magic to turn the moisture in the air into oxygen and hydrogen, but that is hard to teach so it’s rare.

What makes temperature magic extremely powerful is the conversion of energy, while the caster cools something with it, he is in fact absorbing the heat and storing it. Cold magic on the other hand just wastes that heat by releasing it into the air.

As Arad blasted Isbert with his spells, she had to cool everything back down, which meant she was absorbing all of the thermal energy of his spells. And now, she had released that heat back

at him in a single blast.

Isbert stood beside Arad’s charred body, “The strongest cold magic is a fire blast. All mages are obsessed with fireballs and burning things down, even we ice mages love doing that.”


Isbert appeared back in Hati’s mansion and threw Arad’s body to Hati, “You can heal him.”

She said with a passive face.

“What happened to him?” Hati asked.

“I don’t know, he burned himself with his own magic.” Isbert replied as she turned to leave. “Wait…you burned him.” Hati glared at her with an annoyed face. “Wasn’t that supposed to be a secret?”

“It doesn’t matter, he’ll know it eventually.” Isbert replied. She was one of the strongest ice

users in the whole world, and no one had expected that her ultimate attack wasn’t freezing time, but a fire attack. But it works perfectly, all of her enemies come prepared with ice resistance and fire attack spells, only for her to slowly absorb their heat and then nuke them with it.

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