The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 113 - 113

After a rather fulfilling meal, Charles went back to his room, while his brother remained in the kitchen with their mother. The twins went back to playing around, while their father headed to his room to get a nap in. Charles got around to arranging his things back into his bag when he saw a shiny object atop his bed.

"Ah! That's right, the old man also gave me a pearl!" Charles palmed his face in frustration as he realized what he had forgotten. He was lucky that it did not get missing while he was out.

He picked up the small, shiny marble and held it up to his face, examining it. And then, just for a moment, a bit of light from the open window flashed across its surface, and into Charles' eyes, forcing him to close them for a second.

"Ouch, that was not pleasant." Charles mumbled to himself as he rubbed his eyes before reopening them to view his now empty hand.

"Huh?!" Startled, Charles quickly looked around him, checking for the missing pearl, before a screen popped up before him.

(A/N: Yes, they have a system in their world, and it is not exclusive to he MC.)

"Hm? I didn't call up my Status." The boy mumbled to himself. But just as he wanted to wave the screen away, the information displayed on it changed.

[Name - Charles Lockhart]

[Race - Human] [Level - 1]

[Health - 1500] [Mana - 1500]

[Strength - 10] [Constitution - 10] [Resistance - 15]

[Agility - 10] [Evasion - 10] [Dexterity - 10]

[Intelligence - 15] [Wisdom - 15]

[Perception - 10] [Willpower - 10] [Charisma - 10]

[0 Stat Points Available]

"Hm? My mana, intelligence, and wisdom went up a bit?" Charles was confused. But another line of information suddenly appeared on his already altered Status screen. "And Stat Points?!"

[A certain Supreme Being smiles kindly upon you.]

"What's going on?" Charles mumbled and fished out the egg shaped ornament from his back, immediately another screen popped up.

[Unique Beast. Days to hatch: 6 days, 12 hours and 12 minutes.]

"...This is an... Egg?!" Charles exclaimed. "That old man gave me some strange magic pearl and a beast's egg?! What am I supposed to do with this?" Charles asked with a wry smile. "Maybe I'll go look for him in town tomorrow. I need to understand what this is." He decided and stuffed the egg back into his bag.

Just as Charles finished tidying his bed, the door to the room opened and his brother, Darwin stepped into the room.

"Gus and Angie are waiting for you out back. I think they want to build a snowman or something." Darwin told Charles as he began to search through his box of clothes for a sweater.

"Oh, right. I promised them I would play with them." Charles sighed in realization. He figured that playing with them would take his mind off the matter with the pearl and egg for a while, so he also put on his jacket before making his way out of the room and to the back of the house where the twins were busy piling large amounts of snow together.

"Charlie! Come help us build this snowman!" Gus yelled at him, while Angel focused on patting a section of the snow into a rounder shape, with her tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth.

"Aye aye, sir." Charles chuckled and made his way over to where the twins were. He squatted down and proceeded to help them pack the mounds of snow onto each other, forming three layers, with each one being a bit smaller than the former.

"Here! The head!" Gus handed Charles the smallest, and fourth layer, which Charles placed on top of it.

"Okay, so we need a couple of twigs, some coal, and a carrot. Oh, I nearly forgot the scarf!" Charles spoke to himself, counting out what they would need to complete the snowman. "I'll go get the twigs, you guys get the coal, scarf, and carrot from mom, okay?" He told the kids, and they nodded enthusiastically, before running into the house to get what he told them to.

After watching them scramble into the house with a laugh, Charles turned around and began looking around for some sticks to use as the arms of the snowman. After a few minutes of waddling through the snow, he finally found some suitable sticks and returned to the snowman. There, the twins were pushing in the bits of coal that were about the size of their fists, into the torso of the snowman.

Angie quickly jumped up and stuck the carrot into the area where its nose was supposed to be, while Gus finished up with the 'buttons' to the snowman's 'coat'.

"Charlie, come helps us with the eyes and scarf." Gus held out the rest of the coal in his hands to Charles, while Angie held up the scarf.

"Alright." Charles smiled while he fixed in the arms, before taking the coal and scarf and fixing them properly on the snowman. "That should be it." He announced as he stepped back together with the kids.

"Yay!" The twins screamed at the same time before running into the house together. "Mommy! Daddy! Come see our snowman!" Angie yelled loudly as she hugged Anne's legs, while Gus went on to jump onto his father's laps with glee.

"Sure, sure. Let's head out and see the snowman." Donald smiled as he took a hold of the twins' hands and proceeded to lead them outside.

"What about mommy?" Gus asked, looking confused.

"Don't worry, mommy will be coming soon, she's just a bit tired." Donald patted the little boy's head of dark hair while turning to take a look at his wife, who was warmly smiling as her hand ran slow circles on her belly.

Donald and the twins made their way out of the house, and into the backyard, where the snowman was made, followed closely by Darwin who held a cup of hot chocolate in his hands.

Charles stepped closer to his brother with a confused look on his face. "Hey... Um, Darwin?"

"Yeah?" Darwin raised a brow as he sipped on his chocolate.

"Is mum.... Pregnant?"

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