The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 167

After several hours of tempering his energy and body, Seirron finally emerged from the suspended chamber. Steam rose off his body in waves, a sign of the extreme conditions he put his body under during his training session.

Deciding to call it a night and hit the hay, Seirron retreated into his home for the night. Because of the grueling training session from earlier, he was out through the entire night. With the coming of the next day, he would have to meet his new elite squad members, as such, he had to be as rested as possible to prevent any unnecessary accidents.

Time passed swiftly and it was soon morning. Seirron's body clock was extremely sensitive and as a result, he was up alongside the rising sun.

As always, he began the day with a short run around his island. After going several laps and making sure he was properly drenched in his own sweat was he finally satisfied.

Around an hour later, when he was done with his morning preparations, he set out for the evaluation center once again. This time, he would be travelling with Lana to arrive at his squad's base of operations. Upon reaching there, he parked his vehicle in the underground parking lot before heading above ground.

Looking around, Seirron admired the familiar scene of flying cars rushing about above as he took in the cityscape. The current island where the evaluation center was located was not a small island but rather a massive piece of floating land that hosted a large number of Razo citizens. The sounds of civilization hung in the air as the distant cheerful chatter of people going about their day could be heard.

Walking into the massive building at the center of the city, he wasted no time an walked straight up to one of the receptionists that was attending to various people.

"Good day, how may I help you?" With a charming smile, she multi-tasked as she asked Seirron for his reason for coming to the evaluation center, while also tapping on the holographic screen that was floating in front of her, but also just out of Seirron's view.

"Hello, I'm here to see Miss Lana Hale." With a similar smile, he replied curtly. Although he had reached the pinnacle of individual strength, he would always remember to be polite. It wasn't as though the lady before him was weak in any sense, though. She gave off vibes of a B-class warrior at the least.

"Alright, let e just see your identification an authority level, and you'll be good to go. Oh, you'll also have to fill in this form." She transferred some files over to the high tech wristband that was strapped tightly around his wrist. In this day and age, cellphones had long since become outdated, falling behind and giving way for a more advanced method of communication. Now, everyone carried around a high tech wristband on their person. This wristband acted as a communication tool, an entertainment device, and also a device that constantly monitored the body condition of the wearer.

After meticulously filling out the form, Seirron passed it back to her with a flick of his wrist, along with his identification and authority level within the Association. The receptionist's eyes opened wide like saucers as she read through his files. S-class, with an authorization level equivalent to that of a five percent stake holder in the Association. That was basically equivalent to her boss who she hadn't even met ever since she started working as a receptionist for the Association.

One had to know that despite the few tens of S-ranks that existed in the Razo race, not all of them were closely knitted with the Association. At most, they accepted missions from the Association, but didn't get any further involved.

"Ah- please come with me." She whispered a few words to her colleague beside her and stood up, waving for Seirron to follow her. She led him through a set of double doors at the side of the reception table, taking him deeper into the building. Soon, after walking down several winding corridors, the receptionist stopped before a dark wood door, waving at it.

"This is miss Lana's office, also as far as I go. Good luck." She turned around and swiftly walked away, leaving Seirron with a slightly confused expression on his face. He didn't know why he got the feeling that she was trying to leave a favorable atmosphere between them. Shaking his head, he knocked softly n the door.

"Come in." The soft voice of Lana drifter over. Seirron pushed open the door and stepped in. His eyes drifted over the brown paint and the various earthly decorations and ornaments that adorned the walls and corners of the office. In this era of technology and efficiency, Lana had kept a unique taste among her peers, opting to make use of less flashy furniture in her office. Seirron's eyes finally settled over Lana who was sitting behind her desk, flipping through some papers, a pair of reading glasses hung over her nose as she twirled a few strands of hair between her fingers.

"Seirron, a bit early, don't you think?" She looked up for a second, waving at the free chairs opposite her with a hand before going back to what she was reading. He took a seat, regarding her silently as he did so. "Just give me a few minutes to finish this and we'll leave." She spoke and waved her hand slightly. Seirron just nodded and watched quietly as she spent time flipping through various files, stamping and rearranging them.

Several minutes later, Lana sighed before closing the last file and placing it atop the pile of similar looking files. "I'm done. Let's go." She pushed her seat back, rising to her feet in a graceful manner. She pushed her blue hair behind her shoulders, smoothing it down. She walked out of the office with Seirron right behind her. He was quite used to Lana's reserved nature, not wasting time with raising any unnecessary small talk between them.

She led him to an elevator, one that only led one way- down.

"Where are we going?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck in confusion.

"Oh, to meet your teammates." She didn't even bother looking at him or explaining further before hitting the button. With that, the doors shut tight before dropping into nothing. The elevator descended rapidly. Seirron could feel an odd feeling inside him as it happened. With a single glance at Lana's calm expression, he knew that this was most likely a normal thing for her and didn't worry.

After a few short moments, the elevator stabilized and opened up. Seirron shot a glance upwards and caught the sight of the stone ceiling above the elevator sealing close. With that, he guessed that this was just most likely an underground base.

Lana led him forward, through several long winding corridors with bright lamps hung overhead.

"Where are we?" He couldn't help but ask.

"Your team's base." She replied indifferently.


"This has been their base for several decades now, they refused to change it no matter how much the association tries to persuade them. There's nothing we can do about it, though. They're our elite squad." She stopped before a large metal door that barred their way and placed her palm against a metal panel. With a brief flash, the door slid open, permitting their entry.

Beyond that door, an extremely wide base came into view. In the room they were standing in, massive screens lined the walls, showing different sections of the base. From what he could see, there was a gym, residential area, and many more sections.

"Don't stare. Shut your mouth and follow me." Lana brushed past him, leading him deeper into the base. Seirron could only do as she said as she led him. They soon arrived at the area that could be classified as a gym. Within it, there was a pair of Razo elite. They were currently playing a simple card game.

"Zeke, Mane, come over and greet your new squad mate." Lana stepped into the room, while Seirron remained by the door, watching. The two people in the room raised their heads, revealing their youthful appearances. They grumbled a bit, taking a pause in their game to do as she said.

With a brief introduction, Seirron came to know the names of the two. Zeke, who was in his late twenties, had a headful of black hair, with the edges stained green. With his dark skin, his looks complemented his affinity for the earth, as his powers granted him control over plants and the earth to a certain degree. Meanwhile, Mane was a massive guy, he was in his mid-twenties. With shoulder length blonde hair, he specialized in physical battles, overpowering his opponents through sheer physical power.

Just to be safe, Daven had brought that token with him into the battle.

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