The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 76 - Sudden Attack!

Han read on in bewilderment, surprised and shocked that he was holding one of Sir Delk's invaluable creations in his hands.


With the help of my Gift, I have taken notice of the plight of your people, in particular, the young demi-human who bears a Gift.

Young Mian is still inexperienced, and as such, has yet to find out all the nuances of his Gift. Because of that, he can not be of full help to your cause, and as such, I have sent out a force to help you overcome this challenge that hangs over your heads.

Do not worry, Mohawk and his people will assist you to the best of their ability, and their presence will ensure that innocent blood is not spilt.

The composition of the resistance you shall face from the Kraetor City's defenses include...


Han spent a couple more minutes digesting the information that had been provided to him, particularly the defenses of Kraetor City. He sighed in his heart, relieved that this information had gotten to him before the taskforce had even thought of making a move on Kraetor City. They would have to contact the Zelan and Belmun packs, as well as the Bolvar Tribe. This would require a full mobilization of their forces.

But then, Han recalled the small army that was led by the powerful Wereape. As a strong dominant himself, he was easily able to feel the power difference between himself and Mohawk. There was no doubt that the Wereape could easily wipe the floor with him.

Naturally, Han respected the strength that Mohawk wielded, and could tell that with the help of his small army, they could very easily push their way through whatever it was that the humans had prepared for them.

"Are we really going to do this?" Han asked when he rolled up the scroll. He moved to hand the scroll back to Mohawk, but the Wereape refused to collect it. That would remain as a means for Sir Delk to contact the natives of the Northern Continent.

"Of course! Those humans don't stand a chance!" Mohawk laughed heartily. "Although they have made decent preparations for an attack, they have no idea that a force as large as ours will come knocking on their gates. They believe that a hundred demi-humans might come attacking, at most."

Han nodded, "Then we should at least assign roles for the upcoming battle. We can not just charge in blindly."

Following this statement, they began planning, placing teams into positions where they would be best suited to attack the defenses of the city from.

"I will personally sneak past the city walls and strike from the back when they least expect it." Mohawk announced what he would do while the rest attacked and drew the attention of the enemy.

"We will try out best to avoid unnecessary deaths, but we will also do what we must." Han nodded. He would lead one of the groups to attack from the side of the city, while most of the members of the army led by Mohawk would go for a frontal attack at the gates of the city.

After their preparations were made, the army set off across the lake, in towards Kraetor City.



Adas stood upon the balcony of Kraetor City's Seat of Power, the building where the leaders of Kraetor City set up their offices. Her bright red hair waved around as a stiff breeze blew by. A few steps behind her stood a demi-human with black fur and a splash of red fur atop his head. He was the current leader of the City, but under the effects of the Herder Drug, he had relinquished his power to Aileen.

"Moses," Adas called, and the Werecat, Moses stepped forward enough to enter her line of sight. "Has there been no movement from the demi-humans who seek to attack Kraetor City?" She asked.

"No, master. Our scouts have failed no locate anything amiss, and there have been no changes to the terrain around the city's walls." Moses answered her with a subservient tone of voice. His blank eyes remained firmly planted on his feet as he spoke.

Just as Moses finished speaking, the sound of a massive explosion reached their ears, and the ground shook. Screams echoed through the city as they came under the attack of an unknown assailant.

Startled, Adas looked at the city gates, which had once been intact, only just a few moments ago. The massive gates were now blown open, with one gate having been completely hewn off its hinges. The massive iron bars that had supported it from the inside had not been spared, the bars having been melted into nothing more than useless metal slag.

"What is going on?!" She screamed in anger. "Moses! Command your soldiers to put a stop to whatever is going on there! I want the heads of those who dare to attack my city!"

With a simple nod, Moses jumped off the balcony of the building, and landed on the ground two stories down. He immediately set off to the army barracks to rally the full force of the city.

Moses was strong demi-human in every right. He had the rank of a dominant in the middle tier, which was a great thing, but his strength was not the only reason why he became elected to lead the Kraetor City. It was all down to his brains. He had a unique and excellent sense when it came to management of resources, and under his guidance, Kraetor City had become much more prosperous in recent times.

However, all his expertise in management came down to nothing as an invisible metal staff slammed into the back of his neck, knocking him unconscious. His body was just about to hit the ground when it suddenly stopped, held up by an unseen force.

Mohawk quickly handed the unconscious body of Moses to one of his subordinates that had snuck into the city during the initial chaos. They would handle the issue of hiding away the unconscious Werecat while Mohawk dealt with more important matters. He would single handedly make sure that the forces defending the city at the walls would not get any reinforcements while the army he led was attacking.

After a few minutes of waiting, the effects of the potion he had taken to make himself invisible wore off, revealing him in all his simian glory. His open jacket fluttered in the wind just as a dozen armed soldiers came running down the main street that led to the city's gates.

Upon setting their sights on Mohawk, they could immediately tell that he was an intruder, as they had never seen anyone of his species before.

"Halt, intruder!" The leader of the squad called out and brandished his spear. His squad mates did the same and moved to surround Mohawk. It was their mistake, though.

The members of the squad were only just middle ranks, with their leader being the strongest among them, at the high tier. Mohawk was a dominant at the high tier. There was an immensely vast gulf between them that separated their strength, and not even triple the amount of enemies he currently faced would be enough to bring him down.

As the city guards moved to attack him, they were shocked to see the red, metal staff that was strapped to Mohawk's back suddenly flash, and appear in his hands, before promptly whacking them in the faces. Each and every one of them was promptly knocked out cold, sporting a slight bump on the sides of their heads.

Mohawk just grunted slightly after knocking them out. If he had truly intended to use his full strength, then their heads would have most likely caved in from the force he could apply.

"What is going on here?!" A few roars of anger could be heard in the distance as even more city guards came running down. There were also some stronger demi-humans, along with several humans mixed into the approaching force of reinforcements.

Mohawk braced himself and got into stance for the incoming battle. He would go easy on them, but not too easy. After all, he needed to make sure no one sneaked past him and approached the gates of the city. The other teams that he had spread out would stop any others from taking another path to the walls.

An intense brawl erupted the moment the city guards came within range of Mohawk's metal staff.

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