The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 88 - March

Time passed quickly as preparations were made to strike at Fressia. Malim had sent some scouts to do some reconnaissance on the state of Fressia, and when the scout returned, she confirmed that the people of the city were still present. After all, it would be hard for the Henshaw Dynasty to hide away all those people if they tried to move them out of the city. Such a task was just too much to ask.

And so, when the time was right, the joint army from Kraetor, and the other forces set off from the large city, and straight to Fressia. On the way, they met up with Malim's army, and then Tide and Ariel's army. With those additions, they had already surpassed three thousand soldiers. It was not much, but it as enough to subdue Fressia. Only when they had regained the freedom of the city would they send out more force to the Zelan pack's territories, which would be their front of attack on the dynasty, as they were the closest to the human dynasty.



Mian wiped away the speck of white that had fallen onto his nose with an annoyed frown.

"It's that time of the year again." He muttered to Dion and ran his hands along his arms.

"Too cold for you?" The dominant asked with a smirk.

"Shut up. You just have thicker fur, that's why you don't feel the cold as I do." Mian replied as he rolled his eyes.

Winter had started to set in, and the temperature had dropped quite a bit. The change in temperature was rather jarring, but the natives of the Northern Continent were already used to it. They grew up in such conditions after all.

As for those from the Central Continent, they had already made sure to cover themselves up well to endure the colder temperatures. Among them though, the Wereapes were doing the worst. They were not exactly made for colder temperatures, so they were wrapped up extra tight.

Similarly, the merfolk were also doing poorly, but they were able to cope with it for some time. They only needed some short breaks to warm themselves up, and they were good to go again.

"The both of you can stop bantering and complaining over there." Tide snorted from where he was, while Mohawk limited himself to an eye roll. It seemed the merman's temper was rather bad due to being subjected to unfavorable weather conditions. Not to mention that he was even close to the campfire that they had built.

"Pff... Shark." Dion snorted, and Tide nearly choked on the roasted fish that he was eating.

"What did you call me, you little mutt?!" The blue haired man glared angrily at the black furred Werewolf.

"You heard me alright." Dion returned the glare in full intensity as the two initiated a glaring contest.

"Alright, boys. Hold it up right there." Malim finally spoke up and threw a log into the crackling fire. As soon as he did, the two glaring demi-humans scoffed and turned back to what they were eating.

Tide turned to face Ariel, his new lover, who fed him bite sized portions of the fish, while Dion turned to face his friend who was trying his best to hold in his laughter.

"It's not funny." Dion muttered with his ears pressed back in annoyance.

"Sure, it isn't." Mian laughed and nodded his head, while Dion just narrowed his eyes and focused on his food.

After everyone was done eating, Malim spoke up.

"Now, everyone. Listen up." The man clapped to get their attention, "We will be reaching Fressia in a few days' time. So far, ever since we crossed the borders of the city's territories, we have yet to run into a scout, which is rather strange. There are a few reasons as to why we have not come across any of them yet." He then went on to explain those reasons.

Firstly, it might be that the humans sent by the dynasty had just chosen to tighten their defenses, and gather up all their soldiers within their walls in order to prepare for the incoming attack.

Secondly, and the option that Malim felt was most likely, was that the dynasty had long since started sneaking out the combat forces of the city to another position. Probably the dynasty's lands itself.

"You are probably right." Han commented when he heard Malim's thoughts. He also felt that it was more likely for the Henshaw Dynasty to have committed to moving about the war assets of Fressia in order to bolster their own defenses, or to attack other packs and cities without causing damage to their own war assets.

After half a day of rest, the army set out once again, making quick progress across the lands. Before long, they got to an area where they would have to stop.

Beyond the edges of the forest that surrounded Fressia was an incredibly vast plane of land that was dominated by only short grass and sparse bushes and trees. Because of this, Malim made the decision for the army to make one more rest stop before beginning their straight march forward. The distance between the trees and the walls of Fressia was about five ours' journey. Although that sounded short compared to the amount of time that it had taken for the army to march there, that was enough time for sentries or scouts from the city to spot them and alert the main forces of the city. This time, it would be much more different from the attack on Kraetor City.

"Practice and rest. Make sure to go over your roles in battle that were assigned to you. Tomorrow,, we will march on Fressia." The various leaders of the army went about instructing their subordinates on what to do. More specific roles were assigned to the soldiers, and plans were refined and thought over once again.

The rank and file soldiers sharped their blades and polished their armors with a tense atmosphere hanging over them, although their superiors did their best to ease their worries.

Come morning, they would march for war, and not all of them will come out from it unscathed.

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