The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 94 - Conrad Argberg

Half an hour later, the group found themselves sitting in a waiting room, waiting for Charles to return and tell them the results of his discussion with the City Lord of Fressia. They were currently in a waiting rom on the ground floor, while Charles had gone into the City Lord's study that was on the first floor of the mansion.

After waiting for over ten minutes, Mian's attention was drawn to the sound of rushed footsteps coming from the staircase that led to the City Lord's study. The Werecat appeared at the base of the stairs and nodded at the group before making his way over to them.

"The City Lord will now see you. But only those of the highest importance." Charles explained with a wry smile.

"Highest importance?" Malim asked and took a look around. "Fine then, Robin and Mian, come with me." The man asked and stood up, but Charles was left slightly confused.

"Why him? There are other stronger people here." He asked with a confused look on his face.

"HA!" Malim laughed and patted Charles' shoulder, "Don't worry, you will understand soon enough." The man said before proceeding to walk up the stairs that led to the City Lord's study. The others just shrugged and followed after him. They would just wait until it was necessary before explaining Mian's presence. That should be enough to make the City Lord of Fressia throw his weight behind their cause.

Charles quickly followed them, before leading them to one of the doors that was along the corridor on that wing of the mansion. The door was rather... luxurious, even for a door. It was obviously made out of metal, with golden linings and flourishes adorning it.

Charles knocked on the door, and when he City Lord asked them to come in, he held open the door before waving them into the room and closing it when he had stepped in. He made his way over to the City Lord's side, while the guests sat on a some seats that had been intentionally placed not too far from the City Lord's desk. Before them was a glass center table, and across from the table was a plush couch, which the City Lord didn't hesitate to sit on.

"Good day. Please, I hope you feel comfortable?" The man asked, a smile spreading across his face as he looked at the three people seated in front of him.

"Yes, your chairs are of rather good quality, I have to say." Malim nodded and sat forward, "Please, how may I refer to you as?"

"My name is Conrad Argberg, but please, call me Conrad. I am not one to act too stuck up and distant unless I'm dealing with some rather annoying people, and surely, you three are far more interesting, and come bearing important news." Conrad Argberg, the City Lord of Fressia responded with an easy smile. Considering the importance of what they were about to begin discussing, this was no time to act cold to his guests.

"Alright... Conrad. Well, my name is Malim. This here is Robin, the representative sent by Kraetor, and Mian, the one sent by the Zelan pack." Malim introduced the three of them to the human who sat opposite them.

Conrad tilted his head slightly when Malim introduced Mian, then turned to look at Charles with a quirked brow, but was met with a similarly clueless shrug.

"Please, if you don't mind me asking, what is so important about Mian here? No offense." Conrad smiled in a rather forced manner to get across the point that he was not trying to attack Mian's rank.

Malim raised his brow before facing Mian and nodding his head.

"It is a pleasure to meet you... Sir. I am the one who got the last Gift from the recent Skyfall." Mian simply stated the reason why he was qualified to be in such a meeting, and both Charles and Conrad's brows shot up.

"You mean the Skyfall that happened just a couple of months ago? That's amazing. I never thought I would find myself in the same room as a Gifted in my lifetime. And the calm way you carry yourself. I would expect anyone who got a Gift to be arrogant and unapproachable!" Conrad exploded in a fury of words, while Charles remained in a shocked trance. He had so simply dismissed a Gifted that he should have been whacked on the head over a dozen times!

A wry smile made its way onto Mian's face upon hearing Conrad's praising words. To be honest, Mian guessed that if he was stronger when he had received the Evolution System, then he would have been as pompous as Conrad said, but in reality, he was just shy, so he tried to keep as low of a profile as possible. He still wasn't confident in his strength, especially after his Evolution powers had been sealed for the rest of the year.

Malim just looked on with a smirk, while Robin also watched the City Lord with a wry smile. It seemed like the man was a lot more down to earth than they had initially thought. That would help greatly with their upcoming talks.

"Anyway, let us get back to the main topic. I'm sure we will easily be able to reach an agreement, no?" Conrad, having calmed down, waved for them to begin their talks, even though they had just been waiting for him to calm down.

"Mm, where should we start?" Robin nodded. He was the one who was good at making deals after all. He would lead the conversation on their side and negotiate the terms with the City Lord.

"Where should we start? I think that is pretty obvious. I already have a few things in mind, but I want to hear where you are coming from. Why you think the Henshaw Dynasty is behind this whole scheme, and also, what you plan to do after taking care of this whole situation.." Conrad leaned forward with a serious expression, his playful look from a moment ago having vanished into thin air.

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