The First Store System

1000 1000th Special!

Chapter 1000: 1000th Special!

“Ugh! Whe…re is thi…s?” A man, clutching his head, asked while looking around him.

The man felt that his head would explode, so his face looked unsightly. The man had unusual features, as his skin was dark blue.

The man found himself in the middle of nowhere. He tried to stand up and walk, but his body didn’t have any energy left to accomplish the task.

“What’s my name?” The man asked himself. His speech had become smooth without any stuttering this time.

The man had no choice but to keep lying in this unknown area as his body gathered energy. Even though the man knew nothing about himself or this place, he knew one thing that to gather energy, he needed food, and the only thing in his sight around the area was empty air.


A voice emerged in the man’s stomach as he tried to see any hope of survival. Since the man couldn’t stand, he dragged himself to the ground.

Fortunately for him, the ground was clean without any rocks, while it was muddy, so only his clothes got dirty, and he received no injuries.

The man’s speed seemed to grow at a quick pace as if his body was slowly getting filled with energy.

Whatever was happening was outside of what the man understood, so it was also surprising for him. After an unknown amount of time, he had an intuition that he would be able to stand and walk.

The man gave an attempt and couldn’t help but become shocked after finding that it worked.

“What is going on?” The man mumbled in surprise, but at the same time, he kept walking ahead.

At first, the man’s steps weren’t steady at all, as if it was his first time walking, but as time passed, the steps became stable, and soon speed also became quick. If it took the man several seconds to cover a distance of ten meters, now it only took him three seconds, and soon it turned into two.

His walking became a sprinting, while at the same time, his body was gathering energy instead of losing. If the man could see air, he would see that the air was thinning, and similarly, the energy stocks in his body were growing.

“My name is Aakesh!” The man suddenly stopped as a message appeared in his head.

The man stood frozen in the area as suddenly an influx of memory appeared in his head, forcing him to scream in pain.

“Lily!” Aakesh screamed in pain as the face of his daughter flashed past his eyes.

“Halie, Mother!” Aakesh murmured some other names as the memory and faces became clear.

“NO!” Aakesh couldn’t help but crashed to the ground as he screamed toward the sky.


Aakesh finally calmed down after the hysteria and finally looked at him.

His strength from the memory seemed to have disappeared, and he had become an ordinary person, while the area around him was also devoid of Primal energy.

“Is this reincarnation?” Aakesh asked while looking up at the sky.

Time flew by, and after calming down, Aakesh finally exited the area and came across civilization.

The first reaction the people had when they saw him was fear, and soon he found himself in a prison, while people with a strange weapon that shot a small metal projectile caught him.

Aakesh found that he could overpower those people with his strength, but the strange weapon gave him a sense of danger, so he didn’t resist the arrest.

Aakesh didn’t have a watch to know the time, but he believed a few hours had passed after his arrest when a group of people wearing white coats over their various types of clothes came to visit him.

Since it was all new for Aakesh, he was curious about the group of people. But he suddenly sensed a danger, as a man with a weapon even larger than that strange weapon shot him.

Aakesh felt he was dying as his consciousness around the world was slowly disappearing.

Time flew by, and after an unknown amount of time, Aakesh found his consciousness returning.

Aakesh tried to look at himself but found that he couldn’t move his body at all, as if something had tied him. He could only look up at a metallic roof.


“Is he an alien?” Aakesh could hear the conversation of the people in the room, discussing him.

Suddenly Aakesh found that it wasn’t a room, but a vehicle, as he suddenly felt the entire room shaking.


“Eh! You are awake!” A female white coat member exclaimed in surprise when she saw Aakesh’s eyes open.

“Damn it! How could they be so careless with the dose?” The woman murmured, cursing someone.

“Where are you taking me?”

The woman almost jumped in surprise when she heard Aakesh speak. From the information she obtained from the police, there was a suspicion that the man was mute since he hadn’t said a single word even when he was roughed up in an attempt to arrest him.

The woman soon returned to calm, as in her profession, a flustered expression wasn’t good.

“Who are you?” The woman asked.

“I am Aakesh.”

“From where did you come?”

“I don’t know.”




“Where are you taking me?” Aakesh asked again after answering all the woman’s questions.

“You don’t want to know,” The woman looked at him with pity when she said this.


In Montana, the Turan’s strongest nation, there was a research lab that had made its presence invisible to the world for the past three years.

Only higher-level officials in Montana and the lab knew that they were working on an extremely confidential and significant project.

Purple House, the resident of the president of Montana,

“What is the progress?” The president asked the man, who was dressed in a formal coat.

“We are only one step away from completing the project, Super Soldier,” The man answered with a respectful face.

“Good, don’t worry about the funding! I want the project to be done before the election due in three months,” The president responded, satisfied with the man’s answer.

“Thank you, sir, president, for your generous support. We will try our best,” The man respectfully thanked.

“Do we know anything about the man or is it still a mystery?” The president’s face turned solemn when he asked.

Three years ago, the planet Turan was taken aback by the sudden emergence of a blue-skinned human. The man had disappeared soon after his appearance, but the rumors around him had already reached an exaggerated amount.

“We know nothing of the man’s past or how he came to be, but we have found a pigment that we haven’t found in any other race. We have named it the super pigment, and it assimilates with every race, but controlling it seemed to be difficult, so we have been researching how to control the super pigment from going on a rampage and destroying everything.”


“How are you, today?” Natasha asked.

Natasha was the same person that communicated with Aakesh on the bus. Since except for her, Aakesh had never spoken to anyone else, she was posted as his caretaker.

It had been three years, and the researcher had done all kinds of things to him, but Aakesh had never said a word since that journey. He didn’t even cry in pain.

Aakesh’s behavior shocked the researchers since every day, he had to give up three pints of blood. Aakesh’s body seemed to be from fantasy as no matter what injury, the researchers caused, it would heal in no time. It was also the reason that Aakesh looked even better than he had looked before coming here.

At that time, Aakesh’s skin had grown so tough that even a bullet couldn’t pierce it. Just taking the blood out was a lot of struggle for the researchers.

Natasha pity-faced Aakesh as she used the specially-made injection to extract blood.

“I am sorry,” Natasha apologized after the container was filled to the brim. In no time, the injury caused by the injection disappeared, leaving no mark of its proof.


‘What’s the point of existing like this?’ As he looked up at the roof, Aakesh reflected. He had been wanting to die to meet his family in the afterlife, but at the same time, he wanted to survive for his family.please visit panda(-)

Years had passed in that conundrum, and Aakesh had devolved into nothing more than an experiment subject.

If Aakesh wanted, he could break free, but the motivation to do such a thing wasn’t there.

Time flew by, and three more months passed.

In the president’s palace, the president was reprimanding the lab head since there had been no breakthrough in the research and the election was already close.

“Begin the human experimentation!” The president cruelly ordered.


“Sir, how can we do this? It’s murder,” After the lab head ordered the start of human experiments, one of the researchers complained.

“Use him as the first experiment!” The lab head’s face coldly ordered the guards.

The other researcher shirked their necks back after the order, no longer wanting to complain.





Screams rang in Aakesh’s ears as he stared blankly at the roof. It didn’t seem to affect him at all.

As time passed, the number of screams grew, while the hearts of the researchers grew cold as every subject exploded as soon as their blood came into contact with the super pigment.

When Natasha came to take Aakesh’s blood, her eyes were red. This time, she didn’t speak and left after collecting the blood.

Aakesh didn’t seem to care as he continued his blank stare.

Time flew by, and several more days passed.

Natasha’s eyes looked cold as she came to the room today. She had a chainsaw in her hands.

“If you die, everything will return to normal. “People wouldn’t have to die any longer,” Natasha said as tears began to streak down her cheeks.

She closed the gate so the sound of the chainsaw wouldn’t attract the guards. She pushed the string, activating the machine.

She had already seen enough humans die in the past several days; her mind couldn’t take any more deaths. Natasha pitied Aakesh for such a fate, but at the same time, she also blamed him for peacefully taking everything when he clearly had the strength to riot and destroy the lab.

“Please!” Natasha cried since she couldn’t bear the thought of cutting Aakesh with the chainsaw.

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“Why aren’t you fighting?” Natasha complained while tears continuously streamed down her cheeks.

Aakesh’s blank eyes reacted as Natasha’s plea evoked the dying memory in his mind. How he wanted to fight back and rescue his family.


Natasha couldn’t hold back anymore as she was about to fall, but Aakesh’s large hand came and grabbed the running chainsaw.

The specially-made chainsaw appeared to be nothing more than ordinary metal as it broke apart with a casual grip.

“Why do you want me to fight back?” The voice that Natasha seemed to have forgotten rang in her ears once again.

“They are killing everyone to make more like you,” Natasha responded after getting over the shock.

“Aren’t you one of them?”

“I am and I have no regrets, even if you kill me.”

“Are you sure?” Aakesh asked while the aura around him suddenly changed.

Natasha looked frightened at Aakesh, but she still nodded, as even if he spared her, she wouldn’t be able to live after the blood her hands contained.

Aakesh suddenly extended his hands, passing them directly through her heart.

A stream of blood escaped Natasha’s mouth, but at the same time, a relieved smile also appeared.

A flow of energy like never before seemed to pass through Aakesh’s body, enhancing it even further. Even the ground beneath him began to sink as it couldn’t bear Aakesh’s weight.

Aakesh seemed to go on a rampage after that, as he needed to fulfill Natasha’s words.


“NO!” Aakesh screamed in anger as he came out and saw one of the researchers injecting the super pigment into a ten-year-old girl’s body.

At that moment, time seemed to have slowed down as Aakesh crossed the barrier of sound and reached the girl. But despite that, he was late.

Even a tiny bit of the pigment was extremely dangerous, and not long after, the girl exploded like other subjects.

At that moment, Aakesh seemed to see Lily in that girl. When she exploded, something seemed to have exploded in his heart.

Aakesh became a cold-blooded machine after that as he massacred everyone in the research lab after the girl’s death.

Even after killing everyone, Aakesh’s anger only grew, so he turned his eyes toward innocents.

In less than a day, he massacred seven cities in Montana, forcing governments from all around the world to convene an emergency meeting.

“You bastard, look at what you have unleashed upon the world,” One of the nation’s presidents abused Montana’s president soon after the meeting got connected.

The president of Montana wanted to retort, but when he saw the angry faces of all the heads of state, he calmed himself down and asked permission to use the Destruction Bomb.

The Destruction Bomb was the epitome of human scientific achievements on planet Turan.

There were only three bombs in the world, and since every nation had some role to play in their creation, no nation could use them without every other nation’s agreement.

No head of state disagreed, so starting with Montana’s president, every head of state uttered an alphabet or a number, and soon the code was complete.

The code was sent to the special authority responsible for the bombs, and soon after, a missile flew in Aakesh’s direction.


Aakesh was on his rampage when he suddenly sensed extreme danger to his life. He looked up at the sky, and his eyes easily peered over the cover of clouds.

He could see a rocket flying toward him. If he wanted, he could escape, but he didn’t want to and welcomed the rocket.


With the explosion, another few million citizens died, but fortunately for the planet Turan, Aakesh was one of them.

That day became the downfall of humanity, as later that day, the core of the planet exploded, killing every living being across the planet.


Somewhere unknown,

“Another failure!” A voice rang in the darkness.

“What a disappointment to act like mortals and lose himself in revenge!”

“Don’t include the past. He will die without even finding his purpose.”

“Let’s see if this time he will succeed or not, or will it be another failure!”


“Whe…re is thi…s?” Aakesh spoke in a slurred voice as he opened his eyes into a closed space.


A/N: We have touched the milestone of a thousand chapters! I am very grateful to all the readers who have supported this book.

Thank you very much!

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