The Genius System Without Equal

Chapter 458 - Uproar, Public Opinion Storm. A Star’s downfall?

Chapter 458: Uproar, Public Opinion Storm. A Star’s downfall?

Mysterious, powerful, and iron-like body!

These were the labels that Luo Pingxiang had attached to Xiao Luo in her mind.



After Xiao Luo returned to his apartment, he immediately cleaned the wound and then applied the Golden Sore medicine he got from Ji Siying.

The effect of this medicine was not bad. After applying it on the wound, it felt like a big hand gently caressed his wound. It was cool to the touch and indescribably comfortable. He sat cross-legged and focused his mind. Yi Jin Jing was then activated, and the true qi circulated back and forth along the meridians throughout his body.

The strength of Yi Jin Jing lay not only in strengthening the body, but also in accelerating the recovery of internal injuries and trauma.

Although Xiao Luo didn’t sleep that night, his vigor was still high the next day. The wound on his back had already scabbed over (as in what happens to a wound midst healing). As long as he didn’t do any extreme movements, the wound wouldn’t open up again. He could completely heal in less than three days.

At this time, the door was pushed open.

Su Li barged in. She knew the password of the door, so she could come in anytime she wanted to.

She had not even changed out of yesterday’s clothes, she apparently woke up in a hurry because she was still wearing her jewelry.  Her beautiful face though, was full of anxiety…

“Miss Su, your habit of not knocking at the door is really not good. If you barge in while I’m naked, wouldn’t it be embarrassing?” Xiao Luo quickly finished putting on a white shirt that was still halfway worn. He then buttoned it slowly.

Su Li ran up to him and said seriously, “Take off your clothes!”

Xiao Luo was stunned, he then replied, “No need to take it off, my injury is nothing serious.”

“Take off your clothes!”

Su Li closed in on him, the distance between her immaculate nose and Xiao Luo’s was less than ten centimeters, she was currently showing her formidable side.

Xiao Luo felt helpless. He thought in any case, this woman was concerned about him, so what was the harm of following her wishes? He proceeded to take off the shirt he had just put on.

Su Li walked behind him, however, when she saw that the wound had already closed and scabbed, she was stunned.

“How is this possible? You got the injury last night…”

“I am a martial artist, and my recovery ability is different from that of ordinary people. In addition, I have applied a special Golden Sore medicine, so the injury is naturally better faster.” Xiao Luo calmly explained.

Su Li was still momentarily shocked before she could compose herself.  Soon after, she regained her usual indifferenceness. “Since your injury isn’t serious, come with me to the police station now.”

“To the police station?” Xiao Luo frowned and thought to himself, Does this woman want him to turn himself to the police?

“Of course, you have to go. You must make it clear to the police about what happened in the Villa. If Yang Yuanzhong’s people file a complaint first, things would get difficult.” Su Li answered.

So that’s what she meant!

Xiao Luo breathed a sigh of relief. If it actually was what he thought, he would really be speechless.

“There’s no need to go. While you were unconscious, I have already gone to the police station and made a statement. I told them everything, from the beginning to the end. Yang Yuanzhong was taken away by the police and he will face the crime of kidnapping.”

“You’ve already gone there?” Su Li asked with some surprise.

“Yes, I did.” Xiao Luo nodded.

“Then it’s all good, I’ll go back and rest.” Su Li turned and walked out.


“What’s the matter? Something wrong?”

“Yes, I told you last night to end this shady relationship between us. What are your thoughts about it?”

Xiao Luo continued, “You and I are not compatible. You now know the kind of person I am, so let’s just end it. You and I both will be free. You also said in the beginning that this relationship will be terminated when you found the right man. In any case, this will eventually be terminated. So why not terminate it now? You see … huh? What’s wrong with you?”

At this point, he just found that Su Li’s eyes were red. This immediately made Xiao Luo confused as hell.

“Have you never heard of the phrase ‘the final say belongs to the organizer’?” Su Li held back her tears and sneered.

Xiao Luo was stunned and immediately asked his question out loud, “What do you mean?”

“I will naturally terminate it when the time comes. Before that time, please don’t say anything like terminating the relationship.”  Su Li resentfully said before walking away.

But the moment she turned away, tears could no longer be held back and started to flow from her eyes. Why didn’t this man understand her feelings? Does he really have no intention of being with her?

Actually, Xiao Luo also really didn’t realize this. Plus, she already explained to him in advance that she would take the initiative to terminate this relationship when she met the right man. So how could he harbor any wild desires for Su Li? Although there were indeed some moments, they were all dispelled by him for that above reason.

He sighed helplessly, “Well, I guess we just have to see how long you can play this ‘game’!”



By the next day, the internet suddenly exploded, because Su Li’s name made it onto social media’s headlines.

—”Shocking, the national goddess Su Li is already married!”

—”Su Li deceived everyone!”

—”Who is the mysterious man behind the national Goddess?!”

—”An uproar: the national goddess is a liar!”

A headline was the focus on the internet with high traffic of various netizens, more and more netizens participated in the discussion. The number of comments on each media platform exceeded 100,000, and various comments were interspersed among them.

—”Aiii, the entertainment circle is just like this. Even though many stars are already married, they still claim to be single.  Something like this is not surprising.”

—”Who is that man, damn it, how can he have such a good fortune? I ‘greet’ (curse) your ancestors and your 18 generations! Why didn’t you (talking to someone) capture the man’s face clearly? Your phone’s camera is so sh*t.”

—”It turned out that the goddess Su has already married someone else and became someone’s wife. God, she deceived all of us.”

—”Everytime I think of the goddess Su lying under the crotch of another man, I really f*cking want to set off a motherf*cking bomb in a crowded place and retaliate against society!”

—”I will never watch her movies, dramas etc, and never listen to her songs ever again.”

This public opinion storm had greatly negatively impacted Su Li. Her micro-blog fans’ attention dropped from 70 million down to 50 million in just one day, and the number continued to fall drastically. At the same time, the micro-blog page had been visited by fans, all of whom have posted comments stating their disappointment on Su Li.

Chai Zhiying was as anxious as a cat on hot bricks, walking back and forth in Su Li’s apartment, Luo Pingxiang was also equally anxious. Also present there was Su Li’s mother, Wang Wanjing, and her brother, Su Canye.

If you want to become a superstar, you have to climb up step by step and accumulate fans bit by bit, and to fall would be really devastating…

This public opinion storm was a threat Su Li, and it was very likely that Su Li would topple from glory!

“What? Mr. Zhang, how can you do this…? Su Li is the pillar of our company. Hey, hey… ”

Chai Zhiying threw her phone and said to Su Li, “Miss Li, the company has heard of the news. They said that they’ll terminate all contractual relations with you; all film, television appearances, and song recordings will be cancelled. This is the decision of the board of directors.”

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